Shut up, Deidara ( Deidara x Sasori )

"You've got some weird kinks, Danna, hm."

"Shut up."

Deidara's eyes glittered with amusement, but he didn't say a word. He brought his hand up to Sasori's neck and licked a long trail up his throat, along his jaw to his lips, and pulled away. His other hand caressed Sasori's hip.

"Can you even feel this, yeah?"

"Shut up."

"Yes, danna, mm," Deidara hummed, ducking his head and licking Sasori's chest.

Sasori arched his back, throwing his head right back, giving Deidara's tongues full access to his body. Deidara was correct- the sensation was faint, but that wasn't the point.

Deidara's hands. Deidara's tools, the very thing used to create his precious art- on his creation. Sasori's masterpiece was himself, and for Deidara to debase his own art for Sasori's sake was powerfully erotic. He felt hot, cold, everything in his body stretched taut and expectant, wanting without knowing quite what he wanted.

Deidara's hand drifted down to his cock. The sensation there was not dull, not in the least, and the sudden burst of feeling was almost dizzying. Sasori arched into the contact, body tingling, anxious for more, more, "More," he demanded.

Deidara grinned at him and then bobbed his head, wrapping his real mouth around Sasori's length along with his hand, engulfing him; tongues working perfectly in unison as Deidara took him in deeper and deeper, hot and tight and so damn good, bringing him right to the very edge-


Deidara pulled away, trailing his hand over it for one last long lick, wiping his real mouth on the back of his free hand. The loss of sensation was almost painful, but to end it now would be far too soon, and Sasori forced himself to hold it.

"Mm, dan-na... what now, yeah?"

"Shut up," Sasori snapped at him again. Deidara just smiled wider.

"Yes, Sasori-no-danna."

If there had been a touch of sarcasm to that last honourific, Sasori chose to ignore it.

"Kiss me," he ordered. Deidara obliged without question, leaning in, pressing his naked body against Sasori's, the stitched on his chest-mouth rubbing against ceramic flesh. His lips touched Sasori's cheek first, ridiculously chaste, before giving up that pretence to take his mouth.

Deidara's kisses were never gentle: they were teeth and tongue and searing passion, forceful and demanding. He tasted of salt, mostly, salt and his abominable clay. Sasori kissed back just as harshly, taking dominance, and Deidara backed down without question.

Sasori-danna liked to be in control, and Deidara liked to let him...

...most of the time.

Deidara pulled away abruptly, taking Sasori by surprise.


"Shhh, danna," he purred, pressing his handmouth to Sasori's lips. Sasori kissed it savagely, finding that it tasted even more of clay than his real mouth had. Sasori devoured it, every trace of it, every last essence of Deidara's ridiculous art, destroying it as it was always meant to be destroyed. Deidara's other mouths- and he couldn't tell which was which any more, didn't care any more- kissed down his chest, his sides, thighs, cock; licking and teasing and biting. He could feel Deidara's long hair falling over him and he tangled his hands in it, knowing that it would get caught in his joints and that Deidara hated him playing with it, for that precise reason, and relishing it.

And then suddenly, Deidara was gone, and Sasori's entire body cried out at the loss of sensation, cold and needing.


"Danna, hands out of my hair, yeah," he groaned. "You'll pull it out."

Sasori growled impatiently. Definitely not an apology: a demand. Get back here.

Deidara just smirked at him, smoothing his hair and pointedly not coming back. He sat on the edge of the bed, watching Sasori's agitation.

"You've got a real thing for these, yeah?" Deidara asked, flashing his hands at him to Sasori's immense irritation. "You're not the first, you know."

"Shut up and get on with it," Sasori snapped at him,

Deidara grinned. "So impatient, danna, hm," he said, still not touching him.


"I know, I know, shut up, yeah? But you know, I've never met anyone quite so into them as you are, hm."

"Deidara, I don't care."

Finally, Deidara obliged, running his hands up Sasori's sides to his throat again, kissing him full on the mouth with one and bringing the other down to play with the border between sensitive and dull at the base of Sasori's cock. The sensation was unbearable; Sasori moaned into Deidara's handmouth, uncomfortably hard.

"One of my exes thought they were disgusting," Deidara continued, casually, as though he didn't have Sasori teetering on the very edge. Sasori, unable to reply with Deidara's hand still covering his mouth, expressed his displeasure by biting Deidara's tongue- but all that earned him was a smirk. "Wouldn't even touch me-" he broke off to replace the hand over Sasori's lips with his mouth, before pulling away again "-unless I promised not to use them, yeah."

Deidara did something particularly interesting with the tongue on Sasori's cock that made him see sparks for a second, and he thought privately that Deidara's ex must've been crazy.

"I don't care about your ex, Deidara," he rasped. "Especially not now."

"I'm just saying, danna-"

Sasori sat up and pressed his lips to Deidara's forcefully. "Shut. Up."

He snickered. "Yes, danna."

"Get off me."

Deidara rolled off Sasori and onto the bed, lying back languidly. Sasori brushed his hands down his thighs and drew them apart, positioning himself between his legs, one hand stroking his cock, the other held to his lips. Immediately he took Sasori's fingers into his mouth, sucking, swirling his tongue, and when Sasori drew them out they were slick with saliva. He pressed one wetted finger against Deidara's entrance, pushing firmly but gently.

Deidara was no blushing virgin. He parted easily enough, accepting the finger readily. Sasori kept it slow at first, letting Deidara get used to it, then added a second and scissored gently. Beneath him, Deidara moaned, and Sasori stretched him a little more, pushing his fingers in and out in time with the hand on his cock, listening to Deidara's breathless groans of encouragement.

With Deidara adequately stretched, Sasori positioned himself against his entrance. Deidara was warm and tight and Sasori's body urged him to just thrust into him as hard as he could, but he reigned in his instinct, biting his lip as he eased slowly into him. Deidara let out a long moan, and it took every ounce of Sasori's self-control to keep his pace. Deidara mewled beneath him, wriggling, and Sasori's eyes drank in the sight; his hair spilling over the pillow, his cheeks flushed and lips reddened. He reached up, running his hands over Sasori's face, chest, everywhere he could reach, licking and biting, teeth scratching against his puppet-body.

"Ah- deeper," Deidara ordered. "Faster."

He was breathless and burning with desire, and all too happy to comply with Deidara's commands. Fisting his hands in the sheets he angled his thrusts, searching for that one spot that would make Deidara moan beautifully- and he knew he'd found it when Deidara clenched wonderfully around him, letting out a delicious, desperate mewl, grabbing at Sasori with both hands.

"There- right there-!"

Sasori, teetering on the brink, bit into Deidara's shoulder and he cried out. "Sasori-danna!"

His name, God, his name in that voice, throaty and breathless and Sasori knew he was on the edge, thrusting deeper and harder and listening to Deidara's increasingly lusty moans as he hit that rhythm they both wanted, needed, and he could feel it building, tingling, burning; he brought his hand down to Deidara's cock and pumped him, panting-

"Deidar- ah!"

-and it hit him, sparks before his eyes, white-hot and fucking amazing just as Deidara let out a sharp, high gasp as with one final jerk of Sasori's hand he came too, spilling himself over his stomach.

Boneless and shaky in the wake of his orgasm, Sasori pulled out and fell limply onto the bed beside Deidara.

"Ah... danna," Deidara moaned contentedly. "Fuck."

Sasori buried his face in Deidara's shoulder. "Shut up," he mumbled.

Deidara laughed, husky and breathless, draping one arm around Sasori.

"Yes, danna."