Chapter 1: Back In Time

Feeling a pain all over her body like thousand needles are poking her inside, a muffled groan escaped in her parched throat. Cheng Feng Yi willed her eyes to open in which it took her a while to success. Light greeted her eyes so she squirted it to adapt. It didn't take long.

Roaming her eyes to see where she's currently at, Cheng Feng Yi felt the surrounding to be oddly familiar. The table that had a missing leg, the teapot that had a cold tea, the vanity table that lacked even a single hairpin and the bed where she's currently resting that had a hard bed. The simple yet clean room, abandoned and dilapidated courtyard are all familiar yet unfamiliar to her.

That's when it struck in her head forcefully.

It's because this courtyard witness many things in her past life before she was sent to the tiger's den. Right, this is her courtyard before she plunged into the abyss.

The point is, she died. She should be meeting the king of hell by now. Yet, why is she seeing things?

Pinching her self hard, grimacing at her stupid way to make sure she's not dreaming. But also the good thing since she become more awake.

'I'm really not dreaming. I'm really back to the past.' Marvelling at the surreal fact, Cheng Feng Yi laughed all of a sudden.

"Haha! I'm really back. Looks like even the king of hell himself take pity on this one. Since it's like that, then let's make this second chance worthwhile. Cheng Feng Yi, now that you're back, it's now your time to take back what they owe you. Use this chance wisely and make them pay for their debt with their blood. Suck their blood dry until they die." Wiping the tears that left her eyes because of laughing so hard, Cheng Feng Yi coldly smile thinking how she will collect their debt before showing a harmless and innocent smile like in her past life.

'Smile, Yi'er. It will make they lower their guard on you and when it's time, stab them. Stab them until they die.'

If someone saw a fourteen year old smiled coldly awhile ago then smile innocently the next second, he/she will have goosebumps and cold sweat. How can the usually innocent and fool miss who was bullied even by the fourth ranked maids in the manor smile like that? Yet no one did, well not until she will kill you.

Cheng Feng Yi continued to sit in her bed for a while thinking the event in her past life.

Many events happened in her past life where she was on her way to her death. She must remember them to make plans how to counter them. But first, she had to go out of here. Cheng Feng Yi doesn't want to stay in this manor for even a second longer. She doesn't want to breathe the same air with those people even for a second. She despised it.

Deciding her next course of action, Cheng Feng Yi get herself out of the bed and walk towards her vanity table with light and slow steps.

In her past life, at this time should be the same when she fall from the stairs when her step sister 'accidentally' push her. Resulting in her having a blood flowing in her head and a fever. Yet not even once did that step sister said her apology or visited her during those times.

Now, remembering how she pathetically believe that step sister's lies, Cheng Feng Yi wants to kill someone.

'Really naive and pathetic.'

Combing her yellowish hair that lacks nutrition, Cheng Feng Yi saw her vague image in the copper mirror and smiled. She question herself, how did she believe those people in their lies again? Ah, right! She's naive and an idiot back then. Being alone for all her life, Cheng Feng Yi grown up as a naive girl and desiring for her family's love and attention.

But what can she do? All she thinks all her life back then was how to survive. So, when did she have time to learn the womanly arts or etiquette? When did she have a time to waste when even it come to food, she have to work her as* off just to have a little amount of food to eat? She's supposedly like them. Eating, playing and smiling like a painting because she's also a dignified young miss. Yet, because her father favors the concubine that killed his lawful wife, the dignified and rightful eldest miss of the right prime minister becomes a person worse than a beggar.

So when the time her step sister or mei mei approach her, she become a laughingstock in the capital. A young miss who was pampered in her boudoir compared to a trash miss like her, of course people who have eyes will know who to choose. She become a disgrace of the right prime minister household where everyone gossiping about her as a good for nothing and idiot who doesn't even know how to dress up. How pitiable her life in the past can be.

Hence, now that she's back every thing will change. The laughingstock of the past will become a goddess. She will make sure of that.

Smiling again by what she have on mind, Cheng Feng Yi finished arranging her hair tying it with a white ribbon paired with her only good dress in her closet. Again, because she's the young miss who was thrown in this dilapidated courtyard by the mistress of her useless father, she doesn't have even one good dress in her closet. Unlike her other step sisters who had as many as they like.

"Now, let's see what can I rummage through this pile which can sell. For successfully getting out of here, I need money. But I can have one if I sell something." Cheng Feng Yi murmured while rummaging her box where all her things are piled up.

"No. Nope, that this one. Ah, uh! Not this one. Even this!" Many rubbish was thrown out of her box. Trash that even she herself wants to question her past self where the hell did she get it.

"Arghhh! This is absurd! Why did this box have so many trash? I don't even remember storing so many trash. Gosh!" Cheng Feng Yi stop what she's doing and plopped herself in her hard bed.

Lips pressed together in frustration, Cheng Feng Yi tries her hardest to think when and why did she piled this many trash up. When she can't think anymore, Cheng Feng Yi frustratingly went back.

"Haha! Who would have thought I'll find something like this?" After so many minutes of rummaging with a frown visible in her face, Cheng Feng Yi successfully found some box which she guess had something of value inside.

"Looks like the king of hell smile upon me." With a light smile on her face, Cheng Feng Yi walk back to her bed holding the box the size of a hand with a rose, vines and leaves are carved.