Chapter 13 A Game of Cat and Mouse


That bastard dared to run away from him.

Of the father and son duo, it was the father that had hurt Grandmama the most. The younger one hardly did much to her besides disregarding her existence. In fact, Grandmama probably felt nothing but love towards her grandson, Yijun, feeling that he was still the angel she took care of many years ago.

But she was wrong. The grandson turned out just as bad, if not worse than her son. Both mistreated her and gave her no affection. They even had the same amount of ambition. However, it was their methods that differed greatly.

Wanhui was like a snake, slow and steady as he slithered his way through every possible option to reach a higher and 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘳 position. His means were quiet and almost unnoticeable that even if you felt something wrong, it was hidden very well. After all, his success was a slow race, and the absence of a sudden upsurge kept him well under the radar. As a snake, a single meal would be enough to last it for days.

But Yijun was not like that. While Yijun was also sneaky, his goals were more towards instant success rather than gradually building up his millions. He was a bird of prey, visibly eyeing his target and swooping in to get his meal. A dine and dash situation and always when the target was either exposed or vulnerable. Thus, no matter how low key one tried to be, a sudden landfall was sure to draw more eyes on them. Especially when his methods left a mark, like on Li Tian's face.

Crack. Crack.

"Little Sky, please refrain from crushing your electronics."

Realizing his swell in emotions, Li Tian's hand promptly released its death grip from the laptop mouse. Experiencing the consequences of his actions before, he had begun to consciously keep his emotions better in check as to not affect others.

It used to be only with his mother, where he would keep himself at bay. But now whenever in public, or even alone, he would pay more attention to his actions.

However, still being arrogant at heart, he couldn't accept what the conniving bastard Yijun had done to him weeks ago. With the runaway being Grandmama's unfilial grandson as well, his motive in getting revenge all but increased.

From the live video feed displayed on his laptop, Yijun was already making his way through the flight gates. Thus any effort in trying to get to him now would be futile.

Li Tian would have to catch him in the North.

For the first time since being forced to leave the South, he felt an actual incitement on heading out.

Levi was still continuing to talk to Wanhui, but Li Tian had already drowned it all out. In his head were various plans being made, most of which had to include the notorious Ivon hacker, but still mainly were executed by himself.

Noticing his Little Sky's mind going elsewhere, the hacker broke his chain of thought. "There is still a need to decide Mr. Wanhui's fate. Is there anything in particular that you would like to say or ask?"

Li Tian glared at the middle-aged man's face on the screen, noticing the many significant similarities he had with the woman he identified as his grandmama. Was there really any reason to let him go?

His charges were like a scroll book.

"Who is your mother and what do you think of her? Be honest about your words."

There was a long pause, and judging by the live video, the older man was confused by the question and what it had to do with his fate.

"My mother... actually just passed away recently. I don't know how to feel about it," Wanhui began speaking about his relationship with his sole parent. "There's not much to say about her other than we never saw eye to eye. We didn't have that good a relationship. She never understood my goals or my way of life. She completely rejected it, all the nice food and things we had. I didn't get her at all.

So I just decided to let her be. She would nag me about my son from time to time but even my son didn't want anything to do with her. There wasn't really much I could do about that and even I got tired of it. What more did she want from me? I managed to acquire everything she could ever need already!"

"But was it anything she wanted?" Li Tian shot at him.


"Instead of expecting her to understand 𝘺𝘰𝘶, did you even try to understand 𝘩𝘦𝘳? Tell me 𝘞𝘢𝘯𝘩𝘶𝘪, where did she die?"

Wanhui was fast-witted and immediately caught on a bit as the speaker investigated him. That person must have a good relationship with his mother. But how could that be? She was a mere street hawker.

"She died at Solar City Public Hospital."

"You couldn't afford a private hospital with all your 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘯 money?"

Wanhui understood that the other party was genuinely incensed with the way he treated his mother. So he knew to stand his ground and sound as convincing as possible. "She wanted it that way. As I've said before, she didn't get my lifestyle and wanted it affordable."

"Did you accompany her to these 𝘢𝘧𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 treatments?"

"Of course I did! This is my mother we're talking about! I couldn't every time but I did whenever I had the chance."

"You just said you didn't have that good a relationship with her."

"That doesn't change the fact that she birthed me," Wanhui replied with the image of the most filial son.

Li Tian narrowed his eyes. "Were you there... when she was on her deathbed?"

A tricky question. He had to take a gamble. "I was there when she died. It was the saddest day of my life."

"Then what were her final words?

"She said... she said she loved me. And I told her I loved her too."

Lies. Complete and utter LIES!!!

"Levi! Throw him in a cell and let him rot FOR ALL ETERNITY!" he yelled in anger, shoving the entire contents of the table onto the floor. Books, appliances, and even the laptop and mouse went crashing down in a mess.

His temper wasn't as retained as he thought it was. He took deep and heavy breaths to calm himself down but it would take a while.

He DARED to spout such outrageous lies! Grandmama's last words being she loved him!? How brazen!!

Not once had he appeared at the hospital to see her!

The laptop had shut off in the crash, thus the video feed no longer available, but the call was still connected to his cellphone.

Levi knew well not to incite him any further so notified him instead, before closing the call. "You have company, Little Sky."

Li Tian snapped his head up and turned to his room door.

Knock. Knock.

"Young master, Madam requests your presence."

He raised an eyebrow at the request, his chest still heavy from his fury. "Tell her I'll be there soon."


Li Yelan sipped her tea as she waited for her youngest son to make an appearance.

She was always unceasingly busy, controlling most of the economy in the South, but she was sure to take some time before her son left.

She knew a little about what was going on with her suddenly reserved son. The unusual lack of protest with the nearing move North would pique anyone's interest.

Now that the Ivon Clan's scion had come to Huaxia, there was bound to be some news about their antics. They had always managed to get themselves into trouble since they were very young.

However, it was not in her nature to interfere with such things. Being a renowned businesswoman, and constantly holding the fort of the Li Empire, she kept a steady heart and cold demeanor when it came to dealing with work. Furthermore, when it came to her family, they were allowed access to funds but with stringent conditions. And with the funds, they could do whatever they choose as long as it would not affect the Li Clan as a whole.

Thus, if her son wanted anything, she wasn't disinclined to give it to him, if he offered something in return. As a result, the price was sometimes not worth the request, giving her kids a good lesson on 'give and take', and hard work instead.

Knock. Knock.

"It's Tian, mother."

"Come in," she put down her teacup and watched as her son walked into her study. She gestured to the seat before her. "Sit."

Li Tian sat down appropriately, as usual, not daring to look up into his mother's eyes. He had come after sedating his violent burst of emotions and was in a stable enough condition to present himself. Meeting his mother while in a temper was the worst thing he could do.

He wasn't sure why she had called him here but her mood didn't seem bad. It most probably had something to do with him leaving tomorrow.

He felt a little sour at the thought. If he hadn't found out that the rat, Yijun, was heading North, he would have still felt the huge reluctance and indignation he had at the start.

The reason he bugged Levi so hastily was due to the time limit he was on; there was no changing the decisions mother had made. Even if he tried requesting a delay, the consequence of that might be the duration of the North stay extending to an entire YEAR. Fuck that.

Finding out Yijun had escaped North was a small respite in his oncoming venture. Hence, even though it was alleviated just a smidge, and it would supposedly better himself, he was still feeling spiteful towards his mother, not that he would ever say it.

Li Yelan had many ways of dealing with people, and many more in teaching her children. Whether the method was good or bad, that wasn't up for debate. However, no son would enjoy being sent away, no matter how everyone said he deserved it.

"Did you finish packing?" she stared straight at her son as she began asking questions.

Li Tian kept his expression firm, ready for his mother's every reception. "I should be done by tonight."

"Anything interesting been delaying you?" she poured more tea into her cup and brought it to her lips. She gestured the other cup in front of her son for him to take.

He took the cup and glanced at the liquid for half a second.

Tea. A good sign.

He took a sip and didn't even try hiding from her queries. There was no use anyway. "You probably know already. Levi's here. It's been a while so we're hanging out."


His fingertips quivered just a bit hearing her tone. It was as if she wasn't actually meaning the games you would think. He tried looking up into her eyes, not the best move, but he couldn't help it.

He saw her staring down at him with her hawk eyes and a slight smirk on her lips, it made his egotistical nature ignite. He wouldn't back down from her.

"Yes, games. We're finishing a new game that I discovered."

"Oh? What's it called?"

"Cat and mouse. It's exactly how it sounds."

"I see. So I assume Levi is the cat and you, the mouse?"

"Pff-" Li Tian nearly spat out his tea and choked. He put the cup down in a hurry. "Cough cough. Of course not! I'm a cat! We're both cats."

Completely unfazed by her son choking, she continued amusedly. "Who are you chasing?"

He picked up on her implications but stayed with his reasoning. "It's a game. Does it really matter? If we're cats catching mice, it means we're after a prey."

Li Yelan raised an eyebrow and humored her son. "Will you two be continuing this 𝘨𝘢𝘮𝘦 in the North?"

Li Tian subtly pursed his lips at the question. Surprise, surprise. She knew what was up, and there really was no use in continuing this charade, but his ingrained ego refused to let him admit it. He put a tinge of irritation in his voice, "You can play games from anywhere. What do you think I wanted my gaming system for."

She gazed at her son for half a second before saying, "Remember... I am not to hear of 𝘢𝘯𝘺 trouble regarding your identity."

"Of course!" he retorted.

"And your 𝘨𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘴 shall end before the start of school."

Caught off guard by the words, his mouth opened and closed a few times.


He forgot about that aspect. Smacking himself internally, he relaxed his expression and answered through gritted teeth, "That isn't a problem."

He would catch that rat soon enough.

Li Yelan smiled at her son and leaned back into her seat. "Alright then, there are a few things to discuss respecting your arrangements, your new identity being the biggest issue. Meilin should arrive soon enough to go through the details."

She took a final last sip of her tea and placed the cup on the table. Picking up a document, she brought it to her face making the only thing visible being her hawk eyes scanning it down.

Just as Li Tian was ready to relax, he heard his mother say,

"We're expecting you to accomplish great things in the North."

Li Tian's fists clenched silently.



"Mmm? Calling so late, Little Sky? You know I am not an adherent to booty calls."

"What the f- I don't do booty calls! Urgh. Never mind. Levi, I need you North."

"Invitation not accepted."

"But! You agreed to help!"

"I did, didn't I."

"Then you need to come!"

"I believe our concept of 'need' differ greatly. I do not 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 to be in the North to assist you. I am everywhere. Unless... There is something else on your mind."


"There is virtually nothing you can hide from me. What is it then? Spit it out."

"I have to go to school..."

"Oh? And how does this correlate to me?"


"Expecting me to attend an institute of learning of such an inferior level is beneath me."

"Hey, it's beneath me too!"

"Is it now?"

"Grrr... Fine... What do you want?"

One could practically hear the smirk coming from the other side.
