Take The Magic

Thank you for coming, Brody," said Christopher to the master of the earth.

With a grin on Brody's slender face, he said, "My pleasure to help. Anything for the master of water."

It was Brody's third time to return to Pelagy since he first came to aid Christopher to heal. Aeros needed more solid protection from their enemies and what better way to do it with the power of the earth.

Amanda, along with the other two masters, stood in the taller mountain of Aeros to eye the best solution in keeping the nation protected, free from any surprise attacks in the future.

After seeing that Aeros had very little heights or any imposing landforms around it, Brody determined it was best to create a unique form of barrier.

"High walls or mountains may be tough to climb and it can keep your enemies away, but that leaves your nation with very little eyes to see them coming as well," told Brody.