For the last three years, Jin Zhilan didn't see the world outside Xu mansion even once. Xu family prohibited her from leaving the house. She was living like a prisoner. She was not even allowed to step into the front courtyard. She was totally detached from the outside world.

Jin Zhilan was looking for an opportunity to flee from that hell and at last she succeeded. Although she had no idea what her future held for her, getting out of Xu mansion was already a great step from her part.

Once the car exited the gates, the man started racing it as if he was rushing to the hospital to save someone's life. It was a bumpy ride. Jin Zhilan's body moved back and forth against the inside of the trunk. She felt pain all over her body. However, she was overwhelmed by her happiness of escaping that hell.

But, she couldn't help but thought to herself, 'Why is he driving at a rate above the speed limit? Isn't he aware about speed tickets? Or is he asking for one?'.

After some series of turns, the car halted at some place. From the sounds, she realized that the car was stopped at some busy spot and the man got out of the car.

At first, she thought of stepping out of the trunk. But later she discarded that thought. If someone saw her stepping out from the trunk, it would result in chaos. So she decided to remain in the trunk and wait for the right opportunity.

Few minutes later, she heard the sound of the car door opening followed by the ruffling sound of paper. She assumed that the man might be keeping some paper bags inside the car. She remembered the man's conversation with someone regarding buying something.

The journey resumed. Again after some series of turns, the man reduced the speed of the car until it halted slightly at some place. She heard the sound of the gate being opened. The car moved again for around 5 minutes until it completely stopped.

Jin Zhilan was very alert to each and every noise and movement. From the sounds, she understood that the man took the paper bags from the car and he was walking away from the car. She could hear the fading echo of the sound of his footsteps. She concluded that the place was empty. She waited until even the faintest sound of footsteps vanished.

Ensuring that no sound was coming from outside the car, she opened the trunk a little. She looked around the place through the small opening. The place looked like a garage.

After thinking for a moment, she widely opened the trunk and stepped out of it. She closed the trunk afterwards. She studied her surroundings. All her senses were on high alert.

But the very next moment, Jin Zhilan was stunned by the sight before her, a soft gasp leaving her lips. She looked around the garage with wide eyes. The place looked like a private garage. There were several rows of sports and luxurious cars parked in this brightly lit garage. All were premium limited edition cars and were highly expensive ones. She suspected that she might be inside some luxury car showroom. According to her, it was impossible for a person to own this many high end cars. This was her first time seeing this many luxurious cars together.

Jin Zhilan started exploring the garage curiously like a small kid with eyes sparkling of pure excitement. Almost all luxurious brands were present and many of the cars were dark colored.

Before coming to this country, she had pretty good knowledge of cars like different brands of cars, its models, its specialities, differences between them, etc.

After exploring the place a bit, Jin Zhilan concluded that many of these cars were custom made. She was truly astonished by this car collection. Some of the models were unknown to her. She assumed that these models were released in the market during the last three years.

"How filthy rich a person should be to own such a car collection. None of the cars in the Xu family's garage could be even compared to these ones. Xu family owned many expensive cars but they were not as superior and top quality as these cars. Even so, Xu family loved bragging about themselves being the most prestigious family with high standing and superiority in Jing city" Jin Zhilan murmured to herself with a stupefied look on her face.

While remembering Xu mansion, instantly, Jin Zhilan was snapped back to reality. Her eyes wide opened when realization hit her.

She thought to herself, 'Stupid Zhilan, you are in trouble. This garage perhaps be a part of some big mansion or some office and may be highly guarded. It is certainly not possible to get out of this place easily'.

While Jin Zhilan was busy pondering over her thoughts, some sound of footsteps came from the far end of the garage. She jumped at the sound and instantly started looking for a place to hide. She hid herself behind a pillar and secretly peeped towards the direction of sound. The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer. Soon two men came into her sight. They entered the garage from a hallway at the end.

Jin Zhilan observed the new arrivals. The man who was walking on the right side looked like a chauffeur. He was neatly uniformed. But his face looked tired and pale. His eyes were drowsy, the lids drooping slightly over his dulled eyes. He was carrying baggage in both of his hands.

She then glanced at the other man who looked like a business executive. He was the same man she saw in the parking space of Xu mansion or in other words her personal driver till here. He still had paper bags in his hands.

Jin Zhilan really wanted to thank this man in executive suit for giving her a ride and to advise him to follow traffic rules. She genuinely wanted to give him some pointers but restricted herself from doing so. Because she feared that after receiving her thanks and advice, he might give her a free ride back to Xu mansion forcefully which she couldn't let happen.

She brushed away her thoughts and began thinking about ways to get out of this place. All of a sudden, she remembered her previous rescue car and started searching for it. While wandering in the garage, she had already moved far away from that car. Looking around, she spotted it a few metres away. It was an odd one out in this garage full of luxurious cars.

Jin Zhilan frowned when she saw the location of the car. It was right in front of the pathway the two people were coming. If she tried to go near that car, she would certainly garner the attention of those two people in the garage. Now, she regretted stepping out of that car.