A few days have past since we held our meeting. They are finally far enough away that even if the tribe was somehow able to get a message to them about an animal attack there is nothing anyone could do. It would take at least 3 days of straight riding to be able to reach them by now since they have been gone for almost 4 days now. Which means it's time for Zack and Blake to make there move. Since we found out who the girl is Maddie and Nick have been watching her moves and figure out her schedule and relaying the informations to Zack and Blake so they know when it'll be best to strike. From what Emma and Logan have said it sound like it will happen tonight. They found a few lions and used there magic to nock them out yesterday and lions have been in a cadge not far from here since then. They haven't given them very much food since they caught them that way they will be hungry when we let them out and they will become more aggressive. When they strike at night nobody will think anything of it. I also know that the twins aren't just going to nock out the girl and let her be killed. They will have a good time with her before they let anything happen since she messed with a openly taken man. It's all fair game as long as at the end of the night she doesn't have any marks on her other then what is caused by the lions.

I almost feel bad for the girl, but everything that's happening is her own fault and caused by her actions. I'm more worried that a child will get hurt while lions go through the village but I can't do anything to prevent it. It has to look realistic and if she is the only one who gets hurt by lions it'll look like someone set it up and we can't have that. We are simply doing what is need to protect ourselves. They already intend to use us as a shield while they migrate which isn't our job and puts our people in danger so I don't feel at all bad for what they will face soon enough. My sisters to kind and doesn't like the idea of other people getting hurt as cultural damage but that's why we all exist she had an easy life living with humans being raised to take over her tribe, while we fended for ourselves and kept her safe from those who tried to harm her. She doesn't know how war works yet and one day she will figure out you don't get what you want or win by playing nice with others. She will have to learn that if she ever plans on leading the tribe and changing the way things are right now.

Things will change as she gets older and gets more used to our way of life. She was just pampered and spoiled so she still isn't used to the real world that we live in yet.

Her dogs have been doing well though. With the new member here they have been taking care of the dogs and helping Emma train them. They also have been helping with hunting as they are also aware of our ways. They are still very weary of being out in the open since they can't transform and fly away if something would happen since they had there sings cut off by hybrids. It's also clear they still aren't sure about the tribe that Corey is from since they are hybrids they are always on guard which is a good thing for us. They have started calming down a little more and are all out helping with the things we need down in our village that way we don't need to rely on the hybrids for anything and they almost seem as if they are trying to compete with them since they work harder and seem to be trying to make our garden better than there and our stables and houses seems better set up than the other tribes as well. It's almost entertaining. The new ones went out with Logan and caught there own horses they caught the same as the rest of us did, but they take pride in looking after everything and keeping everything perfect. They are doing all of it for my little sister because they want to make her proud and not regret saving them and letting them in. It's a good aspect of the innocence she has right now because of what she did they will be loyal to her and I think they would give there lives for her because it's thanks to her they are alive now and have a place they can be safe and they are very aware of that fact. Which is good because they should be.

Night started to fall and Blake and Zach disappeared to go handle the women. It was around the time she would be going out to the stream not very far away from the river to get water, she does it ever night. Emma and I sat patiently waiting to hear when they noticed there was lions. The dogs would bark before the people would notice but the dogs bark at everything even if it's just people walking around so they don't work as good warning signals and people often yell at them to be quiet and not realize the warning they are trying to give.

Zach and Blake had been gone for at least two hours now. It was completely dark and that's when we started to hear noises. The dogs at there village we're going crazy and a few minutes later we heard some people yelling. Then the twins returned.

"It's done." Zack said.

"Your sure nobody saw you and that she's dead?" Emma asked.

"Yes, we watched the lions rip her apart and the double checked to make sure there was no pulse before we left." Blake said.

"Also everyone was already asleep and we did it in our closer to the River so there were no eyes and it'll look like she got attacked on the way to the river or on her way back." Zack said.

"Good job. Thank you for your hard work." I said.

The tribe went to send a letter by a runner but planning ahead Nick sent a heard of wild Buffalo stampeding towards the messenger party of five. Only one made it back to camp and was in critical condition. From what we had heard him tell the other he had no clue the party had been targeted and from there ok they didn't send a second party as they had already lost to many people between the lion attack and the stampede. Therefore our job was done. At least that's what we all thought.

One of the dragons in our clan was there because she didn't know about the plan. She was there for the stampede, she had gotten to close. Nick and Zack saw her but when he saw her it was already to late. Zack carried her body back to the camp. She was out there looking for him because they had been seeing each other and she got worried when he had been gone for so long so often lately. She grew up with Emma and her siblings. Even though she was with us there was nothing we could do for her. She got hurt to badly since she got caught off guard by the stampede and wasn't able to transform because of it. I watch Zack walking back carrying his childhood friend and the women he had wanted to make his wife one day. We smelled the blood before we ever saw them and he seemed broke in a different way and all we could do was run to him and try to be by his side. We did all we could and used our abilities to take her pain away as much as possible. Her wounds were to deep and there were to many for us to heal her. She will die soon so all we can do is make her comfortable and be there with them so she won't be alone.