With the information I had received and my plan in place I set everything into motion. I knew the schedule she had tea and would eat so I used my magic to add it into her food and drinks.

Paper started printing more about how Nora was trying to take over and information about her family plotting against my brother and I, spread like wildfire. The people who were already outraged became worse and those who stood by the sidelines had joined protests in the streets screaming for Nora and her families heads. There business were boycotted and merchants stopped selling them products and ended contracts. Then pressure also grew within the nobles as any who had sided with me were pushing for a punishment and a proper investigation to be done since it never was, and even those who backed the prince and not me felt the pressure and joined in.

He was backed into a wall and forced to look into doing something about it due to the outrage from nobles and commoners. Nora lost her child and during the investigation they found the same poison and egret which would cause her to lose her child. It got published and the people were even more outraged saying she killed her child for sympathy and to hope not to get as harsh of a punishment or none at all.

Nora's family was all sentenced to death by law for killing my brother and plotting gainer the imperial family. Peter couldn't do anything about it and he knew it as when he put off Nora's execution and tried to change hers to banishment the people went even more crazy and had riots in the street. The nobles who had sided with me also pushed him in outrage. He thought he had more people backing him but quickly realized even those who typically sided with him were also telling him he couldn't change it. They were being backed into corners since the majority of people are commoners and they are what the nobles rely on for taxes and to keep their positions. Out of fear of what might happen they all decided to that Nora and her entire family all needed to have their title stripped and have the penalty that should be given by law.

He visited Nora frequently while she was awaiting her execution date. I decide I would make a visit since it was almost her last day and Peter would be busy with work. I made sure he has a few large piles of paperwork to read over and sign. We also made sure there would be plenty to talk about during the advisory meetings that way he would be too busy to visit.

I went down and she seemed comfortable, she had dresses to change into and looked as if she was doing well. I called to the guards. "Remove all of this, she's nothing more than a criminal and commoner."

The guards went in and removed all of her nice outfits and jewelry. They also stripped her of the nice dress she was wearing and threw a brown dress to her to change into it.

"How dare you follow her orders, you should be following your king!" She screamed.

My father walked down, as the guards finished taking out her things without hesitation. They were after all from my order of knights.

"Yes you should follow what the imperial family tells you to do. That is why when my daughter says to do something it is done without any hesitation." He said to her with a smile.

Nora looked shocked and finally put it all together.

"Your why Peters mom was sent away!"

"Yes, it's fine if you know this since you only have a few days left alive. Peter won't be visiting you again." I said

"What do you mean? He'll be back and you'll regret this!" She yelled.

"No he won't, you see he has a lot of work to catch up on." Our father said.

"Then he'll have a funeral to plan for." I said.

"No. He'll see me!"

"He won't, you see the he same poison used to kill my brother will be found in his mother. He'll be getting the letter tonight. There will be a letter with your houses seal found on her servant. The servant will tell him that your family sent her, he will never forgive you. Since his mother is so important to him." I said and smiled.

"There no need to worry, you'll be dead soon enough. In two days to be exact." Our father said.

We smiled seeing how broken she looked, she had realized she lost.

"Why are you doing this to me!"

"You stole my husband."

"You stole him from me first, we were in love and you took him. I'm supposed to be his one and only wife!" She yelled.

"Your not though. I am the queen and I am his wife. Your nothing more than a mistress, now your not even that. Your a commoner and criminal who will be hung as an example. The people hate you, the nobles are against you, and soon your beloved king will be as well. You crossed the wrong person." I said.

"Don't bring her anything fancy anymore. She will be treated like a normal prisoner who has committed treason." My father commanded to the guards.

"I may of given my throne to my son before I died but I am still the most powerful and well connected man in this castle. My time may be up soon but yours is as well." He said to Nora.

"I will see you and my grandson outside for dinner since it's a nice day out." He said then left.

"Is there any last words you have for Peter as I'm sure I will see him tonight."

"He will never believe that I did this, he will come down and I will tell him everything!"

"Goodbye Nora." I said and started waking away.

"He won't believe you! He will never love you! He will come back to me!" She screams echoed as I walked away and left the prison.

We had planted letter stating that Peters mom needed to be killed and that they were the ones who made our father originally want the death penalty. There were letters in his room that had their seal on it.

When the letter came that night it was after dinner and we brought our son to visit him at the office with food since he was so busy. The letter arrive as we were about to leave. The maid was brought in with the letter. She admired all of it while we were there. That Nora had given her money to poison his mother as soon as I had returned as she didn't want me to gain the upper hand since I had given birth to her grandson. Our father stepped in and said he should of known. He had letters of her father advising him to go for the death penalty all those years ago when she was banished.