The Compromise

"Are - are you sure he is alright? I heard the soldiers say there were several enemies against Orion and his father - your husband, Aunt," Esmée worriedly asked while feeling awkward about calling Amanda an aunt. 

Amanda had to come over to Esmée's room after a soldier reported her panicking. She had been keeping Esmée company for two hours now, together with Orion's other siblings. They all gathered around Esmée as she sat on her bed. 

"Don't worry, Esmée. Orion does not... get defeated right away. He has help," said Amanda. 

"Over a hundred rivals? I don't see how you can just be so calm about this?" Esmée pointed out while her eyes were starting to water. She was becoming more and more worried as each hour passed. 

"Brother Orion has a dragon," told Zander. "With one breath of the red dragon's fire, those Oscorians will burn!"

"And not only that! He can also summon a beastly sea serpent!" Revealed Clara.