King coming today

While Matt walked to the cafeteria, he could see that everyone has been eating. While seeing it he walked to take his food and after sitting at the same place he becomes eating.

As he was doing it he remembered about pills which the doctor tell him to take. While taking one he comes back to eating. While he was doing it and most of the food today, he did ann come to him and then she said "I hear you will be in solder soon and our companion fully"

"maybe but I don't want to do this but like they said go with what life gives you," Matt said to her. While hearing his words she nodded and then she said "I know but still you should be happy to be in the elite,"

"I'm happy and not happy about it," he said to her. While hearing his words she said "why"

"oh you see I'm happy that I can let my knowledge become bigger but unhappy that I will be in the military," Matt said to her

"oh ok," she said.

While hearing her words he said "something else"

"yes in a week I want to compete with you in shooting," she said

"ok we can do this" Matt said while looking at her

"ok train well and then we can fight," she said while smiling and walking away.

When ann did this Matt come back to eating and when he did this, he walked to the doctor's office. As he bene there he knocked and after he could hear "come" he comes inside. While he was there, he could see doctor waiting for him with bandages and then she said "ok lay and I will check you"

"ok," he said and then he lay on the bed. When Matt been there doctor unbandaged his feet and while seeing them she said "ok in two days you will be healed and then you can come back to training"

"I thought you said week," Matt said to her

"true but you are healing fast so that's why only two days," the doc said and then she added "go take a shower there and after you are done with it come here,"

"why," Matt asked

"oh I need to apply some things and while you couldn't do this by yourself I need to do this," she said

"ok," Matt said to her while walking to the bathroom. As he bene there he takes a short shower and after walking back he said "I'm ready"

"ok," she said and after applying something on his feet's she bandages them and she said "ok you can go"

"Thanks," Matt said to her. after nodding he walked out and then he goes to back to his room. As he was there, he started reading papers which he has to learn more before the next day.

When he ended after an hour of doing it he goes sleep.

Nine days later

When Matt wakes up early like for pass two days he walked out from his room to have morning training at the gym. As he comes there, he could see that his trainer been waiting for him and then they started his training. It's been focused mostly on his higher body while his legs been trained while he runs.

As they were going and trainer been securing him he done all his training fast and after he did this, he walked to have a shower and then he walked out to have first from three runs. While he was there, he knows where he needs to run so he started running to the forest.

While he was doing it for some time he comes point and then he started running back. While he did this he hummed "good that now I'm alone and I don't have anybody to look at me" and then he continues his run.

As he was running he started sweating a little while he became a better runner than he been before he comes to the canteen and after taking breakfast he eats it and then walked to the shooting range.

While he was there, he tries hard to become better with it while he has a competition tomorrow with ann. While he was shooting, he could shoot as much as he wanted to after shooting around twenty magazines with a pistol he changed to a machine gun.

While having it he hasn't improved so much like with a pistol but still, he could shoot now with a longer series that three to not let it go so much from the center of the target.

While he was doing it general Harris come to him and while Matt been reloading a magazine, he said "today change of plans after doing it go to your room and change to a prepared uniform"

"yes sir," Matt said to him

"ok come back to shooting," the general said

"why I need to change," Matt asked while looking at him

"King coming today," the general said to him

"But why," Matt asked while looking at general

"oh if someone come to black agents he needs to be accepted by general and while your test goes almost perfectly you been accepted," the general said to him

"really," Matt said while almost exploding from enjoyment while knowing that he passes his test. While seeing it general said "ok go to practice"

"ok," Matt said to him and then he comes back to shooting. While he was doing it, he could feel that the gun started becoming his hand. While he was shooting for some time he ended with it and then he walked shoot from a sniper rifle. When he started becoming ready to shoot, he could feel that someone come behind him and while seeing Jeff he said "what"

"oh I want to help you," Jeff said to him

"why," Matt asked while looking at him

"I can see how to try harder you are," he said while looking at Matt's face.

"ok," Matt said while lying and while going with Jeff's instructions he started shooting. While he was doing it for some time it goes really well. While they were shooting and commenting about this Jeff said "I hear that you competing with Ann"

"yes tomorrow," Matt said while looking at him

"don't lose to her," Jeff said

"oh so you only one who is interested to let me win," Matt said while looking at him

"a little she beat me so many times I want to see that she lose," Jeff said while getting up and then he added "good luck tomorrow,"

"Thanks," Matt said to him and then he could see that Jeff started walking away. While seeing it he hummed "strange guy" and after saying it Matt go to shoot with a shotgun and after he did and have problems with reading it he walked to his room to change.

While he was there, he could see the beautiful uniform of the military which has only one emblem at on a place where the heath is he has a black phoenix with only flames shows how he looks like.

When Matt saw it he moved his hand around it and then he started changing. As he was doing it for some time he did and then he walked out to have a ceremony of him becoming solder and going straight to an elite unit.