I Can Serve You

The waves were loudly crashing against the beastly sea serpent in the middle of nowhere. If it were not for the deafening voice of this creature, only the endless splashing of flood could be widely heard. 

From above, the humongous snake creature stayed afloat, now showing off its entire body, forming into several curves and stretching over six hundred feet. 

The masters were nothing compared to its massive frame. Taara, Brody, and Abasi remained adrift in the air while Christopher remained standing on the bridge of the serpent's nose.

The maters of water was still trying to digest the possibility of having the blood of someone from the moon. His brows were drawn together as he caressed his chin. 

"No, both my parents are from Pelagy." He looked up to the serpent and said, "I don't believe my parents came from the moon. Besides? Which moon? Is it in this realm or in another?"