Give A Chance

Since Orion and Esmée made love the first time, staying in a resort park, the couple had practically slept in the same room since. They stayed inside the master's bedroom nearly twenty-four hours a day, seriously making babies. 

This was true for an entire week. The maids merely brought food and drinks for both of them to indulge. 

When Esmée woke up with an unusual belly bump, she feared for what was going on with her body. 

She could not help but scream, scared out of her wits!

Orion did not think much of it, recalling how he grew up too fast in his mother's belly. He failed to react accordingly to Esmée's screams and fears. 

Nedless to say, it took a while for everything to sink into him. Esmée had to wake Orion up again and again before he finally got up to comfort her. 

"Esmée, I'm sorry," said Orion. "I'm sorry I scared you."