Neal is angry

After leaving the Headmaster's office, Neal didn't bother to talk with Harry and proceeded to return to his dorm as it is past dinner time.

On the way, he met a 6th-year Slytherin Prefect named Doris Boots.

Filled with curiosity, Doris asked him right away about what happened at the end of the third task. As a Prefect, she was given more information on the matter but it was only incomplete.

Once the students were sent back to the forms, all the 24 Prefects of the school were summoned by the Vice-Principal.

Professor McGonagall informed them that due to some unforeseen circumstances, Harry and Neal were teleported to somewhere far away and the Triwizard Cup was destroyed. They were also told about the impersonation of Alastor Moody.

Suspecting foul play in these events, Dumbledore had taken such decisions. This is what they have been told but those who become Prefects weren't usually normal students.

No matter what house or year they are from, the Prefects were bright wizards/witches. They excel in either academics or something else. Of course, there are always exceptions but usually, it happens that way.

So, when they were given such information, even Doris had suspected that there was more to this. After all, such events will force Dumbledore or the school governors to shut down for a while and send away the students to their homes until their safety is determined.

Instead, the school holidays were canceled and the students of Beauxbatons were being sent away the following morning. Adding on top of this, Igor Karkaroff is missing.

She felt like the school is hiding something and felt like Neal knows the answer. However, she asked the wrong person. Harry might be foolish enough to reveal everything to even Slytherins but Neal is good at keeping secrets.

He simply brushed her off that he is too tired and needed some sleep. Because they weren't even acquaintances, Doris couldn't pressure him for the truth and let him go.

After nearly 10 minutes of walking into the dungeons, he stopped by a bare, damp stone wall.

"Draught of Death," Neal spoke the current bi-weekly password, which is the name of a potion.

The stone door concealed in the wall slid open and he marched through it. In the common room, there appeared to be several students chatting around.

"Hey, it's Slytherin," someone spoke out loud. Everyone abruptly turned their heads towards the entrance, finding Neal walking towards them. Tracey and Daphne were in the bunch. Both of the girls rushed towards him.

"Neal…" As Tracey hugged him in worry, Daphne halted her footsteps. Neal patted her back with a smile, "I'm alright."

The tight hug only lasted for a couple of seconds as Tracey realized her actions and stepped back. Fortunately, no one took it in a different way except for Daphne who didn't like her action as she felt that it is her right to hug her half-boyfriend. Because of her bestie, she missed the chance.

Well, Neal doesn't have any idea what's going on in others' minds but he wasn't in a mood to take care of his two female friends. With a serious expression on his face, he looked around as if he was searching for someone.

He then asked, "Where's Draco?"

"Eh?" The girls and the surrounding students were a little bit surprised as they saw Neal was angry.

As Tracey answered that Draco was in his room, Neal stormed upstairs, making everyone wonder what had the foolish heir of the Malfoy family done something that he was about to face the wrath of Neal as soon as he returned from the third task.

Upon reaching the door, he knocked on it two times. Just like Neal, Draco also lives alone in his room, starting from his second year. Unlike Neal who was allotted a single room by Snape because of his pet snake, Draco used his father's connections to get a room for himself.

When he doesn't open it, Neal pulled out one of his wands and aimed at the doorknob to cast out the 'Alohomora' spell but then, something suddenly clicked inside his mind and he let out a sigh and facepalmed himself, "what the hell am I doing?"

Shaking his head, Neal left there and went to his room to sleep for the rest of the night.

That day, he couldn't sleep all night properly. Until now, he was busy digesting the fact that Voldemort has returned but when he was alone and closed his eyes, his thoughts were filled with the duel he lost and had to run away.

Of course, he wasn't arrogant to think that a 4th-year student like him can take on the world's most powerful wizard but still, more than Lucius Malfoy's betrayal, he was more saddened by the fact that his ice knight, which even took a dragon head-on, was powerless before Voldemort.

All night, he kept on mumbling that he had to become stronger. For the first time, he was eager to improve his strength.

The next day morning, Neal left for breakfast. On the way, he met several Slytherin students who just greeted 'good morning' and murmured among themselves. All of a sudden, Neal appeared unapproachable with his serious look.

"Did Potter win the cup?" "Had Malfoy helped Potter in winning the cup?" "What happened last evening?" "I heard that he was attacked by someone and Potter helped him." "No, I heard that Potter wanted to kill him and conspired with Alastor Moody." "Maybe, Neal had won the cup but Malfoy thought that he lost and made his father cancel the tournament? That's why he was angry last night?"

As the students have a lot of time due to the cancellation of examinations, rumors also began to spread among housemates very quickly.

Neal could hear murmurs around, although not clearly, but he turned deaf to everything and reached the Great hall, sitting alone. A few people approached him, attempting to get the truth from him but Neal had his lips sealed tight.

At first, he tried to brush them off by replying that he needed to be alone at the moment. But then, as more and more of his housemates, especially from the same year had irritated him, Neal stopped even returning the morning greetings altogether, blatantly ignoring them and engrossed himself in reading the Daily Prophet newspaper.

Neal had actually expected the death eaters would publish the news about Voldemort's return because this moment would not only throw the magical society into chaos but also give a call for the death eaters to get gather at one spot. Wouldn't it be best for them?

Fortunately, there was no news about it.

"Were they dumb? Or were they afraid?" Neal wondered before remembering Dumbledore's words about the ministry of magic. He then thought that maybe, the minister Fudge had influenced the editor to take out such news.

Whatever the case, it is good news for Neal who was worried about the future of Slytherin House. But, he knew that the truth will come out sooner or later. And when it comes out, he was sure that it is going to be big enough to affect everyone in Europe. So, he had to make preparations.

While he was busy wondering about his future moves, Draco arrived with his two lackeys.

He heard from others about Neal. Wondering what it might be, he sat beside him while casually putting his arm around Neal's neck, "What's up, bro. I heard that you were quite disappointed. Did that Potter and old headmaster do something?"

Neal suddenly grabbed his wrist and twisted his arm behind Draco's back. As Draco let out a scream in pain, drawing the attention of other students, Neal looked at him coldly, "What happened? I think you should ask that question to that traitorous father of yours, Draco."

Neal freed him quickly and went back to reading but everyone around him was stunned by his actions. Draco shuddered in fear as he found extreme coldness in Neal's eyes.