The Forbidden forest part 3

After Harry and Hermoine have been taken by Firenze, Neal spoke, "the deal between the Magorian and the giants were failed and everyone who went with him seemed to be killed. He said, there weren't four to five of them in the Forbidden forest but more than 20 have been gathered and hiding somewhere in the forest"

While the centaurs began to feel sadness and panic, Neal continued, "He also told that there might be a possible alliance between them and the Forest trolls. They intend to take over the forest by sending everyone else out.

I can't report to the school about it as you know I can't shelter a magical creature like Magorian in my magical suitcase. Since your tribe is well connected with Hagrid, you can tell him about the news of giants migrating here to Dumbledore and also you can ask him to set up a meeting with Acromantulas colony as an alliance with them will make you fight those Giants and Trolls.

Although this is just my suggestion.

As for Magorian, he only gained consciousness and wasn't fully healed yet. He wants to return to the tribe even in his grave condition. I'm not sure whether to accept his request or not". Bane replied, "I can't thank you enough for your kindness".

Neal replied, "well, just take it as you owe me. The next time, when I ask for a favor, your tribe will not say no if it seemed very difficult to you guys". As he nodded, Neal then asked, "by the way do you know a place where can I find Wiggentrees? I heard that there are a bunch of them naturally grown here somewhere in the forest and easy to spot.

Bane replied, "ah, those? the ones which can be used to protect from dark creatures? You can find them in the southeast from here on the perimeter of the forest. There won't be any danger on the way".

As the sun was about to rise, Hermoine was waiting for Neal at Hagrid's hut which is nearby the edge of the forest. While Ron and Harry hurried her up, she told that she will wait for some more time.

With Harry having Quidditch practice early in the morning, he went in a hurry and Ron went to sleep for a whole day during this weekend. After they were gone, Hermoine who was looking at the forest in a worry asked Hagrid, "are you sure he will return safely?".

As for Malfoy, he went to the hospital wing to treat his injuries he got last night while they encountered a wolf which Hagrid defeated it later. But as his hand was scratched the wolf in the attack once, he left to the hospital once they reached out of the forest while threatening Hagrid with, "My father will hear about this".

Coming back to Hermoine, Hagrid replied to her question, "well, although centaurs don't like humans, they don't attack Hogwarts students". Hermoine shook her head, "no, it's not about that. While we're leaving last night, the centaur....". She told him about Firenze and divinations.

Hagrid replied, "ah, him. His divinations are almost accurate. So, are you thinking that maybe he may be attacked that was supposed to attack you guys?".

As Hermoine nodded, Hagrid replied, "well, don't need to worry about him. If anything else, the poor magical creatures should be afraid of him, after all, he turned the forest upside down a couple of months ago which almost forced them to run away in fear".

Hermoine screamed, "What? What do you mean by he made them run away in fear?". Hagrid slapped his forehead, "oops, I shouldn't have said that. Anyway, you just return to your dormitory. I'm sure he'll return safely".

While Hermoine was confused about it, Neal was whistling while carrying the dead Unicorn body and a lot of trees with Floating charm.

Upon seeing him, Hagrid waved his hand while Fang barked as he's running towards him. "Hey, Neal. What are those small trees?". Neal replied, "Wiggentrees. For potions and this Unicorn dead body is for you. You deal with the procedures with it".

Hagrid became sad while looking at it, "who was cruel enough to kill such a pure and defenseless creature?". Hermoine asked, "should we report it to Prof. McGonagall?". Neal replied, "well, I'm going to report it after delivering these to Prof. Snape. You can report it if you wish".

After saying it, he went towards the dungeons while leaving her there alone without asking what she was doing there alone. Then, Hagrid spoke, "didn't I told you he would return without any issues?".

Hermoine mumbled while looking at his back, "I guess I was worried for nothing, then". Then, she said goodbye to Hagrid and start to walk back to her dormitory with a determination, "hmm, there are only less than 10 weeks for the finals.

I need to revise the notes again. How about going to the library no? But I'm really sleepy right now. Let's go back to the room and sleep for a couple of hours".

Meanwhile, somewhere far north in Europe, inside the Drumstrang institute, which is one of the three largest wizarding schools in Europe, a middle-aged man stood before and reported some news to Igor Karkaroff, the headmaster of the school.

Karkaroff frowned, "so, the Dumbledore caught the true heir, eh? That old man beat me to it again. But it doesn't matter. I have my plans. Vern, stay in the muggle world for a while. Your task is to locate the place where the boy will be staying during his summer vacation".

After Vern left, Karkaroff mumbled, "I'm already hearing the whispers of Dark Lord's return. No matter what I need to delay his return without getting any suspicion on me. I don't want to become a slave again.

Not to mention, I'm not even sure the Dark Lord will leave me alive after knowing that I betrayed him. I guess I need to persuade those in reviving the Tournament once again after 200 years. But it will take a while. Until then...".

After the weekend is over, inside the Great Hall at Hogwarts, Dumbledore announced, "there are only 10 weeks left till the term is over. Just like every year, the Hogwarts Annual festival is going to be held on the weekends.

So, no classes for the next five days. First years, Your Prefects will explain the details to you. Give the names to your head of the house by the end of Friday. I need to remind you once again that lots of personal points and house points will be awarded in this event. Good luck".