Season 1 episode 6: Care package

Amanogawa had just finished regaling his failure to Adonis and the new girl. When he was done he looked at them trying to read their faces.

The new girl looked a bit surprised at him. He wondered what she thought of him.

Adonis on the other hand just stared at his face. 'What's your deal just say something already!' He thought.

Then after what felt like eternity Adonis finally spoke.

"So not only are you a pompous rich spoiled brat from a powerful house you are also completely useless, incompetent and a waste of space." She paused to let this settle in his mind. "Not only that you heartlessly tried to kill the person who tried to save you. You are completely worthless aren't you?"

The girl sitting beside them burst laughing brandishing her split tongue.

"Hahahkakah!!" She fell from the chair and rolled on the ground.

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. "Hey, shut up!" He yelled.

Adonis slapped his face, "Shut the hell up." She kicked the girl on the floor in the back.

"Boghy!" She cried.

"Do you fucks want to attract the akuma to our location?" She said.

"Sorry." They said.

Amanogawa looked them, 'I'm probably going to regret this but I've got to know.'

"Oy, Adonis-san, why can't we go to the exits. What exactly is the problem?" Amanogawa asked.

The girl with green hair head slumped and she began to shuddering again. Adonis comforted her before glaring at Amanogawa, then she sighed.

"I suppose this was inevitable. I'll tell you what happened prior to what happened before the explosion."

Amanogawa tilted his head to the side and said, "but Why??!"

"Because it'll make sense to the reason why we can't leave!!" She snapped at him.

He threw his arms up in defence, "Okay, okay!"

Adonis began her tale. "It started a few minutes to the incident I just came back from buying a game and was really pleased with it when I bumped into 'her'" She gestured to the girl on the floor.

"What? So aren't going to name her??" Amanogawa said raising an eyebrow.

''Name' I have a name you know, trash sperm.', She thought. "Oy, Dead cells, I have a name and its-" Adonis interupted her.

"And its non of your fucking business!" She said.

"Well, at a fake one, you came just call her 'her'!!"

"Fine, for now her name will be zone," Adonis said. Zone was beaming with joy.

"Oooh, you read zone? We are so comparable." Zone said.

"Huh? Zone?? I don't get it?!" He said perplexed.

"Plebe!" They both said.

"As I was saying, after I bumped into zone she noticed my game and figurines I instantly spurted a conversation with me. She was extra enthusiastic for meeting a stranger who just knocked her off her ass, but I was okay with she was surprisingly nice being with her."

"Yeah, I enjoyed it too." Zone said.

Amanogawa gave them questioning stares. "Oy, oy. Do you two have any idea how that sounds?"

"But suddenly things went down hill from there." Adonis said.

"The explosion hit and you woke up in awkward position's?"

"Why would you say that?!!" Zone said.

"No, you fucking plebe." Adonis said.

"Okay then, Zone is secretly a du-" He got cracked in the face by Zone's foot and Adonis's fist. He fell backwards.

Zone looked at him, he wasn't looking good. "Adonis-san, is he alright."

"Of course." She punched him in the crotch.

"Ouch!" He whimpered.

"See, now where was I?" Adonis put her hand to her chin.

"I was about to my douche friends." Zone recalled.

"Oh yeah." She punched Amanogawa in the crutch again, he cried out in pain. "Okay, Zone invited me to have lunch with her friends I was a bit hesitant at first, but decided to go since I was going there anyway. When I got there her friend were kinda hostile to me, luckily I just ignored them. Then it happened." Adonis ran her fingers through her hair.

"One of her friends that was her boyfriend said, "Hey, babe I need some cash mind sending some to my account."

"Of course, darling," She took out her phone and wired it to her account.

Now I didn't say much, but then the others did the same and then they left. I was having a hard time contemplating what was happening, then it hit me.

I shot to my feet and pointed at them, "Hey, what the fuck?"

They looked at me with disgust and irritation, "What is it?" The boyfriend asked.

"You can't just leave her already after asking for so much money! What's wrong with you??"

"Hmph, what do you know she likes spending money on her friends."

"And now you're leaving her??"

"Yeah, we got shit to do see."

One of her other friends said and they left. I tried to contain my anger and turned to Zone.

"Zone, you should stop hanging out with those guys." I told her.

"What, why? Those are my friends!!" Zone said with a puzzled look on her face.

"They're just using you for your money, they aren't real friends."

Unfortunately Zone didn't listen to me and walked away, I was heading to the exit when I saw Zones' 'friends' and I eaves dropped on them then I heard them talk about Zone and it was nothing good.

I decided to confront them, " Hey, you motherfuckers!!" Marched to them. "What the fuck was that all?!? So you're all just using her?!!!"

Her friends pulled a smug face then the boyfriend said, "And so what?"

I was genuinely shocked by their reactions but I wasn't surprised. "What do you mean, so what?? Your Zones' friends, you can't do this to her. Why the fuck are you taking advantage of her."

And he just smiled and said, "Aren't you? She's from a big family with ties to major businesses and the demon slayers.

Another friend said,"It sure does help thay she's a naive pathetic girl deprived of friends her whole life. So when we found her when she ran away we decided to make her our cash cow!"

At the time I couldn't contain the rage any more, "Why you motherfuckers!! I'm sick of wasted sperm like you bunch of accidental births!!" I gripped the boyfriends shirt.

He still had a smug look on his face, "Bitch, some needs-" I punch him the gut and he crumbled to the ground.

The others got ready to fight then Zone came and they put on the greatest play I ever saw and made me the bad guy, Zone was comforting her boyfriend as I tried to explain to her what was going on, Zone didn't believe me. Then those damned vultures showed up.

My bodyguards showed up..."

Amanogawa burst into laughter, "So, you two are from a rich family too??? Who's stuck up and a snubs now?!!"

Adonis clocked him in the face with her foot and he fell to the ground, "Still you since means Zone don't flaunt our money and that we didn't earn like a damned cape!"

Zone laughed at him, Amanogawa who was about to die from shame said, "I'm sorry, please continue."

"Okay, so they surrounded me I had an irritated look and was tempered to kill them, I just wish I did. They spewed some bullshit about me not leaving their side and I just ignored them.

I turned to Zone and said, "See? I know how people like them operate, Zone-san."

One if the guards walked up to me and said, "Alright, mistress come wi-" I flipped over my shoulder and Walked away.

Then I felt it, I wasn't fast enough to react on time then the mall exploded with the energy.

When I came to I saw my guards heading for the exit I ordered them to help me with other civilians, as I was digging through the rubble they fired their ashe at me, luckily I dodged it but I only managed to dodged them hitting my vitals.

I skidded one knee turned to them in disbelief and said, "What the fuck are you doing??!"

They looked scared but determined, I wasn't sure what was going through minds then one spoke up.

"Sorry, about this, you rich prick, but there are unknown akuma here, and the more the bodies the higher chance of escape for us."

Another one said, "Yeah and there's no way we're leaving with a spoilt rich brat like you, you'll die here and we'll be guarding someone with authority and power that can make us rich."

As I suspected that was their goal, lucky for me I wasn't never in any situation that I actually needed their help in the past.

They turned to leave and akuma's sprang up from the debris I dispatched them quickly, not knowing what happened to my guards I then went to the exit and found Zone along the way."

Adonis looked at Zone was shuddering from the thought of this, she didn't want a repeat of the incident, but in order to keep Amanogawa safe he needed to hear this.

"It's okay, Amanogawa needs to hear this anyway." Zone said.

"Finally, we are getting to the important part, so can't we-" They shot him death glared. "Uhh, please continue to inform of the current situation."

Adonis continued, "When I found her she was covered in blood and was sobbing uncomfortably, apparently her 'friends' had gone to the exit first and most of them instantly got diced while going through exit."

Amanogawa had a face of horror, "what??!? How?!? What happened???!!" He asked freaking out.

Adonis shrugged, "Don't know after that Zones' friends hit her to the ground took her wallet and ran away and while they were talking about freedom and leaving her to die they too got diced."

Amanogawa looked like he was about to faint, "Wait, what the fuck!!?"

"Yeah, so don't talk or plan to escape because what ever killed them is an unknown akuma with an unknown power level and an unknown range. So shut THE FUCK UP!!"

Amanogawa raised his hands, "Okay, okay." He looked at Zone who was lost in thought, petrified from the memory. "Hey, Zone-san, I'd it's any consolation at least you got rid of your clearly toxic friends. So not all bad?" He scratched his head nervously. "I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay, at least I got to make friends with Amanogawa-kun and Adonis-san. So I guess that it's alright." Zone gave them a confident smile.

Meanwhile Morioka and the rest of the intelligent akuma were heading towards further into the the mall.

They were on the arachnes back holding onto Riku and shuddering uncontrollably.

"Mastress, if you only give the order I can dispatch then in an instant." The atachne brandished her claws.

They shook their head, "No, we need them to reach the hide out." They lowered their head besides I can't simply be using you guys as a crutch. It ain't healthy."

"Understood, masstress." They said. 'Ah, the mastress is just so perfect!! I wish to be as great as them some day.' The arachne thought.

Kuro and the tentacle akuma was following behind them keeping a distance as ordered from Morioka.

"Ugh, what are we doing here?" The tentacle akuma said sounding irritated. "The akuma slayers will be here soon."

Kuro turned to her, "You didn't consider that while attacking the akuma slayers earlier.'"

They turned away, "It didn't really occur to me at the time.... But to think they did all this and for what?"

"Don't question the mastress's thought process. They are not on the same level as simpletons like yourself." Kuro stuck Kuro's tongue out.

The tentacle akuma sighed, "Fine, then what are we doing here anyway??" They said.

"Not sure, only those two know exactly why we are here." Kuro pointed at Morioka and the arachne.

"And that doesn't bother you at all?" They asked.

Kuro puffed Kuro's cheeks, "Ne! The mastress is great and awesome! And they don't need to give reasons for their actions because it's going to work out great!"

"Fine. Fine!" They turned to stateat trying to figure them out Morika, 'What was the point of all of this? Why come here and this?? What are their end?!!' These thoughts ran through their mind while Morioka was scanning the building until they found three Yoki and smirked.

Meanwhile Amanogawa, Adonis and Zone were laying on the bed then Amanogawa said, "Hey, you guys heard of this webcomic called-" He got interrupted by the ceiling collapsing and four figures landed before them.

"Oh, fuck! It's the akuma!? And she brought friends along with it."

They all shot to their feet and took a battle stance.

"Alright, you two take the care of the other ones I'll take the intelligent one." Adonis said.

"Right!" The other two said.

"Ufufu!" They heard one of them laugh. "Here that guys they don't see us as a threat?" Morioka said wagging their finger. "Big fucking mistake!"

'What?? They are more intelligent akuma??' Adonis thought.

"What there's more of them?!!" Zone cursed.

"Where the fuck are the coming from?!!" Amanogawa said.

"Oh that hurts, Amanogawa-kun." Morioka said.

"Wh-what the fuck?!! How do know my name?!!" He asked.

They put a hand to their chin, "Hmm, you told me right before I got iced saving your sorry ass."

Darkness fell on Amanogawa face as he put the pieces together, "Mind elaborating?"

The akuma slapped their faces.

"Ugh, it's me. Morioka." Morika said.

"Huh? How are an intelligent akuma already and naked?"

Morioka furrowed their brow. "Seriously??"

"What are you doing here??" Adonis said.

"Oh, just here to collect some special package for a special someone." Morioka jumped off the arachne and turned to Zone. "I'll have you come with us, Iyanke Moore."

Shock and disbelief spread across all their faces when this dropped from their mouth.

Iyanke clenched her fists. "H-how do you know that name??"

"Wait, you are Iyanke Moore from the Moore family. They are a prestigious huge family. I've been to a few of their parties in the past." Amanogawa said.

"So,we came here for a rich kid!" The tentacle akuma said. "Now that I think about it we can use her gain some power and resources."

"See the masteress is the best!" Kuro said

Adonis clenched her fists and burst with hagio, "So, that's what you want with her?!! I want let!"

She was about to lung at them but darkness wrapped around her constricting her.

"Adonis!?" Amanogawa and Iyanke cried.

"Oh, don't worry I ain't going to do anything like that. I'm not some power hungry psychopath." Morioka said.

"Eh?!!?!?!!" The other akuma echoed.

Morioka grinned at them, "I'm here to deliver her to a third part. I mean I did cause all of this chaos. Might as well do something selfless."

Shock spread across their face upon hearing this.

"W-what ...!!?!" They started.

"Oh, I can't get into that right now." Morioka snapped their fingers.

"Get over here!!" The arachne shot webs at Amanogawa and Iyanke and brought dragged them to them entangling them in more webs leaving only their head.

"Oh, I love it when you use that scorpion reference," Morioka slapped the arachne in the butt.


Morioka turned to leave then suddenly Adonis fell to the ground now free and yelled, "Please wait!"

"Hm? You need something? Wanna yell out your frustration and hatred. I'll have to take a rain check on that, maybe when we me again." They waved.

"No, that's not it!" She yelled louder.

The other akuma were getting impatient with this person they saw as an insect.

"Then out with it, child!" Kuro said.

Adonis bit her lip then said. "Please, take me with you."

They all looked shocked band perplexed by this sudden words.

"You do realize what will happen to them and you, right?" The tentacle akuma said.

"Yes...." She said with a week voice.

"Then why?!!"

"Because, it is better than my alternative."

Morioka was at the back of the arachne shuddering.

The arachne turned to Adonis and looking infuriated.

They raised their hand, "Why dumb-" Morioka interrupted them.

"Stop! It's fine." They said trying to calm down. "Just tie her up."

Kuro punched them in the face.

"As you wish, mastress." They did as they were told and placed her on their back and followed Morioka and the others to the exit.

'Finally. Now the real fun can begin. Just gotta tie up loose ends first.' Morioka thought.