I... died or maybe not?

I was standing on a white floored cubic room and to be precise the room was not a part of my apartment but was instead floating on an empty space.

Yes, you heard it right, the room is floating in the air without any support, it doesn't have any pillars underneath at all.

Oh, and I forgot to say, it is not hanging from somewhere else either.

How did I find out?

I saw it with my own two eyes.

No kidding.

You can't believe it...

I can't either!

Well, I guess when you wake up after dying in an accident after having saved your pet dog, no, correction, ex-pet dog, which you had kicked out of the house just the day before because you could not remember to give it food for days, and then find yourself in an all white room with just two windows and an open roof, the first thing that comes to your mind is 'Where am I?' and the second 'I am not dead yet?'.

The floor was cold and I was still wearing my clothes from before but it was not doing much to stop the chilly breeze that was entering into this room through the two windows present.

I could not get out of this room that was for sure but I did not want to be stuck here.

I was deep in thoughts, wondering what to do in this situation, when suddenly something came into the room through the window coming straight at me.

I subconsciously dodged whatever the thing was and that particular thing crashed onto the opposite wall.

"Ow, pain, pain, it hurts..." I heard a pitifully crying voice then.

I turned to see a little girl, the size of my palm, with tiny translucent wings at the back. She was wearing a dress made out of flower petals.

Am I perhaps dreaming?

No, I don't believe dreams can feel this real but this little thing that I see just in front of me can't be real right?

The little thing flew in front of me for a while complaining about why I didn't catch her and then she realized that I was looking at her in utter disbelief that she stopped and said "I think I forgot to introduce myself. I am Levi, a pixie. I was assigned to your soul. Now, let us go."

I raised up my eyebrow and casually said "Where?", while curiosity was clawing at my heart.

After all, there was visibly no way out of here but considering the fact that this self proclaimed pixie was far from being real I should probably be expected to find a door appear out of thin air.

I was musing about this and snapped out of it when she coughed looking embarrassed and said in one breath "Sorry. This is my first job and you are the first soul I have ever met. I am not really sure about the rules and regulations and ended up coming late here therefore I don't have time to explain things to you and we need to leave this space at once as we can't be late for the first task given to us by the Lord. I promise, when we reach there I will tell you everything in detail. Now, please close your eyes".

She looked at me expectantly waiting for me to follow what she said.

I knew that I will not be able to get any answers now no matter how much I wanted to start demanding her to tell me where I was and many other questions to quench my thirst for knowledge about my current status so I helplessly closed my eyes quietly.

After a while, I heard the same voice of that little pixie girl, "Open your eyes, we have reached the world."

I did not feel anything at all and didn't even move an inch, were we really at a new place now?

Thinking so, I opened my eyes to see a beautiful view of a city from the top of a huge building.

The view was great yet I was not at the liberty to appreciate it, because I was at the roof...

Standing on the railing at the edge...

One of my feet hanging in the air as if I was about to take a step forward.

I gulped down in fear.

I quietly brought my feet back to the cemented edge and got down to the floor.

Then screamed "What the hell was that?"

I was breathing heavily and slightly trembling with cold sweat flowing down my neck.

I always knew that I suffered from the fear of falling from heights from my horrible air travel experiences in the past as I was jittery all the time while in the airplane but this was me practically on my way to death due to falling from such a height, anyone would be scared!

My almost death after dying from an accident...


Only then did I realize that I had a fluttering little fellow right in front of me. The very same pixie that brought me here. I folded my arms and glared at her.

"Mind explaining what is happening here?" I spoke almost seething in anger.

"I'm sorry. We came slightly after the actual time we were supposed to be here. Just by a few minutes though. We were to reach here at the moment when Mr. Evan Richards, the body you are in, had entered the roof, not when he was about to jump off from it" explained the pixie.

The corner of my lips twitched slightly in irritation. Just a few minutes you say? Those few minutes almost got me killed!

"So, you are telling me that this body is not mine but someone named Evan?"

"Yes, absolutely" said the pixie.

"What was your name again?" I enquired.

Now that I think about it, I actually didn't pay attention to her properly back then. Might as well take this chance to get everything cleared...

"How could you forget my name so soon?" pouted the pixie and continued "It's Levi. Remember it well this time. Oh yeah! I didn't have time to ask back then, what is your name?"

"It's Ray Allen" I said.

"Alright, now that we are here let me start the beginners tutorial details given by the Lord. Firstly, you have died in your original world. According to the rules created by Lord, the souls collected have to go through the Hall of judgment, where all the things done by the soul, while living, is checked to determine if the soul has done more good or bad. If it is bad, then the soul is deemed evil and sent to the dimension called Mellisia and if it is good, then the soul is considered holy and sent to the dimension called Paraneria. However, there are many souls which have done equal amount of good and bad in there lifetime. Such souls are neutral, therefore, the Lord has decided to give them a chance to live again and do good to go to Paraneria but if they still do wrong then they will be thrown away to Mellisia" said Levi.

"So, I was given a body to live once and work hard on the path of righteousness, is that it?" I asked, thinking to myself that the Lord she speaks of must be the God that we know. Mellisia is perhaps hell and Paraneria equivalent to heaven.

"Not once but many times" she corrected.

"What do you mean by many times?" I asked slightly confused.

"You will be transferred to many different worlds one after another, into the body of one of that world's residents, to live and do good till you succeed to negate the amount of evil you have done in your original lifetime. Then, the amount of good you had done before your first death can help you stay at Paraneria. However, the amount also determines for how long you will be staying there before getting reincarnated. Because of which many neutral souls try to continue doing this job for a long time to collect much more amount of good even after the negation process".

I frowned and asked "What is the difference between this and getting reincarnated? I think this is much better after all as I can see this body I realize that I don't have to go through the growing phase of a baby. Plus, my memories are still intact. It would be erased during reincarnation right?"

"During reincarnation, you are born with a certain level of good luck but in this case every time you receive a body, the original owner of the body would have been going through immense pain, be it mentally or physically and in some cases both. In other words, the very start would be horrible. Your life may get better if and only if you do good and right the things that had already gone wrong. On top of that, everytime you can't do a task, you will be punished".

I see...

So troublesome!!!