Time seemed to fly by before I new it I was turning 10. I was considered a protege in everything and had learned other languages from around the area as well, which made it so I could go with our father to great people and learn how to be a good diplomat. He was preparing me to take over the position. After all I was his only legitimate heir since I was born from his first wife. Technically my brother also could of become the leader, but since his mom was the second wife she was considered a concubine. Which basically just meant he wasn't pure blood and had less right to the throne than I did since I was consider pure or regal blood since my mother came from another high ranking family and was the first wife. It was justified by saying the first wife is the only wife god will recognize so any child born with a different wife isn't pure blood and therefore isn't recognized, unless the first wife doesn't have a child in which case she can be replaced by a concubine who has a male child that way there is an heir.

It becomes complicated when the first wife only has daughters as a man is needed to rule over the tribe, but if the daughter is talented and can prove herself she can become the heir. A lot of times even if that isn't the case as soon as a daughter is born to the first Queen high ranked families with a male child around the same age immediately ask for the daughters hand in marriage and work out an arranged marriage at birth. Then the child will get married at 13, once the marshal is arranged if she is the only child to the first wife she is recognized as the rightful heir and has another powerful families backing.

Once they r married in the other hand her husband can still take other wives and even with her pure blood if she can't have a child she can be replaced. Unless she is truly loved by her husband or people in which case the people have revolted against the king to keep her as their queen.

In my case it's different I'm a prodigy and the people love me. The only thing I can't do is fight because a women shouldn't learn sword or how to shoot bows, but I still remember pieces of my previous life so I still know how to. Although knowing how and my body being able to handle it aren't the same. This means I'm the women every eligible man's family is looking to have him marry, my mother had an engagement set up when I was born but my father cut it off as he said the boy wasn't good enough and anyone who would marry me would have to prove themselves. I have been spoiled, my father and mother both love me and give me all their attention. It's clear to everyone that my father wants to make me his heir, and I have made friends with all the higher families daughters and even saved a few during social events. Their families are aware and it's made it so o gained favor and they supported me.

I didn't actually save anyones life but I saved their social life and reputation which is the same for most of them since social standings in social circles and reputations are everything as if your reputation drops you stop getting invited to events and these events are how you hear about things happening and where you meet men to try and find a future husband.

I also go to the lower people often and bring food and clothes so that way our people have things, I've also read books at the orphanage in our village. I also taught our people a better way to plant crops and helped design a sewer system that way our drinking water doesn't get infected with bad bacteria. Since we aren't moving anymore I figured I should try and improve things the best I can that way I can live a comfortable life. My name here had changed, I was know as the people as a genius. Someone the dragon god had blessed with knowledge. I had both my father and most of the peoples support to take over as the heir.

The night of my 10th birthday my brother came to my room. He said "Come with me, I'm going to teach you sword for your birthday since you have been asking but we can't tell mom and dad."

I was foggy from waking up but I smiled at him and nodded my head as I followed him out of my room and outside. We walked away from the house and village he said it was so people didn't catch us, and I saw two wooden swords poking out behind a tree. I smiled and ran over to them. As I picked one up and went to turn around I felt a pain in my head and I fell to the ground. I started crying and my vision was dazed, some warriors stood over me and I could see my brother walking over. The warriors grabbed me and started dragging me away, I was in and out of consciousness. I knew I had been hit in the head with something.

I felt myself being tied up and I didn't stay awake for long. I heard my brothers voice whispering in my ear, "I'm sorry, but I can't rule and live my life if you are around."

After hearing that I felt heat and a lot of light. It hurt as it touched my skin I screamed and realized. My brother had betrayed me, I was burning. My brother decided to burn me alive so there was no evidence of what truly happened and that way he could get me out of his way.

Everything was so bright then it went black.