Rules have there own purpose but for my brother and the others who don't live under the roof with master for the most part we do as we want and don't have to report every job we take or turn down. Which we don't take many of now and days, we normally only do information instead of kidnapping or assassination type jobs. The only time my brother says he will do those types of jobs now is for the emperor. I for the most part have stayed out of it, the emperor only knows my fave because my brother brings me along to visit. He doesn't realize that I also work with my brother. It's better this way.

After all there's nothing I can do. I can move freely around the palace when I'm there since any pictures of my mother have been covered up. The Emperor only has one living son that's the crown prince, not including my brother Tim of course. The crown price is turning 19 this year, he was the mistresses child. Nobody has any proof that he's actually the emperors son and Carrie's his blood, but the moment my mother gave birth to me and my twin brother. They mysteriously fell ill. My brother died after only being alive for a month and the illness made it so the empress my mother could no longer conceive. She thought she had lost both of her children then once the crown prince was declared to be the successor she fell ill and died from an unknown sickness. He wasn't declared as the crown prince for 7 years after my twin had died. After the declaration my mother was determined to remove him and kept trying to have a child. A few month after the declaration only a few know this she went into what most thought was a depression locking herself in her room. Very few were able to enter but I still had received information as we had been watching her. I wanted revenge which is how it started, but I had my chance and couldn't take it. I found she was pregnant that's why she had locked herself away, this child would have claim to the throne more so then the current crown prince and that title could be removed. She didn't die of some unknown illness as I found out so did others within the castle and the crown princes mother had her poisoned. Without another heir nobody could say anything about the legitimacy of her son, but if the empress gave birth to a child that child male or female could replace him and potentially have strong backing from an arranged marriage.

I don't condone what my mother did to me, but it's the only reason I'm alive, I believe my twins death was caused by a similar poison, it wasn't an accident. Either way my mom and twin are dead while Tim and I are hidden but alive and well.

I'll explain why everyone thinks the crown prince isn't of royal blood as well. He has black hair and blue eyes just like his mother. My father has blond hair and green eyes, and at the time of his birth his mother wasn't officially brought in as a mistress yet. That doesn't mean that my father didn't sleep with her but it's unlikely just due to his appearance as he looks like one of the old higher up head of family. Nobody is able to prove anything and without another heir it doesn't serve a purpose to speculate as it'll only put people on the imperial family's bad side which isn't some place you want to be if you want to live a long happy life.

Part of why my debut is going to be at the casket is also because there will be visitors here from other kingdoms. There will be multiple kingdoms here trying to form trading routes and strengthen alliances since the crown prince will be back from battle. Most other kingdoms want to be on the prices good side for when he takes over to prevent conflicts and have good trade when it comes to supplies so there will be multiple foreign delegations and kings coming. Along with higher up noble families hoping their daughter catches the crown princes eye, even if just to be taken as a mistress.

The emperor has called the prince back early since he wants him to be my escort. He also wants us to meet one another before the day of but we will see what happens.