[WARNING: This chapter contains violence.]

"Oh.. I wonder how you will avenge your mother's death?", the middle aged man asked her in a tone of mocking.

"Are you going to report us to the police? Or… Are you going to kill us?"

"How will you do it alone? You will need help. Whom will you ask to help you?"

After a short pause, the man raised one eyebrow and asked in a hateful tone.

"Your father? Are you going to ask him for help?", his eyes flashed with mockery and disgust.

Her father! How could she ask for his help? She didn't even know her own father's name. All these years, she never saw him even once. Now she lost her mother too. What more did she have to lose?

Watching the girl not responding to his taunting, he continued, "No one will help you. May be you would better keep that in mind"

This time he told it louder without any trace of mockery in his voice. His voice echoed throughout the room.

"What makes you think we will let you leave after getting rid of your mother?"

"In your dreams"

"From today, you will never see the outside world until your death. You will simply rot here"

Jin Zhilan's emotions reacted like a volcano, erupting inside her. The tears she fought to hold back trickled down her cheek.

"Why are you doing this? What kind of satisfaction are you getting from torturing me?"

Before the man could speak...

"You s.l.u.t! Keep your mouth shut" The middle aged woman hissed at her, her eyes blazing with fury. "What did you call your mother earlier? Innocent? hahaha.... She was an absolutely shameless woman. Mistress of a married man."

"Everything that happened today are all your fault. If you didn't want this to happen, then you shouldn't have been born. You bast**d" The woman glared at the girl, her eyes ablaze with fury, disgust and hatred.

The memory of her mother's accident a few hours ago, fuelled the anger inside Jin Zhilan. She didn't believe a single word told by the woman before her.

"What do you want? Why did you kill my mother? Why? How did my mother offend you? What in God's name did my mother do to deserve such a horrible fate? My mother never deserved such a terrible end." Jin Zhilan shrieked at the top of her lungs. "She was the kindest, most gentle, loving …" her loud voice broke on a sob.

"You vulgar creature, what are you yowling about?", the middle aged woman stepped forward in rage and latched onto a handful of Jin Zhilan's hair and pulled. Jin Zhilan struggled. But her physical state was still weak. The woman pulled hard on Jin Zhilan's hair with all her might, making Jin Zhilan winced with pain in her scalp. She felt several locks of her hair coming out from her scalp.

The woman didn't let her grip on Jin Zhilan's hair go though, but instead slapped her hard on the face, leaving scarlet finger marks on her skin.

"Being the daughter of that slut, you have the audacity to question us? You have some nerve. It is time you should realize who you are. A homewrecker's daughter."

Jin Zhilan was furious hearing the woman badmouthing her mother. But she didn't argue with her. She was really mentally and physically exhausted. Moreover, what others thought about her mother was none of her business. She knew very well that none of the things told by this woman were true. But she needed an answer to her main concern.

"You haven't told me yet why you killed my mother. What grudge .." do you have against my mother? Before Jin Zhilan could finish her question, the old woman who was silent till then, cut her off.

"Oh dear, this is only the beginning", the old lady chuckled humorlessly.

Jin Zhilan turned her attention from the middle aged woman to the creased face of the old woman. The old woman's face mirrored every ounce of hatred and derision she felt for the girl.

Jin Zhilan looked straight into the old lady's eyes. The old lady's face had a stony, cold expression.

"You'll pay for the sins committed by your blood" the old lady's menacing eyes glowed with malice.