Don't go with your emotions

When Matt started going down Ann rushed to him and then she said: "what is happening".

"I don't know probably stress," General Harris said. When he did it Andy looked at him and then he said: "he is just exhausted".

"But he wasn't like that when he comes," Ann said.

"So I don't know," Andy said.

"Wait play what was there when he comes," the general said while looking at Andy. When he hears it he plays it one again and while General Harris looked at the screen, he said: "oh well now I know".

"What happened," Ann asked.

"It's because who is there," the general said.

"So it's him who done this to Matt," Ann asked while fire shows up in her eyes. While seeing it general said "yes it's him he is one of few people who were involved there I don't know what role he plays in it but it needed to be big" general said.

"I think too," Ann said.

"So what now we will do," Andy asked while looking at his keyboard ready to look for more details.

"Do what you can do" the general said and while hearing him Andy started his work. While he was doing it Angela come inside and while she was there, she looked at Matt, and then she said "take him to base I need to check him".

"Ok," Ann said and when she takes Matt while covering him she walked to one of the cars, and while being there her drove to the base. While she was driving, where she could see that Angela and Janet were following her. While she was doing it, she could see that her wound opened and while blood started going for her side, she could see it after she comes to the base and she goes out. While she did it Angela and Janet come to her and while they were close to her Janet said "you are bleeding".

"Yes, but what are you doing here," Ann asked.

"I was scared about Matt," she said.

"Stop talking let's go inside," Angela said and while they come there, they could see that few other agents come and while they take Matt from them they walked to the medic room. While being there Angela take from Ann her top and while she looked at her wound, she cleaned it and after applying for medicine she said: "now you can't move your arm for two days I know they making a good job but you should do this".

"Who," Janet asked.

"nanotech" Ann said and while hearing her Janet nodded and while now Angela walked to Matt who was lying not far away she started examination his body. While she was doing it Janet helped her with taking his clothes and while he was now only in his underwear he started screaming "please no don't". While he was repeating these words Janet said "is he all right".

"I don't know but he probably has a nightmare on what happened to him," Angela said.

"Yes, he has and you know the major story," Ann said.

"Yes, and what about it," Janet asked.

"He saw one of them," Anna said.

"Oh, fuck," Janet said and when she punched bed, she looked at Ann, and then she said, "it's bad".

"I know but we will handle it you aren't in our unit yet," Ann said while looking at her.

"Same him," Janet said while pointing on Matt.

"He is for four years so you can't talk now," Ann said.

"How it's possible," Janet asked.

"It is and four years will pass soon," Angela said.

"How," Janet asked.

"You remember bank robbery," Ann asked.

"You mean this four years ago where everyone was killed," Janet asked.

"yes general was there, but it was Matt who killed them and from this time he is with us," Ann said and while she looked at Angela who was checking Matt who finally calms down and he wasn't screaming but sweating like crazy, she takes Janet hand and while they walked out, she looked at her and then she said, "you love him".

"No, I only own him for what he did to me," Janet said.

"You know I love him the same doc and based on your reaction you love him too," Anna said and when her words go out Janet becomes red, and then she rushed to the bathroom. While seeing it Ann smiled while she didn't expect this type of reaction.

While Janet was inside, she looked in the mirror and then she said "oh I really love him but I can't I need" and then her phone started ringing. While hearing it she answered and then, she said: "yes dad".

"Where are you," general Smith asked.

"Oh somewhere," she said.

"Why you rushed so fast I could see only that they take someone from BA car and you come to one woman there and you drove with them you know your mom will kill me," he said.

"Sorry, dad I will call her," Janet said and when she hangs out while she doesn't want to hear what he wants to talk now she chooses mom number, and after she waited someone answered and a then a loud voice comes "my child are you all right".

"Yes, I'm fine doing worry mom," Janet said.

"I know that you going there is a bad idea," Janet's mom said.

"Oh, mom it was an accident, and they wanted us to deal you know that empire isn't weak and we will deal with everything," Janet said.

"I know you should remember where I'm working but I'm so scared when I hear it," Janet's mom said.

"Mom, don't worry I'm safe now and I'm probably in the safest place in the entire empire," Janet said.

"I trust you but child remember don't go with your emotions," Janet's mom said.

"I know," she said and when she hangs out, she looked one more time in the mirror and after using water on her head she walked out while wanting to know how Matt is doing now.