February 5th, Friday, Jing City

The sound of wine glasses clinking when toasting, excited cheers and laughter filled the ballroom of a luxurious mansion in the city. It was the birthday banquet of the country's budding actress Xu Ling. It was a grand bash for affluent families, socialites and celebrities in the city. After all, Xu Ling was the young miss of Xu family and Xu family was a prominent family in the city. The ballroom was decorated majestically. The guests mingled with each other.

On the other side of the mansion, inside the servant quarters, a girl was dragging an unconscious man inside a room. After dragging him to the other side of the room, far away from the door, she tied up his hands and legs using clothes.

All of a sudden, the man, named Guo Yan, returned to his consciousness and groaned in pain. He tried to use his hands to rub his forehead. But his hands were bound behind him. They were tightly knotted together using clothes and were further bound to a metal structure inside the room. He was experiencing a headache and his vision was all hazy.

The moment he sensed his hands bound to something, he started fretting. He shook his head to clear his vision. Then he glanced around him only to find the girl tying his legs hurriedly. His face darkened and his eyes turned cold as the realization hit him.

He was trapped.

He tried to free his legs. But it was too late. His legs were already kept apart and were tightly tied to two legs of a single cot.

He tugged his arms to release it from knots. But too bad, the knots got more tighten.

Unable to free himself, Guo Yan crazily roared at the girl. "Jin Zhilan, you b**ch, how dare you knock me out! You dared to hit me! Do you think that after tying me, you can escape from here? Dream on. You won't be able to move a few metres from the mansion. The guards will track you and you will be dispatched back here."

"Moreover, It will be easy to hunt you down because of your fragrance. What do you think you smell like? Lavender? Lily? Rose? ….. Or Rotten egg? I can smell you from here! And you don't smell so sweet. In fact, you stink."

"You should be grateful to me for I fancied you. Have you ever found any other servant in the mansion who took an interest in you? I have not see no one else. You should think yourself lucky that I am bothering to take an interest in you."

In the dim lit room, when Guo Yan noticed that Jin Zhilan was still kneeling near his legs with her head bowed and not responding to his threats, he believed that she got scared and might be reconsidering her decision to escape. Afterall she was a girl who was very much easier to bully.

His lips turned into a scowl and he continued his mockery. "Anyway you are not going to escape from here. Once you will be sent back here by security guards, then you will see what I will do to you. I will make sure that you rot inside this house. So you better abandon your plan of escaping from here. I will forgive you and will not make it difficult for you."

Jin Zhilan remained calm throughout the time Guo Yan yelled at her. She slowly lifted her head up and stood up from her kneeling position. A sinister smile spread across her face.

The moment Jin Zhilan raised her head, Guo Yan felt a chill run down his spine. The girl's blue eyes were too sharp like knives which could pierce through him. There were no traces of fear in her eyes and face. But there was intense hatred written all over her face. Guo Yan was scared as well as surprised to see this new side of Jin Zhilan.

Guo Yan was working in Xu Mansion for the last five months. Before that he was working in another estate owned by the Xu family. From his co-workers, he heard that this girl was held captive by Xu family for the last three years. None of the servants in the mansion was aware of the real reason behind it but everyone knew that Xu family hated this girl to the bones.

During the last five months, he always watched her being tortured by women of Xu family and being bullied by other servants. But she never retaliated against anyone and never responded to anything. She always held her head down and listened to every swearing, cursing and taunting words.

But today everything seemed different. She looked like a totally different person. But Guo Yan wanted to believe that this was just a facade for scaring him. This stupid girl was not capable of escaping from here on herown. So she was trying to gain his help by frightening him.

'Yes, this makes sense.', Guo Yan thought to himself.

Guo Yan wanted to ridicule Jin Zhilan for her poor acting skills. But before he could speak….

"Grateful!", Jin Zhilan wisphered with a sarcastic chuckle.

"Right now I am showing my gratitude for whatever you have done in the past five months. This is my token of thanks to you. I hope you like it." She tilted her head to the side with a sardonic smile planted on her lips. "If you are not satisfied, don't worry. Tomorrow morning you will get some token of appreciation from the Xu family. I'm sure you will certainly…... love it."

Guo Yan's whole body shivered at the thought of Xu family's reaction if this girl managed to escape. He would be tortured to death.

Guo Yan was displeased to see Jin Zhilan's arrogant attitude and he felt humiliated. But decided to endure it for now. Now his main focus should be on how to distract her from her decision to escape from here. Otherwise he will suffer.

He changed his tactics, "Be good. Undo this knots and free me. I will forgive you. I won't tell anyone. Even if you escaped from servant's quarters, you won't be able to cross security gates. You are a little girl. You don't know anything. If you stay back here, I will help you to get your revenge on Xu family. We will plot together against the Xu family. I will do whatever makes you happy."

"No free me. Let us enjoy tonight. I will make you feel good. I will make you scream the whole night out of pleasure."

Jin Zhilan instantly scoffed at his words, "You dream on, Jerk". Then she lifted her foot and kicked straight at the man's d*ck.

A loud scream echoed inside the room, which was utterly frightening. But no one other than the girl heard it. Today because of the party, not a single servant was present in the servant quarters.

Guo Yan tried to cover his d*ck with his arms, but couldn't. His hands were tied.

The man gritted his teeth in annoyance and looked at her with red eyes but only to find her smirking at him.

"Jin Zhilan, believe me, I will torture you once I marry you. Today old madam told me that I can marry you if I agree to her demand of staying in this servant quarters with you for the rest of my life. I already agreed. Now you wait and see how I will make your life a living hell." Guo Yan shivered in anger.

Jin Zhilan snorted with laughter. She didn't need him to tell her about the new scheme of old lady. She was already aware of it.  

She ignored the murderous look the man was giving her. She looked at the man like he was an idiot. This man, Guo Yan was around forty years and still he was looking forward to marrying a girl half his age.

"What if I kill you right now? Will you still be able to torture me? Right now, I can do whatever I want. I can make you scream out of pain. I can chop your fingers. I can pluck your eyes out with my fingers. I can peel your skin. Even I can chop your d*ck. I can cut your throat. Overall, I can grant you a horrible and dreadful death. Do you want to try?" Jin Zhilan teased him with cold eyes.

The man felt threatened at once. He felt his blood freezing when he saw the scary smile plastered on the girl's face. He knew in his heart that he was at a disadvantage. She could do anything to him right now. Moreover she was looking scary. She was staring at him in an evil way. In this dimly lit room, she looked exactly like a devil staring at its prey.

Now he regretted his decision to take advantage of the party to meet her alone in the servant quarters . Today, he was actually lustful. He never thought that she had the ability to knock him out. He should have never came here.

After pausing for a moment, Jin Zhilan continued, "It is just that I don't want to dirty my hands by killing a stink bug like you"

Guo Yan couldn't take the humiliation anymore and was annoyed.

He yelled at Jin Zhilan, "You b**ch, how dare y…" Before he could complete his taunting statement, Jin Zhilan hit the back of the man's neck and directly knocked the man unconscious.

Jin Zhilan forcefully opened the man's mouth and stuffed some clothes inside it. She was about to leave the room. But halted at the door when she remembered something. She went back to the corner where the man was tied and searched his pockets. Taking out a set of lock and key from his pocket, she came out of the room and locked the doors from outside using the keys.

Jin Zhilan repeatedly told herself, "I need to escape. No matter what."

One way or another, she must escape before it was too late. She didn't want to marry that demon. She didn't wish to live the life of a puppet anymore.