Free The Soldiers of Aeros

"What we want?" Vasco asked before grinning altogether.

Diana, who was firmly holding a sword against Christopher, wondered the same. It baffled her for a long time what the Oscorians wanted with him. Nevertheless, she did not care. Not anymore.

Still, her eyes remained curious that it never left Christopher.

Vasco looked at the struggling young master of Aeros and added, "We want the force that is inside of you!"

'Force? What force?' Diana asked herself with a frown.

Christopher was in utter shock. He wondered, 'What do they want with it?' He looked up with difficulty and said, "I - I don't even know how to get it out!"

"If you willingly hand it over to us, we will let you and your men go," Vasco lied in trying to convince Christopher they would live after getting what they want.

Vasco had no intention of letting Christopher leave. He meant to dispose of everyone as soon as he got what he wanted.