First mission (1)

When Matt looked at Ann sleeping, he could see that she still have a mark from a bullet on her left arm from the first mission where he goes after a few minutes after he was an official member of Black Agents.

'Oh, you haven't hidden it so much' he said to himself while seeing it and then he closes his eyes and remembering what happened there and with his now full training what he could change

Four years ago

When Matt and Ann walked out of the training camp they walked to the car. While being there Ann said "we going commercial plane"

"Oh, ok but how it feels," Matt said to her while looking at her eyes.

"Oh normal," she said

"What you mean by normal," Matt said to her

"Oh, have you ever flown," she said

"No," Matt said

"Fuck," she said while looking at passports and then she said "I hope you can act"

"Why," he asked

"We act like a couple who love to travel," Ann said while looking at surprised Matt's face she added, "ok I hope it will be all good" and while she looked at him she started touching him. While she was doing it she said "you have a nice body now time to change"

"What you mean," Matt said while looking at her

"Change," she said while looking at Matt and then she takes the bag from the front seat and after opening it she started undressing. While seeing it Matt did the same and while they were in their underwear Ann gives Matt new clothes where been shorts, shirt, and sandals.

When she gives it to him she takes the dress and while she started putting it on she did it much faster than Matt with his. While she did this, she takes shoes with small heels and while she did this, she takes the wig and after having it she looked at Matt and then she said "good you don't need any changed with a face"

"Why," Matt asked

"You are unknown they might know me where are we going so now I prefer to look like on this picture," she said and then she put makeup. When she was doing it she did and while only a few things left, she looked at Matt and she asked "how I'm looking now"

"Good," Matt said to her and then he moved his head away. While seeing his reaction Ann make short laugh and then she gives him a cheek kiss, and she said "don't be shy we will spend together three days"

"What," Matt said

"Yes three nights and four days to our going back," Ann said and then she asked "how long"

"Thirty minutes," the driver said

"Ok," she said and then she takes some files and started reading them. While she was doing it what she needed, she gives to Matt. While seeing it he could see that the target is a gun seller to terrorists. While seeing to whom he sells and where they have used his anger go up while the name of the bank started all been there with the same date.

While seeing it Matt read rests while trying to remember what those dates mean Ann been observing him what his reactions are. While seeing it she couldn't see that his emotions could go over him so she comes back now to more details.

While they were reading for some time they finally come to place and while they go out Ann said "you driving"

"I don't have a license," Matt said

"you have," she said while giving him his new ID and wallet and while seeing that he have there it Matt said "ok" and while seeing it Ann said "I need to finish my makeup"

"Ok," Matt said and when he sits as a driver he chooses where he wants to drive and while seeing route he started driving there. While he was doing it Ann finished her makeup and then she said "ok how long"

"Hour," Matt said

"Ok," she said and then she closed her eyes while falling asleep. When she did this Matt drive softly to the airport and while he was there, he said "Ann wake up"

"I'm awake for some time but you been so focused on driving that you haven't noticed me," she said and when they park they go out from the car and when Matt takes their bag Ann walked in front of him to the entrance.

While they come there and send bags to check they go by all checking and while they did this Ann started walking somewhere. While seeing it Matt followed her and then she said "ok we are nowhere be careful and remember our fly take ten hours"

"Where we are going," Matt asked

"To part of the empire," Ann said

"Ok," Matt said and then they sit while waiting for the plane to be ready. While they were doing it information's been going one after another and then Ann said "ok it's our"

"Ok," Matt said while taking bags which they can have and then he followed Ann. When they go to the entrance they needed to wait for some and after they time come ticket check go easy and while Matt followed Ann they go to business class and when she sits, she said "here is your"

"ok," Matt said to her while sitting close to the window and then he could observe what is happening outside as he been doing it for some time plane started moving and while feeling it he closes his eyes while waiting for the start and while he did this, he could feel Ann hand on his and she said "calm down"

"Ok," Matt said and after they were finally in the air, he moved closer to the window and while he could see his homeland disappearing, he moved to Ann who now been looking at Matt's face and then she said "go sleep"

"Ok," Matt said while trying to do this. While he was like that for some time he could feel that Ann moved her head on his shoulder while sleeping. While feeling it he couldn't fall asleep while he needed someone to look around what is happening but he tries to go away after half of the hour when he falls asleep.