I'll Have You

Orion's family lingered in the mansion the entire day, getting to know Esmée.

After that visit, Esmée felt more comfortable with Orion that she went out with him in the next few days, going around the luxurious places in Paris. Having enjoyed Orion's company so much, she did not know how it happened, but she wound up agreeing to stay for another three weeks, completing the one-month negotiation.

They did many things together, including the basic movie watching from the living room sofa, cooking basic food together, and just going out around the city, shopping, or dining out. She appeared like a princess and she could not complain. 

However, like every happy account, everything was about to end. Orion knew Esmée meant to stay for only a month with him. He needed to advance now, more than ever. 

Orion concluded he had had to have already been rooted in her heart... Somehow.