Dueling club part 1

On the day of Christmas vacation, Quidditch finals for the Winter cup are held. All the Professors excluding Dumbledore attended. Gryffindors held their heads as if they were doomed when they found that Snape is going to be the referee as Madam Hooch has caught the flu and is in the hospital.

Wood looked at Harry and said, "it's better if you catch the snitch quickly. The longer the match drags out, our winning chances will be reduced".

The match started. Quickly as everyone expected, the first goal belonged to Neal. Slytherin's technique is simple. Instead of trying to knock him down, they increased two more around Harry and try to block his vision and concentration. As a seeker can't be handled physically by other players, they instead opt-out for this strategy to increase the match time.

Half an hour later, Slytherins lead by 100-30. While Neal was panting, Wood smiled, "it's already been 25 times. He's going to reach his limit soon. Another half an hour later, the score is now 210-70 with Neal just staying in mid-air without moving while Harry Potter is moving behind the snitch and only Malfoy was able to catch up with him.

Wood was smiling as they are about to win and his strategy somehow worked. Flint suddenly smirked and instead of trying to dodge the chasers, he threw the Quaffle back. Neal who was still until now suddenly flew like a flash and caught the Quaffle.

Before they know what's going on, the Quaffle already passed through the Goalpost. Weirdly, one rogue bludger kept targetting Harry which gave Neal enough time to score again. As Slytherin's were celebrating, Neal frowned, "Flint, I don't think you haven't noticed but I think one bludger has been tampered with. Did you do something?".

Flint replied, "huh, tampered? Nah, it isn't me. Might be Professor Snape. I'm not sure. It doesn't matter now, anyway". As Malfoy was knocked out by the bludger and beaters went away, only then, the audience realized that a bludger has been tampered with and it's aiming for Harry.

But no one interfered as Harry's speed is fast and they can even hit Harry with a spell. Without bothering about him, they continued their match. With Neal scoring non-stop over and over. The score gap increased again to 260-90. As everyone was confused about why Neal is still fine even after 40 times passed, Neal thought, "I'm about to hit my limit soon. As long as there are two more goals, the victory will be guaranteed".

Flint, on the other hand, who was looking for the right time when everyone's focus on Neal and his sharp cuts started to wear out, he took the bat from the beater and hit it hard towards Harry who was almost flying close to the ground while the bludger is following him right away.

When Harry saw the oncoming bludger, he tried to dodged it but was hit in the back by the rogue bludger and crashed to the ground making Wood sigh and gave up the match as it's impossible to catch up to a 170 lead.

The Rogue bludger was destroyed by Snape immediately after the match was declared as Slytherin's win. While Gryffindors were suspicious that it might have been done by Snape to make his team win, Tracey asked Daphne, "how many was that now?". Daphne replied, "17 goals. That's 43 goals for this season. Just 48 is left to make a record. Since he will play a whole season for the Summer Cup, then there's a high chance that he will surpass the previous record which wasn't broken in the past 150 years. Who knows he might even get selected for National Team".

Tracey brought her back to earth, "he's still 12 you know. Have to wait 2 more years for him to even try, much less getting selected". Daphne realized the age requirement, "ah, that's right".

After the Finals are over, Christmas began. Unlike last time, Neal went to London and spent Christmas with Edward. Neal wanted to go and see Ms. Anne for Christmas who was working in an old age home but he stopped at the last minute and replied, "No, Edward. Not now. I'll go and meet her when I find the culprit. Not to mention, she doesn't remember my existence, anyway".

After dinner, he went to his room and just as he was about to sleep, he remembered something and pulled out Tom Riddle's diary. He opened it and wrote, "Merry Christmas Tom". The letters written by him vanished and a reply came, "Merry Christmas to you too, Neal".

Neal wrote, "can you now tell me about what happened the last time chamber opened? You told me that you were the one who caught the one who unleashed the monster". Tom Riddle replied, "It was done by someone who was protected by Prof. Dumbledore. I'll just show you my memory of it".

After a while, Neal wrote, "so, are you saying that the monster that was in the chamber was an Acromantula?". Tom Riddle replied, "either that or there wasn't a monster in the chamber, to begin with".

Then Tom Riddle once again offered his help with his studies to which Neal replied, "I'm currently on a vacation. We'll talk about it after I return to Hogwarts". Later, after closing the book he thought, "utter lies. He told that it's just a memory of him.

Then how can memories lie? He probably doesn't know the truth about the chamber of secrets and thought Aragog is the monster in the chamber? That's why Hagrid got expelled?

Hmm, he said they even gave a trophy for catching the culprit which made the school reopen. I think I should try to find his history to see what type of person he was. Tom Riddle told that he even became a head boy, last time, right? Let's check from there. Or should I just ask Dumbledore?".

Christmas vacation is over. Neal returned to Hogwarts like everyone else.

A week later, Neal and Daphne are walking across the entrance hall where they saw a few people gathered around a notice board, reading a piece of parchment that had just been pinned up. Draco hastened his steps towards them. Daphne asked him, "what's the matter Draco?".

He replied excitedly, "they are going to start a Dueling Club. Tonight is the first demonstration for the first and second years at sharp 8 P.M". Hearing that Neal simply nodded and went on his way while Daphne ran after him, "wait for me".

Draco was confused, "isn't it good news?". later, at 8 p.m, the first years are standing on the left side and the second years are standing on the right side of the Dueling platform looking a bit hopeless as they saw Prof. Lockhart and Pof. Snape standing on the platform together.

Lockhart then spoke loud, "ok, students. Listen up. Now, Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little dueling club, to train you all in case you ever need to defend yourselves as I, myself have done on countless occasions. For full details, see my published works.

Let me introduce you to my Assistant, Prof. Snape". With a wide flash smile, he continued to speak, "he told me that he has a tiny little bit of knowledge about Dueling and agreed to help me with a short demonstration before you begin".

When the students saw Prof. Snape's expression whose upper lip was curling, they all had only one thought, "Prof. Lockhart, rest in peace". As they walk toward the end of the platform and take their stances, Lockhart said, "ok, on the count of 3,2,1..."

Before he gets to even spell out, Snape fired, "Expelliarmus". There was a dazzling scarlet flash and hit Lockhart who was blasted off his feet, flew backward off the stage and smashed into the wall and fell on the floor.

Malfoy looked at the motionless Lockhart who wasn't getting up even after 10 seconds passed and whispered to Neal, "don't tell me he is dead".