The Alter Ego

Hiding behind the pantry area of the castle, Keelan was letting out an evil grin. He looked at his men, who were equally smirking at his plans. He muttered, "It's time to ruin Amanda and cast her away from Aeros."

He immediately shifted into a soldier of Aeros and deliberately made his way to the servants working at the pantry. "Have you heard the news?"

"What is it, Lyle?" Asked one loyal servant of Theo. 

"Lady Amanda became abusive to a child in the northern village! She has gone out of hand!" Reported the said soldier. 

"What? She goes around, having an affair with Sir Keelan and now he attacks a child?!" Exclaimed one of the cooks. "Amanda has to be reported to Master Theo! That is the only way!"

"Yes! And the young master should know as well!"

The same group rallied more of the servants and other soldiers to complain to Theo, and by the time Cassy returned to the mansion, her father was already agitated.