Chapter 2 Need Validation

"The room you ordered, Mr. Li," a sharp-looking man in a tailored suit said as he pulled the curtains open to a luxurious private room. The man's professionalism matched the opulence of the setting, a gesture of respect toward the status of the young man leading the group. The others followed Li Tian with wide eyes as they entered the room.

The place reeked of extravagance. Ornate chandeliers cast a golden glow on the plush velvet seats, while an array of expensive bottles gleamed from a marble-topped bar at one side. The floor-to-ceiling windows provided a perfect view of the dance floor below, where bodies swayed in rhythm to the heavy bass. Li Tian's entourage wasted no time, rushing into the room like children at a candy store, scrambling to claim their spots on the giant oval-shaped sofa.

Li Tian, always making an entrance, strolled casually behind them and took his place at the center of the couch. His expression was indifferent, but the subtle lift of his chin hinted at his approval. The flicker of pride in his eyes was almost imperceptible, but those who knew him well could see it. His mood was clearly soaring. This was his kingdom, and tonight, he was ready to rule.

Cass, always quick to seize an opportunity, slid in close beside him. "Oh wow, Tian, you weren't kidding," she purred, her voice dripping with false admiration. "You really know how to show a woman a good time."

Lila followed suit, her body language exuding seduction as she leaned forward, flashing her massive cleavage in the hopes of catching his eye. "You must have sooo much money to spare."

The men took their cue, amplifying the praise with loud enthusiasm. "Time to celebrate the man of the hour!" Yijun announced, rifling through the bottles and pulling out the most expensive one. With a dramatic pop, the wine bottle exploded, spilling its contents across the floor. Yijun laughed boisterously, waving off the mess. "Nice one, huh? Let's get this party started! Pour it out for everyone!"

He moved around the room, filling glasses and thrusting one into Li Tian's hand, ignoring the flash of irritation that crossed his face. The rest of them laughed and giggled as they accepted the drink poured into their glasses, deliberately avoiding Li Tian's expression. It didn't matter if he was annoyed or not—they had to push through. After all, he was just one person. They all knew that with the right words and flattery, even the mighty Li Tian could be bent to their will.

Li Tian's grip tightened around his glass, a hint of dissatisfaction slowly building up at the edge of his consciousness. The cheers and hollers, though enthusiastic, felt slightly off to him. Despite this nagging feeling, he chose to watch and wait, curious to see what they would do or say next. His pride and confidence kept him from overthinking the situation. He had long since accepted that these people, his so-called "friends," were here for one reason: to bask in the glow of his fame. Their loyalty was skin-deep, but he didn't care. As long as they played their roles, he had no reason to disrupt the balance.

"Oh mighty Li Tian!" Yijun began, raising his glass high.

The rest of them joined in, their voices harmonizing in a chorus of sycophantic praise. "Oh mighty Li Tian!"

Li Tian leaned back, his eyes scanning the group with detached amusement. They were so transparent, so desperate for his approval. He knew exactly what they were after, but it didn't matter. They fed his ego, and for now, that was enough. Life was good when you were worshiped.

"Speak," he said with a show of consideration, but it came off as more self-important.

Yijun grinned, clearly pleased that his theatrics were paying off. "Bless us with a few words, mighty Li Tian! Your subjects want to celebrate your name! We can't start drinking without you!"

Li Tian swirled the wine in his glass, contemplating. He didn't avoid drinking because he disliked it, nor was it due to being underage. In fact, his family was actually just very strict, especially his mother. The memory of his one drunken escapade still haunted him, especially the look of fury on his mother's face. Turns out he wasn't a heavy drinker, nor was he a pleasant drunk. She hadn't just been disappointed—she'd been livid. And when she was angry, the entire Li family felt it.

The way she'd reacted had been enough to chill anyone.

Tonight, however, felt different. With the crowd below chanting his name and his ego soaring, he felt a rare sense of liberation. Maybe one drink wouldn't hurt, just this once.

"Come on, Li!" Zexi goaded, slinging an arm around Lila. "One sip never killed anyone!"

The women echoed the sentiment, their voices sweet. "We need you, Tian."

"Fine." Li Tian stood up, his glass raised high. He was feeling pretty good about himself tonight after finishing his tour. It won't be a problem if he kept it under wraps. "This is how Li Tian parties! Everything's on me tonight!" With that, he threw back the entire drink in one go.

The room erupted in cheers, the man's compliance fueling their excitement. "Woohoo! Li Tian's come to party tonight!"

Yijun, never missing an opportunity, rushed to the window overlooking the dance floor. "Listen up, everybody! Drinks on Li Tian tonight!" he shouted, throwing what was left of his wine onto the crowd below.

The reaction was instantaneous. Screams of excitement filled the air, and the crowd below surged with energy.

"Go, Li Tian!!!" 


"Li Tian! Li Tian! Li Tian!"

Yijun turned back with a smug grin, but he barely had time to revel in the moment before Li Tian's palm slammed into his chest, shoving him back with unexpected force.

"What the hell was that?" Li Tian growled, his voice cold.

Yijun stumbled, his face a mixture of surprise and pain. He quickly masked it with a sheepish grin, trying to play it off. "Come on, Li! You hear that? They freaking love you!"

Li Tian's glare didn't waver, but the chanting of his name from below began to soften his anger. The adulation was too loud, too intoxicating to ignore. Yijun's grin widened, sensing the shift. "Don't kill the vibe, man. Let the Pyros burn. It's not like it's gonna make a dent in your wallet, right?"

Li Tian's eye twitched, but he said nothing. He knew Yijun had a point, even if he hated to admit it. It wasn't like the drinks would bankrupt him. He rolled his shoulders, allowing the tension to fade, and reached for another bottle.

"Show us how to party, Li Tian," Yijun encouraged, still pushing the boundaries as much as he could.

Li Tian narrowed his eyes at the alcohol being handed to him, his instincts warring with the pressure of the crowd. But the chant of his name from below drowned out his better judgment. They wanted him, needed him. He was their king. Their god.

Yujin knew he was slowly caving in. After all, Li Tian was nothing but a spoilt rich kid. Getting into his pocket would be a piece of cake.

Without missing a beat, Li Tian flashed a cocky smirk, grabbed the bottle, and leaned over the railing. He then popped the cork and drenched the crowd below. When their screams of joy rang in his ears, for a moment, Li Tian felt untouchable.

"Your king is here! It's time to party, suckers!"

The night descended into chaos as the club erupted with energy. Music blared, bodies writhed on the dance floor, and the scent of alcohol and sweat hung heavy in the air. Li Tian stayed above it all, a detached monarch watching over his subjects. His companions flitted in and out of his orbit, whispering sweet nothings into his ear while he sipped from his glass on the sofa. He didn't dance. He didn't need to. The crowd below was dancing for him.

Time slowly passed by and every time his glass emptied, it magically refilled. He vaguely remembered asking for tea, but the taste was far from familiar. He drank it anyway, unwilling to bother with anything trivial like preferences tonight. He was far too comfortable to get up from his throne of a couch. The rest of them danced in his place, leaving him alone with Lila or Cass by his side, flattering him endlessly.

"Tian, it must be so great being you," Cass whispered, tracing slow circles on his arm.

"It is," he replied nonchalantly, eyes fixed on the dance floor.

"I hear you can get anything you want," she pressed, pushing herself closer to him, her lips dangerously near his ear.

"I can." His eyes flicked toward her, barely acknowledging the physical proximity.

"I can give you—"

"Not interested." His voice cut through the suggestion, cold and final.


"No." He didn't need to look at her to know she had shrunk back. His glare was enough to keep her in her place.

Cass swallowed her frustration as Lila arrived with Yijun and Zexi in tow, fresh from the dance floor. She shot Yijun a desperate glance, and Yijun, catching on, sighed.

"I'll be back," he muttered. "Forgot something."

Cass, who had been watching closely, stood up. "Ladies room."

They met in a secluded corner of the club, far from prying eyes. Cass's expression darkened as soon as they were out of sight.

"It's not working," she hissed. "He's not taking the bait."

Yijun folded his arms, eyes narrowing in thought. "His head's too far up in the clouds. We don't matter to him, and he knows it. He keeps us around to prove he's better than us, nothing more."

"Then how are we supposed to get close if he won't fall for it?" she spat, clearly frustrated.

Yijun smirked. "If we can't offer him what he wants, we'll make him offer us everything. He's just a spoiled rich kid with mommy issues. We, as his friends, will butter him up as much as he wants. And when he crumbles, we take it all."

"Oooh, you sound so evil," Cass giggled flirtatiously.

"Oh yeah?" Yijun grabbed her waist. "Maybe I should assault you in his stead."

"Mmm... Please do."


As the night wore on, the energy of the party swelled and ebbed like waves in a storm. Through it all, Li Tian remained untouched, perched on his velvet throne. But somewhere beneath the heavy beat of the music and the flashing lights, something darker was brewing—hidden smiles, secret glances, and whispers of betrayal.
