Weak host


Listening to its host's crying the panicking voice said

System:[H-h-host p-p-p-please do not c-cry]

[I'll be there to help you]It said confidently hoping to calm its sobbing host.

"that d-d-doesn't make things better at all!!*hic*wahh!" said Ciara between the overflowing tears.


[Hard not to hurt by that dear host]said the voice

Ciara only responded with a sobbing cry.

With a sigh, the voice was thinking about how to calm its host.


suddenly an idea popped into its head.

With a grin it said

[oh dear I can't believe my host is so weak that she can't even handle a simple character in a romance novel]

Hearing its comment Ciara stopped her crying.

Seeing that its plan was working the voice continued

[*sigh* normally my hosts have a strong personality and can face any obstacles thrown at them]

[Guess my luck has gone bad, my new host is just a weakling who cants even handle a single charecter-]

"Bullsh*t" shouted Ciara

Wiping her tears she continued

"Just who are you calling weak!"

"I can take all those so-called strong previous hosts of yours all at once]

"A little character from a novel ain't nothing for me"

With a sly voice it continued(I wanted to say smile but systems don't have mouths or do they?)

[so then you will do it!, Promise no take backs~]

"yes I promise"



[yes! host promised! now you have to do it]


'that little **** tricked me'

[Host please do not curse me in your head]


"there I did not curse you inside my head this time"



'There is no use arguing with her'

Shutting up the voice

Ciara stood up and dusted her clothes and said

"I guess I have no choice but to accept my current circumstances"


"now that you tricked me I'll have to finish your so-called missions"

[yes!you are correct!]said the voice

After listening,

Ciara looked around her surroundings and said

"so at which part of the novel am I at-"

suddenly a feminine voice sounded from above the cliff, interrupting Ciara

"I found her !!"

"she's down the cliff!"


Author's note

Hey if anyone is still reading this novel then allow me to say

Thank you!

And the reason why I was dragging this part of the story was to show how reluctant she was.


I wanted to show how much Ciara wanted to go back and not stay in the novel also how ill mouthed and overdramatic she is.

And the real drama will start now

So keep reading and enjoy!
