The last ride was the most stressful the nervous tension I felt coming off Sam the entire time. After the first day everyone had calmed themselves but now I understood his nerves we didn't even have a full half a day ride left until we would teach our destination. Then he would finally meet the woman he would marry only a few days later. That has to be stressful and normal weddings are stressful enough when you know the person, I honestly can't imagine a blind arranged marriage. That day we didn't even ride from morning until night. We stopped at a clearing and we could hear other people's voices.
"Well make camp here, stay quiet though. We will go over once we have set everything up and have enough fire wood and taken care of the horses." Corey's father said.
We all nodded and started setting everything up. It made sense that he doesn't want them to know we are here yet so we know how they speak and act without knowing anyone is listening. To know if anyone doesn't agree with the marriage or might be problematic or if they might try to make anymore moves while we are here. The women Sam is going to marry we also have to make sure won't be a flight risk after we leave. Liz and I will get to meet Sams wife today. We will also be able to help get her prepared for when they first meet and when they actually get married. Since we are considered his family and will be our sister in law as I will be soon. We are all supposed to be close the power that females have behind the doors when deals and such are made can be very strong we are also supposed to be our husbands consul when he needs an opinion on what to do. When clans go to war we have to go with our husbands unless we are pregnant or just given birth. We are there to help heal the wounded and if our husbands die we can't ever remarry unless it's to the clan that won against ours. I'm that case we can marry one of them if one of there warriors find us interesting.
Having all of the top women on the same page helps keep peace between the top men in clans. Most people don't realize it the power the lead women holds. I had been always known as did Liz since we were raised by leaders. I didn't know about going to war with the men though, my clan didn't go to war and were very peaceful. Corey told me about the war part though. Honestly I feel bad for this women because she didn't get a choice and most likely has no clue what she's about to get into by marrying Sam. To be fair she doesn't even know Sams name and she doesn't know his position just that it's high up in our clan. It's the same for this girl but I know that she isn't the leaders daughter since it's my aunt and she hasn't been able to have a child. It'll be nice to meet Sams bride though and see who we are going to see around more often. I want to know how much dragon she has in her if she's even a hybrid at all. I'm not really nervous at all now though. I mean I'm not the one getting married to someone I don't know but I'm going to be stuck with having her around most likely. In my defense if I don't like her I don't have to go out of my way to see her and it's not likely that we will just run into each other since I live a like a 5 min ride away in my own village, we really are like a mile away though, it's not a short walk but not a long ride making it easy to go to Corey's village and an easy ride for him to come back to me at night. If you walking into the other hand you most likely aren't going to come over to visit since it out of the way. We picked a good spot and we actually have tree growing which most places in the region are grasslands due to the low amount of water. We created a pond that only those who live there know about. It's a half a mile away so most people if they are just riding over for something won't know it exists. It was what we wanted and it's big enough to allow all of our trees to grow. It's also nice to go for late night swims.