Two Sides of Amanda

"What do you mean by circus?!" Christopher's father asked in anger. The creased on his forehead was clear as he raised to question Keelan's judgment. 

Stunned by the reaction of Theo, Keelan leaned back and gulped at his own spit. He said, "I - I did not mean that - I was - "

"I thought the purpose of you coming here was to learn how we defeated the Oscorians and the Plethorans?! We are trying to show you exactly how we defeated them and you mock us!" Said Theo.

It was because Keelan only had a glimpse of what Amanda could do that he did not think highly about the fire. Healers could make the same with their magic, and he assumed it was the same. 

"Father, it's okay. This is what I and Amanda brought to you about... others not fully understanding our abilities. Let him be," told Christopher and then he asked a favor of him, "Can I speak to you in private, father."