"So how to build world?" asked Regret. " Building a world is simple you just need imagination. After all you are now a creator god, being even greater than One above all and one below all. It is a simple matter for you to break the barrier between reality and imagination" said the system. "Oh I get it so where am I ?" asked Regret. " You are at the " Realm of God" where every creator gods reside. You can't interact with your world. If you want to know about your world you can only use an avatar. By the way, right now you are the only creator god" said system. "Where are the other creator gods?" Regret asked. "They are all dead because they got too bore with eternal life and choose to dead" answered the system. " So what about the marvel world where I came from" asked Regret while looking around magnificent realm of god. "You are still in the marvel world this world exists in your true soul so only you and I and the one true god can know about this world. Now, if your curiosity satisfied, shall we start building your world?" said the system."Oh yeah ok we shall start" Regret answered. The system lead Regret to endless void where only immeasurable white space exist. First,the system asked Regret to creat chaos void where the world will form. The chaos void is a magnificent ball of black full of energy of chaos which will form the world. System asked " which type of world would you like to form?" Regret said " I would like to form a gaming base world like RPG". The system said "then you can imagine that world and will it to be created". Regret do as system said and the chaos void expands and becomes a world like Regret imagines. The system said "you can't go into your world but you can explore it by sending your avatar. You can create avatar like you creat the world. Regret create the avatar as system said. The avatar looks like Regret expect for his golden hair and red eyes. The system said " if you want to,you can customize your avatar as you want as privilege of the creator god. You can also control your avatar with mind or you can also control it you control a game character". When Regret heard that he was really exicited he right away set the avatar in invincible mod. "Hehe with this I am god of cheat" he thought.