Master Of Water

'Trisha. Trisha, can you hear me? I need you, my friend,' Amanda called in silence, but her pleading was cut off by the sound of Christopher's cries.

"Urrghhhh! Stop! Stop!" Christopher repeated to assert for Basalt to undo what he was doing. He could feel the seal in his stomach opening up and little by little, he recognized his body become colder and colder.

Amanda kept staring at Christopher, worried about what was happening. From where she was kneeling down, she could see the movement on his stomach. The mark on his abdomen was moving in a spiral motion.

It dawned on her that Christopher lied about the mark and after seeing how it suddenly reappeared in the presence of Basalt; she understood that the mark; the seal was created by this old healer.

"Ahhhhhhh!!! Ahhhh!" When Christopher roared the loudest, everyone's eyes were on him. Blue light began to emit from Christopher's mouth, eyes, and palms.