Truth or dare Ch. 6: Sakura

The medic ninja in pink look around and saw everybody's eyes on her. She looked at Kankuro

"Truth or dare" –Replied Kankuro-

"Dare, do you worst, I'm not afraid!" –Yelled Sakura-

When she said that, everybody in the room felt a little confident in themselves. They thought if she could do the dare, then they could do it too. Then Kankuro spoke.

"I dare you to give Naruto a lapdance" –Chuckled Kankuro-

Sakura turned red and started to throw a fit. Kiba, Choiji, and Lee became jealous of Naruto. Shikamaru looked at Naruto and tried to give him a high five, but he was too scared. He knew that Sakura was going to punch him if he even enjoyed it a little. Sakura looked back at Naruto who was on the couch, he was trying to hide his face from her. Then out of nowhere everyone heard-

"Alrite I'll . . . do the dare" –Said Sakura-

Everyone looked as she walked toward Naruto. He noticed her and tried to get up but she wouldn't let him, she noticed that his face was turning red which made her face turn red. Ino and Temari were staring at Naruto, they didn't trust him at all. Hinata sat there wishing she could be Sakura. And all the guys were wishing they were Naruto. Sakura started moving her hand up Naruto's legs, he tried to get up but he couldn't. Shikamaru had him in his Shadow Possession and wasn't going to release it until the dare was over.

"Shikamaru when this is over I'm going to kill you" –Said the embarrassed Naruto-

Shikamaru just stood there with a smirk on his face, Sakura started to fiddle with his orange and black jacket. At this point she was on top of him with her hands on his chest. She started to blush a little.

"It looks like she's enjoying it" –Said Sai-

"Sai shut up, you're not helping" –Yelled Naruto-

Sakura heard Naruto's comment which made her think she was boring him. And she didn't know what to do, but then she thought of an idea slowly she got off of Naruto and turned around with her back facing Naruto. Naruto thought that she was done and sighed.

"Hey Shikamaru she's done, you can let me go now" –Replied Naruto-

Shikamaru was about to remove Naruto from his jutsu but then Sakura did something nobody would expect her to do. She turned to Naruto and put his hands on her breast.

"S-sakura what are you doing" -Naruto said with a red face-

Sakura ignored his comment and continued, she moved his hand all over her chest until the point where Naruto passed out. Everyone laughed at the out cold Naruto then they looked at Sakura. They were going to ask what all that was but then she said something.

"If any of ya'll speak of this to anyone I swear to god I'll hit ya'll so hard you'll fly across the village, got it!"

Everyone, even Gaara was scared of Sakura at that point. A few minutes later Naruto woke. He didn't dare to ask Sakura what happened. Sakura looked around the room for some one.

"It is . . . Lee's turn" –Proclaimed Sakura-