More Enemies

"Master Theo! More Enemies headed from the east of Aeros! They are disturbing our people's peace!" Reported one man who stood guard at the palace's highest peak. It was from the view of his telescope where he saw the disorder from afar.

Christopher, Kyle, and Zack turned to the guard who came rushing through the door.

Theo stood up and asked, "How many?!"

"More than ten of them, Master Theo - as far as I saw from the tower," reported the guard.

"I'll take care of it," said Kyle before bowing down before their ruler.

"Father, more than the marriage, our people need me. I shall too join Kyle in the fight - excuse me," said Christopher.

"You!" Theo had his finger on his son, but he disappeared before his presence, heading out to the door with Kyle.

Preparing to head out, men equipped Christopher with his armor and sword. While descendants of Aeros can heal themselves, they were not entirely invisible. A strike against their internal organs would still ultimately take their life.

"Who is leading the attack?" Christopher asked as his man, strapping his armor from the back.

While he had a full-frontal cover and shoulder shield, like most of the Aeros' soldiers, his back was bare with only straps holding the protection from the front. This gave way for his wings to erupt by the time of his calling.

"Vasco, young master. Your mortal enemy," said the guard as he tightened the leather on Christopher's back.

Christopher swung his sword in circles before gripping it firmly to his right. Holding it up in the direction of the fight, he said, "I have to bring down this leader, Vasco. He brings more trouble than a thousand Oscorian men."

"The problem is, like most leaders of Oscoria, they let their frontals deal with the clamor and the leaders retreat when they are about to go down," remarked Kyle. He turned to Christopher, fully strapped, and said, "Are you, ready, brother?"

"Ready. Let's kill some red-skinned devils! Hiyaaaaahhh!" Christopher let out his wings and not a moment too soon, he flew to the direction of the attack along with Kyle and five more of his men.

Not all of those who dwelled in Aeros have wings, nor could they fight for their lives. Some lived merely normal lives as peasants and hunters, whatnot. Each group of families had a role to play in Aeros. It was meant to keep the balance and maintain the cycle of life in the nation, regardless of the raging war against Oscoria.

In a small village, nearly a mile from the castle walls, people of Aeros fend for themselves as only four soldiers were present to fight off the surprise attack of their invaders. The ground, from one home, collapsed. It was from there where the red-skinned villains climbed to the land.

Their adversaries were rushing to steal their livestock and food while other Oscorians went on a battle spree. It was chaos everywhere, and houses were being stormed by the villains and made empty their grains.

Screams of terror and cries of pain roared against the small community, until Vasco, the leader of the attack, saw the soldiers in the sky. He ordered his red-skinned men, "Let's move back! We already have enough! They are coming!"

Soaring high above the ground came Christopher and his men. Some threw arrows against the devils while some attacked upfront, blazing while thrusting their swords against another.

The Oscorians use various weapons; from swords, customized daggers, but their greatest assets were their immense and strong physic. They could easily pull down a flying soldier from Aeros should they grab the chance to hold on to one's feet.

From one side of the struggle, clashing swords were evident. Christopher held one of the best-made blades of the nation; a single edge, golden-crusted sword with a curved blade at the edge. It was a weapon that has been passed down from generation to generation.

"Urrrgh! Hiiiyaaah!" Grunting as he fiercely struck one rival with his sword, Christopher swung his body above the enemy's head, efficiently used his elbows to inflict pain on the Oscorian's back before piercing through its skin his golden blade.

"Ahhhh!" Christopher cried triumphantly as blood gushed out of his opponent.

He directed his gaze to a group of enemies throwing small spiral blades to the sky and hurting his small army.

As fast as the wind, he stormed against the group, breaking them off and while damaging their flesh with his gleaming weapon. He quickly flew up in the sky to avoid any counter attacks before returning to another strike.

Meanwhile, Kyle stalked from the land, keeping his wings hidden. He fought with a double-edge sword, cycling from one Ocsorian to the next. His screech of anger was equally audible in comparison to Christopher.

He ran after the fleeing adversaries and put down a few, but unfortunately, Vasco, the leader of the attacking group, had already escaped.

Deep into a hole that the red-skinned enemies dug, the remaining Oscorians fled with many of the village's bred animals and grains. It was not enough that most of the nation's food was sourced elsewhere, their greatest invaders had to their food away.

Many of the adversaries have fallen, but nearly half had made their way to the hole where they escaped.

When the Oscorians were no longer in sight, Christopher announced to the town's people, "Try not to worry. We will seek food for this village and return in the evening for your meals."

He turned to his men and ordered for some food and water from the palace and bring it to the people while others were ordered to cover the hold where the enemies earlier came about. It was too risky for them to follow the Oscorians.

For now, the best option is to cover the hole and leave guards of men to protect the people while scouts will be sent to find the entrance of this breach.

"Chris! There is one Oscorian who surrendered. He said he has a message for you!" Kyle reported while three of his men pointed blades at the foe.

Christopher turned to the surrendering red-skinned man as he made his way two meters from where he stood. He asked, "What is your message?"

"If you, the young master of Aeros, surrender yourself to Oscoria, we will stop all attacks! Only you and you alone can save the suffering of your people," answered the captured foe.

"Why do they want me? Why?!" Christopher demanded an answer.

The Oscorian turned demonic. He laughed at Christopher's probing and said, "I regret, I am not in the position to say - Ahhh! Gh - Gr."

Blood came up from the brute's mouth as Christopher thrust his sword into the creature's chest. Yet again the Oscorians asked for his surrender. He and his father, including his army, could not fathom their interest in him.

For the past three years, the Oscorians have offered peace, but in return, the Aeros had to give up their young Master, the son of the nation's ruler. It was but natural for Theo to object. He would never surrender his son, Moreover, the enemies were not to be trusted.

Kyle and Christopher looked at each other after the creature took his last breath. They both had the same silent question in their heads. Simultaneously asked each other.

"What do they want with you?" Kyle asked.

"Am I really that good-looking?" Christopher asked as his brows drew together.

"Fuck you, man! Let's get some fish from Trinity Bay! Our people need food!" Kyle said before spreading his wings and suggesting for them to fly back.