Moon Serpent's Crest

"Make the crest properly, creature of the moon, or do you want to drink more of my blood!" Told the sea serpent of Solaris. 

Christopher returned to Solaris as Akurra meant to teach the master of water the way to summon him. Abasi only dropped him off and meant to return in the afternoon. 

"I'm not drinking anymore of your blood!" Complained Christopher as he was standing on an elevated ground, merely covering fifty square meters. The rest was submerged in water. 

The master of water had had many cuts on his fingers now, after several attempts of connecting with Akurra. Apparently, Christopher had to draw out a tiny amount of blood for the summoning to work. He had to form the crest of the moon serpent, using his blood to any surface and call on Akurra's name. 

No matter how little was the crest, as long as there was enough of his blood to shape it accurately, the same that was now stained with Akarru's, Christopher should be able to call on the serpent.