Villain Academy [2]

"Sorry to disappoint you, Jinnie, but I really would not be able to keep up," Noran vocalised as his speed began to decrease.

That alarmed Hyunjin, and he was out of ideas on what to do. He was really close to beating Hyunjin, and now, due to Noran losing his power, Hyunjin would be losing to Taehyung.

It was not as if Hyunjin would be able to curse Noran either. He overworked the poor dragon until the point of exhaustion this week, and it was already remarkable how he managed to hold up until this point.

As Noran began to slow and go down, it took merely Taehyung couple of seconds to catch up to Hyunjin and snatch that jewel from his hand before Hyunjin could get the chance to protect it.

Kim Taehyung was truly vicious!

Turning his back, Taehyung waved his hand at Hyunjin and voiced out, "Bye, loser. See you at the finish line if that weak dragon of yours can make it there."

"Hey!" Noran exclaimed.

Opening his mouth, Noran attempted to let out fire. However, only a small puff of smoke came out from his mouth, disheartening the dragon.

"That dragon of yours is totally useless," he stated, "If you want to trade it for a new one, then, you can always come to me about it."

"Hey! Jinnie would not be trading me for someone else!"

Before Noran could complete his sentence, Hyunjin drove off to the distant sky, and anger seethed off of the dragon.

Wearing a soft smile on his face, Hyunjin extended his hand towards the crestfallen yet enraged dragon and patted his neck.

"It's alright. He is merely saying those words to provoke you. You have worked hard, Noran," Hyunjin voiced out, "I am proud of you."

Upon hearing those words from Hyunjin instantly caused a gleeful expression to form on Noran's face as the dragon began to go down slowly.

The landing on the ground was not a smooth one, and if it was not for Hyunjin's tight grip on the reins, he might have fallen off of the reins.

White, fluffy clouds laid beneath their foot, and due to the effect from the purple sky, they had a slight tint of the same colour upon them.

Hyunjin swiftly got off of Noran's back and placed his foot on top of the clouds. Although his shoes were a barrier between his foot and the cloud, the structure felt soft and pleasurable at the same time.

"I almost threw you off now as well. That jerk Taehyung is right. Maybe I am truly useless to you, but Jinnie, please don't trade me off for some other dragon. I am really obedient, right? They would not be as cute and obedient as me," Noran vocalised.

Gripping on to his rein, Hyunjin walked with Noran at a steady pace as if he wanted to stall his time as such as possible to reach the Academy.

"But Jinnie, you should have unleashed your powers there. Then, that jerk Taehyung would have seen how powerful you're, and I assure you that he would be cowering due to fear."