Harry writes a letter to Neal

Thinking that he will get enough chances to take revenge in the future, Fudge furiously slammed the plate with the hammer, "Mr. Neal Berry Slytherin is cleared of all the charges and this case will be removed from the records of Wizengamot."

"Thank you." Neal clapped his hands and put them behind him as he said to Fudge, "Minister, before leaving, I want to say that I was really impressed by how the ministry managed to trace underage magic even when I was more than 4000 kilometers away from this place and that too, at a place where magic fluctuations are quite high. Very soon, I express my thanks."

Taking everyone by surprise with another indirect threat, Neal walked away with his grandfather.

"Hmpf… brat… Just you wait. I will pay you ten-fold for this humiliation." Fudge mumbled with darkened expression, looking at Neal's back.

Little did the ministry expect that on the same day evening, they would receive a notice from the International Council of wizards that the minister needed to appear for a hearing to face the allegations put by Neal on the mismanaged funds of Slytherin House.

As if that wasn't enough trouble, it appeared that the land on which Hogwarts was built still belonged to Salazar Slytherin and no descendant has claimed it so far.

The next day headlines on Daily Prophet:

"Neal Slytherin was cleared of all the charges"

"Neal Slytherin humiliates the ministry of magic by using loopholes within the law"

"Neal Slytherin files a case on the ministry of magic"

"Does the ministry owe 4.68 billion galleons to Slytherin House's heir?"

"Does the ministry of magic have the right to use the personal funds of wizards and witches if no descendant is discovered?"

"Hogwarts to owe thousand years' worth of rent with compound interest to Neal Slytherin?"

"Is Neal Slytherin the true heir of Slytherin House?"

"An official of the British ministry of magic claims that Neal isn't a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin"

"How does one prove the ancestry?"

"Minister Fudge to resign?"

"Is Dumbledore misusing his powers to deal with his personal feud with Minister Fudge?"

Nearly ninety percent of the paper had something written about Neal and his fight with the ministry of magic. The fact that the International council of wizards accepted his plea made this matter more explosive.

In fact, one should say Neal forced Dumbledore to accept the case because of all the pieces of evidence gathered by Avery House. They used bribes, threats, and even imperius curses all over to gather information quickly and form a detailed report.

Fortunately for Neal, Salazar Slytherin timely managed to discover the person who had the Horcrux too. This only further helped his cause and lets Dumbledore do a favor on him to speed up the process in exchange for Neal to acquire the item.

While the entire ministry was in the middle of chaos, the Avery House members made a visit to Umbridge in person and offered her 2000 galleons in exchange for the locket that their young master liked.

At first, she rejected the offer, but then, as they kept raising the offer while directly threatening her with how they had the evidence of her using a love potion on her ex-husband, she compromised at 15000 galleons, fearing that it would harm her carrier and at the same time, tempted for huge sum of money. She doesn't know about the history of the locket and neither did she know that it was a Horcrux.

Hence, she didn't feel like it is worth offending the little devil Neal, who suddenly became a headache for the ministry in just a span of a night.

With everything going on Neal's way, he shifted his focus on other things like mastering various spells of dark magic while deciding to shut himself in the house for the next seven days.

Meanwhile, in Surrey County in England, Harry Potter was reading the newspaper and he was stunned by the articles.

"Neal was awesome. I didn't expect he of all people would act so bold. A war with the ministry of magic? But, at the same time, it really feels reassuring for some reason. Maybe, it is because I feel like the ministry of magic isn't as strong as I have feared in my head.

Either way, as long as I can reason, I might be able to escape the expulsion.

And there's this clause in international laws where underage magic is allowed? Hmm… facing a dementor is worse than some snowstorm.

However, I need witnesses though. I wonder if that old woman living across the street will come to my aid. Well, she did help me when Mundungus who was supposedly following me in the shadows had gone somewhere and I was attacked by the Dementors.

To do anything, I need to get out of here, first. But, at the same time, those anonymous warning letters constantly tell me to not move away for my safety. Hmm… let's write a letter to Neal to congratulate him and also get some tips for my trial. It doesn't seem like I have any options left at the moment."

Making his decision, Harry wrote the letter on the evening of August 6th, pleading with his owl to reach Tagues village within 2-3 days of time. After all, there are less than 6 days till the trial and it would need an equal amount of time to return to him too.

Little did he expect that the next day morning, the Dursleys would leave the house together for a day, and in their absence, he would be visited by a group of wizards, two of them were familiar to him and one was a familiar face, i.e. the real Alastor Moody, ex-professor Lupin and Sirius Black, his supposed godfather.

Suddenly, everything fell into place. Harry left to stay at Number 12, Grimmauld Palace, met Hermione, Weasley's family, get to know the stories of his parents from Sirius Black who was revealed to be James Potter's best friend and finally gets to know about the order of the phoenix.

As for Ron, things were still awkward between him and Harry & Hermione at the moment. He couldn't do much about it until Ron himself would apologize to them and promised to behave himself.

Perhaps, he was inspired by Neal's actions. Harry took the initiative to converse with Arthur Weasley and others about how to tackle the trial. But, to his disappointment, everyone just assured him that Dumbledore will take care of everything and that there was nothing to be worried about.

With dreams about various things haunting him lately, Harry couldn't relax for a moment. Despite the fact that he was surrounded by so many powerful wizards and the ones who really care about him, Harry had put his hopes in Neal, atleast in his mind.

Maybe, the prime reason might be because those adults are keeping a lot of things away from him by keep stating that he is too young to know about the real important matters regarding Voldemort.

Just like that, four days passed away in a blink of an eye.