MMS attacked (4)

When Matt looked at them someone come back and then said: "we can't let her go out".

"Are you kidding me?" he said while looking at him. While hearing his words he said, "don't argue with me".

"You can't see how white she started being," Matt said.

"I don't care," he said.

"But I care and look I can see that you are here for some others so let her go," Matt said

"Yes, we will realize her but only her nothing more," the boss of the team comes.

While hearing it Matt said "ok but how we will do this".

"You will take her and walk out with her," he said.

"Ok," Matt said while taking Clara on his hands. While he did this he started walking down. While he was doing it he comes to doors and while being there he screams "give me medic here". While hearing him someone started running to him. While he was looking around, he could feel a gun on his back. While feeling it Matt screamed "I'm leaving her here" and after putting Clara on the ground he walked back.

While he did this, he closed doors and then he could see that Ann comes there. While seeing her he shows her on his fingers 'ok' and twice moved his hand. When he did this he started coming back while covering with his body attacker. While they come there, he said: "so what now".

"You coming there and while I will see one again something like that, I will kill you," Matt could hear.

"Oh come on what you will have when you will kill civilian," Matt said while walking slowly to stairs.

"What have you said," voice comes.

"I'm civilian in this shit and while I would like to go back home and go sleep I can't," Matt said while walking up. While hearing him attacker hasn't moved at all. While Matt goes up a guy who shoots Clara comes down and then he asked: "why are you standing like that".

"Oh, you saw this guy who helped," the guy said.

"Yes," the shooter said.

"He is civilian," the guy said.

"I don't think he is while he looked at me I started fearing about my life," the shooter said.

"Oh, what have you said," the guy said.

"Yes from his eyes nothing good trust me I was in this for many years and while seeing it I know he is dangerous," the shooter said.

"So probably some guard of someone," guy said.

"Probably we should tell to check him," the shooter said and then they walked to the basement where the operation center was.

While they were there, they told what happened and while seeing Matt face hacker which was at while the blue team started searching who Matt is.

While he was doing it Matt comes back to his floor after washing his hands. While he was there, he comes to his place and after sitting there he started observing what is happening. While he was doing it everyone close to him moved away while gossips about he could work with them go around.

While seeing it Matt looked at them and then on his uniform and while taking it out he lay on the ground and then he could hear "this girl will survive if she would be there for the next ten minutes she will die".

"Mhm," Matt said.

"She is in critical condition and what you mean by these movements," Andy asked.

"Nothing," Matt said in a very low voice. While he did this, he could see that everyone started looking at him. While seeing it he faked snore. While he did this, he could see that everyone is surprised that he could fall asleep while around are armed guys. While he did this after a few seconds he could feel the kick on his stomach. While feeling it Matt said "yes".

"No sleeping" girl said to him.

"Oh hello lovely girl could you answer me some questions," Matt said while smiling to her.

"Hell fucking now," she said and now she kicked his face. When she did this, she said "no more talks if I will hear that someone said something will be shot so shut the fuck up," and then she comes back to walking around. While hearing it Andy said, "oh thought girl you have there so your training as seduce doesn't work on her,".

"Mhm," Matt said and when he did this he started looking around what is happening on this floor.

Outside of MMS.

While general Harris walked out while having his arm bandaged he looked around and then he asked: "what happened".

"Nothing much one girl was realized" guy who was wearing the uniform without any unit said.

"Good I'm going back to see plans" general Harris said and then he walked to the command center. While he comes there, he looked around and then he asked: "so you have some plan".

"We can't go while using old tunnels while it's were destroyed and nothing we can do from here," general smith said.

"I know and that's why I'm asking what we should do," General Harris said.

"We should go by rooftop," someone said.

"Impossible everywhere are explosives," Kevin said.

"What have you said," general smith said.

"As you hear him we can't do this," general Harris looked at Kevin and then he said, "so we need to wait and see how it will go,".

"I can't my child is there" one of the generals which were quiet for now get up. While hearing him more of them done this. While seeing it general smith said, "be quiet my child is there too and while we can't do anything, for now, we can only stay here". While hearing his words everyone looked at him while seeing that he want to do something but he can't risk the life of Janet.

While hearing it general Harris said while coming closer to smith "come with me". While hearing it he nodded, and then they walked to the van where BA was. While they come there General Harris said: "you have communication".

"Yes sir all good and B35 have a gun with him," Andy said.

"Of that good he will be a big help" general Harris said and then he makes on speaker what is happening there. While he did this, he could hear that more people started talking to go to the bathroom. While they were doing it general smith said: "Janet if you hear me ask if you can go there too and then we can talk for some time." When he said it quiet come which for him go for ages but in reality, it was only a few seconds.