To the base

As time pass and the first part of normal classes ended. While having three in this session break come for classes from the military. While seeing it Matt comes down while changing. As he been there he comes as last while he didn't want to be out of CCTV with Joe and his band.

While seeing them coming out from the changing room he walked there and then he started changing. While he started doing it someone comes and then he could feel punches going on him. While feeling it tears go on him but he said nothing. When he takes off his t-shirt fully he could see Joe and then he said "money"

"You take it from me," Matt said while looking at him

"I said the money" while hitting his side. While feeling it Matt take a deep breath and then he said one again "you take it all earlier"

"I don't trust you," he said while taking Matt's wallet and while searching it he finds nothing there and then he broke cards which he has there. While seeing it Matt knows that he can't have a good time until the end of being a student here.

As he been looking at Joe Janet come and then she said "joe stop it now"

"No," he said while throwing a punch on Matt's face. While seeing it she grabbed him and after throwing him on the floor she said "I said stop shooting classes start soon"

"Oh fuck," Joe said while running out. While seeing him Matt said "you don't need to do this"

"I can't stand while seeing that someone being bullied," Janet said

"I know but still you could stop doing it look at your reputation," Matt said while looking at her

"I don't care about it," she said

"Ok stop doing it you pay from me saving you," Matt said while looking at her and wanting to let her know that she doesn't want to do anything anymore. While hearing him she nodded and then walked out. While being left alone one more time Matt started changing and then he walked out. When he did this he walked outside while seeing his year standing. While seeing it he comes closer and then he could hear "today we will have three training sessions"

"Yes sir," everyone said

"First shooting later running and last combat" commander said. While hearing him everyone one again scream "yes sir"

"Now for four civilians you have funning first then shooting," he said while looking at them. While hearing him Matt nodded and then he started running after another officer who been taking care of them. While they started running around field Matt go as the last person.

While they were doing it for around thirty minutes and everyone from his group been taking deep breaths they could hear "now shooting I'm expecting to you have better results than last time. 'Here we go again' Matt said to himself while looking around and while he been passing the military section he could see that everyone been looking at Jim and Janet.

While they go to shooting range officer said "now you should choose a gun. While hearing him Matt come closer and while seeing guns which been normal in the military he takes one and while he wanted to walked and shoot only one time on target and rest miss while showing how clumsy he is in this he could hear "Matthew Anderson"

"Yes sir," Matt said while looking at major Calling. While hearing him major said "I hear from the doc that you are injured"

"Yes sir," he said while looking at him

"So tell me kid what happened" major said

"Oh, nothing I just fall while having my training," Matt said to him while looking at his eyes. While he been doing it major said "ok remember to not hurt yourself I don't want to repeat what happened a month ago" major said

While hearing him Matt nodded and then he walked to the fourth range and then they started shooting. As they were doing it Matt takes the gun and while he aims first two shoots go out. While seeing it everyone hasn't looked at him and then he makes one hit line of one point. "Good aim higher" voice come

While hearing it Matt did like he was told and then he shoots up. When he did this he misses. "Not so high" he could hear. When Matt turned to major he said "I will try to aim better" and then he mummed "you know how hard it is to hit millimeters from circle probably no"

After saying it Matt goes back to shooting. As he been doing it he finished two mags and then he could hear "end for today"

"Thanks, god," someone said

While hearing him Matt looked at their targets and while seeing that they been accurate about their shoots major said "ok I can see a little improvement but Matthew you need to work harder"

"It's not my fault that I can't shoot," he said while giving back gun. When he did this they walked out and go change. When Matt did this fast and seeing that he have nothing to eat at lunch he decided to go back to the dormitory to make something to eat.

As he was walking there he could see military courses coming back. As he was observing them he said nothing but let them pass. When they go he walked out of school and goes to the dormitory. As he been there he started making simple food.

As he been doing it intercom said "B35 are you ok"

"Hell no I'm not," he said

"What happened" he could hear

"General I told you one that doesn't make me go to that missions," Matt said while finishing making food and putting it on plate

"I told you t was emergency and about B20" general said

"I know but still we should look at him," Matt said

"Its orders from higher up" general said

"Ok sir," Matt said while hearing him

"Come today to the base we will have meeting" general said

"I will be there as fast as I could," Matt said and then he could hear that call ended. When it did he started eating while seeing that he have thirty minutes before the next session of the class will start.