Playing Soccer w/ Orphans

{Fumio - First Person ~ Summary of Birth}

After leaving that place, I found out that I was the product of an unplanned birth; And was, fortunately, left at an orphanage's stone doorstep instead of the cold snow in front of it.

I wanted to experience having a family for the first time, but I think I should focus more on finding out where exactly I am, both in the anime's world and timeline.


{Third Person Perspective}

Fumio had read many fanfics and still couldn't found it hard to believe he was in the same situation.

'Ugh... I can't sleep. How can they cry for so long without getting tired...' This was obviously Fumio's thoughts since his inferior cradle neighbors only thought about trivial things.

The orphanage's caretakers were surprised by how much time Fumio would spend sleeping, and how little he would cry. Only doing so to inform them that he needed a change of diaper, etc.

His behavior as an infant already qualified him to be registered into the Orphan-Recruitment Program by the orphanage's supervisor, enacted to raise Iwagakure's numbers of talented Academy students.

Obviously, Fumio wasn't aware of this, and all he thought about was quickly growing up so he could commence his chakra training, while also feeling slightly nervous about learning things all by himself.


{7 Months Later...}

Fumio was finally able to walk at the age of 8 months. The orphanage caretakers were impressed since most newborns needed at least 11 months to start walking.

This was also when his chakra reserves became large enough for him to be able to finally sense it. He never felt chakra inside him for 18 years, because his past-world simply didn't have chakra, so he was very sensitive to chakra.

Additionally, he had sensed something else inside him, a couple of months after being able to sense his chakra, which he soon realized to be the connection he had with the violet book that gave him a wish.

However, he wasn't able to find a way to bring that book out, only learning how to make a glowing, violet rune-like marking appear on his right wrist.


{2 Years and 6 Months Later...}

Fumio hasn't made any friends in the orphanage, spending most of his time listening to books that one of the well-paid female caretakers would read out to him, before he would later start reading books by himself.

From the books he would read, Fumio learned that he was inside an orphanage located in the Earth Country's Capital. Which was also in the same country as the Hidden Rock Village.

With this information, Fumio made it his goal to make it into the Hidden Rock Village so he could use the resources in its Academy to get stronger.

He also learned that he was born a year after the end of the Third Great Shinobi War.

Let's talk about Fumio's progress and, well, the lack thereof. Despite his phenomenal chakra-sensing ability, he struggled greatly with chakra control, thinking he had tried everything to get that annoying leaf stuck on him.

Out of frustration, Fumio chose to put chakra control training on hold and instead focus on gathering more information.


{2 Years later...}

Fumio had more chakra in his reserves now and felt more confident as he finally resumed chakra control training.

Another reason behind his resumption was that he started worrying about his slow progress, especially when comparing himself to other child prodigies in the Naruto world.

Instead of playing ninja with the other orphans, Fumio asserted his dominance by teaching them how to play soccer, using a good-sized ball that he was very surprised and lucky to find.

The space in the government-funded orphanage's courtyard was more than big enough to allow them to play without any limitations and all of the younger and older kids seemed to enjoy the sport more than the same old ninja game they'd been playing for years.

All of them had terrible footwork and would often accidentally kick the ball or trip on it, allowing Fumio to finally win in a sport for the first time in his cumulative life.

He had seen many of the kids in the orphanage finding families and wondered why he hadn't been picked yet, before deciding not to think too much about superficial things like that.


After a week, Fumio finally managed to keep a leaf stuck on his forehead, which was followed by a strange feeling coming from his stomach

This feeling wasn't hunger, but rather the violet book's familiar shaking before it suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Woah... I haven't seen you in a while, bud," Fumio spoke before the floating book fell on his hands.

It opened to the second page before a familiar scene of words, being written in black-ink, started appearing on the page.

[Requirements for Chakra Control Guidebook - Met!]

[Chakra Control Guidebook's Initial Mastery] Sprout

[Tip: Think or Say, "Open Chakra Control Guidebook," with the intent to do so.]

After learning that his book friend acted like a System that could assist him with the very thing he currently struggled with most, Chakra Control, Fumio was filled to the brim with excitement.

Before checking out what the book had to offer, he began thinking about the many things he could accomplish with the violet book's help. Perhaps, he could create his own awesome Jutsu...