The Battle of Monsters

"Come to me, Eimuth! Let us cause destruction here in this land of Pelagy!" Ordered Khalid, thrusting the dagger up in the sky.

The small blade was thrown so vigorously that it reached the clouds. 

Smoke suddenly appeared in the skies. What used to be a bright and clear sky now turned dark. From the revolving smoke, there slowly appeared a monstrous figure, roaring from skies and covering the sun. 

The roars spread across the lands, giving chills down the spines of everyone within a kilometer away!

Even beyond the borders of Aeros, they could see the giant frame coming about outside their protective gates. The people of Aeros gulped their own spew as soon as the smoke faded out. 

It was a golden scaled three-headed monster, shrieking loudly before everyone's eyes. Its body took the shape of a dragon but had three long necks, molding like a serpent, and heads that looked the same as a beast snake.