
The sun shines bright

Morning Ray's shines through a broken window

Wakes an man up.

it tells him it's time to get up and live another day

he wasnt any man. Hes a homeless and loveless one . He knows it's his fault he is like this. once he was a big man and the wealthiest one. But it ended when started to trust no one. and became paranoid about everything. chased his friends away in ship loads. He was worried that they are using him for money and power. But what he forgot was that they was with him through thick and thin before he gained power and money. Many say people are to blind to see when greed comes. well they're right. And he lost it all...

As he gets up. he thought upon what he done in his past.

Hes sorry to everyone for what he had done. But even he cant look them in the face. So he decided to start a new from beginning to end. Even when he hears whispers about what he was he just turns he head. He dont want to live in the past he only want to get through the present.

So he starts from 1 and up. to build himself up again but this time he dont qant to be wealthy just happy. Happiness is what he lost before but he wants to gain it back. He dont know how and if he will. But he is sure when someone precious comes into.his life he will keep them in it for as long as they want him to.

What he realizes is that hes happy now. He dont have to worry about money or getting assassinated and things. He can live a normal life like a normal being. But just know the downfall of everything ain't want you think it is. It isn't far nor close.....its yourself and the monster in you...