Mrs. Dawson's nerves were fried as she ran up and down the stairs of her three story house, searching for anything wrong or out of place. After four years her daughter was finally coming home to teach 3rd grade at Dovesville Elementary School. She was frantic with excitement. Truth be told, she'd always been the closest to Hope. She loved all her children, however she knew at the end of the day, if she was ever in a crisis Hope would be the first to show up to help. She was always extremely generous, even as a child, she'd freely give her time, attention and love to anyone who requested it.
"Mother, sit down and calm down! Hope will be here soon enough. You act as if you haven't spoken with her everyday that's she's been gone," Jennifer, Hope's younger sister said as she walked down the stairs. "Besides, you already know Martha is the best housekeeper in this town. We probably have the most immaculate house in the neighborhood." She continued teasing her mother.
"Oh, stop nagging me Jen! It's been four years since I've seen my daughter. I feel so lonely without her!"
"What about me?!"
"Well, yes, but you aren't the first born so..." Mrs. Dawson shrugged her shoulders and winked at her youngest daughter as she reached the bottom of the steps.
"Maybe she would've come to visit more often if the house had an elevator like the dorms do," Jennifer exclaimed as she stunned her nose up at the 63 stairs she had to walk up and down everyday. Though, she had to admit, they helped make her calves and bottom look amazing!
Mrs. Dawson laughed nervously at her daughter's ridiculous speculation. In reality, no one, except her younger sister, understood why Hope hadn't visited more often. Not only did she make excuses for not coming home on the holidays, she also avoided having them come visit her at school. She always claimed to be sick or studying or vacationing. Surely her break up with her high school boyfriend hadn't affected her so much that she would avoid even her own family. The only person who'd been allowed to visit her a few times was Jennifer.
As Mrs. Dawson mulled over these things, she heard a car engine pull into their driveway and watch with excitement as her eldest daughter stepped out. She was as beautiful as ever. Her long brown, wavy hair was tied up in a loose ponytail and the wind played with the loose ends making it tickle Hope's nose. Hope laughed a reached a hand up to scratch her nose. Too eager to wait for her to come inside Mrs. Dawson exclaimed loudly, "Hope, you're here!" as she ran out the door.
Hope was surprised when she saw her graceful, 50 year old mother run outside and down the porch steps to embrace her.
"Mom, I missed you so much," Hope whispered as she hugged her mother tight. She truly had missed her. It had been agony keeping her away for four years when all she wanted was the loving support and acceptance only a mother can give.
"Not enough to visit even once during these four years." Mrs. Dawson let her hurt show as she looked deep into her daughter's eyes. "What happened, my dearest, tell me why you wouldn't see us? Oh never mind, I'm just thrilled to have you back home! Let's go inside and see your sister and brother. I'll send you brother out to get your bags for you. Your father will be home around 6, he had a long day in family court scheduled."
Mrs. Dawson rattled on with excitement and started on her way back inside but Hope stopped her.
"Actually Mom, there is something I need to tell you about why I haven't visited."
"Oh, well come tell us all inside." Hope didn't budge and Mrs. Dawson looked up to see that Jennifer had come outside and was staring at her nervously wringing her hands. As she looked back at Hope she notice tears in their eyes as the sisters exchanged glances. "Okay, none of that sister telepathy around me. Speak up! Jennifer, have you been keeping something from me?"
"No, it was my fault, I asked her too-" Hope started to defend her sister but was interrupted by a child's voice yelling, "Mommmy, come get me out!"
Hope swiftly and awkwardly walked towards the car as Mrs. Dawson and Jennifer followed behind her. She opened the door, and pulled a blonde, curly haired little girl out the car.
"Aunt Jennie!" The little girl exclaimed as she flung herself towards her favorite aunt and twisted out of her mother's arms. Mrs. Dawson was shocked she looked at the little girl and her daughter and immediately took notice of their features.
They both had big, almond shaped brown eyes, a diamond shaped face, a long slender nose and pouty pink lips. This little girl looked so much like the pictures she had of her daughter when she was around 3 or four years old. They even shared the same blonde, curly hair. Could this be her grandchild? Was the reason Hope was afraid to visit because she didn't want them to know she'd gotten pregnant? Did Hope really think they were so heartless that they would cast her out and not offer to help her. Mrs. Dawson saw stars and she thought she was about to faint. Thankfully, Hope saw this and hugged her mom tight around the waist.
"Mom, this is Eliza Jane. Liza, this is your my mommy, your Mimi. Would you like to give her a hug?" Hope asked trying to deflect the blow she knew she'd hit her mother with. She knew she'd hurt her mother by keeping her daughter a secret but she'd done what she thought was best for her child. She did not want Eliza Jane's father to find them. She never intended on keeping Eliza's father a secret from her child though. As soon as Eliza was old enough to ask, she planned on giving her all the information and letting her decide what to do on her own.
Eliza tucked her head under her aunt's chin shyly and peaked at her grandmother through her long black eyelashes, sweetly. The old woman's heart melted at such a darling sight and she playfully tickled the young girl, making her squirm and giggle with glee. Mrs. Dawson clapped her hands and reached for the child who immediately went to her. Hope breathed a sigh of relief after seeing this.
"Shall we go meet your Uncle Earl and get you ready to meet your grandfather?" Mrs. Dawson asked as she gently bounced the little girl up and down on her hip.
"Yayyy," Eliza clapped her hands with excitement, "Mommy, we get to go inside the princess house!"
Everyone busted out laughing at the little girl's excited statement and turned to head back into the house.
"I can't believe I have a granddaughter, let alone one as pretty as you," Mrs. Dawson looked back at Hope, "Though, you look almost identical to your pretty mommy so it really isn't such a surprise. Tell me Eliza Jane, how old are you?"
"Three years old and next I'm going to be four!"
"That's very good," Mrs. Dawson glanced back at Hope once more and Hope flinched wondering if she'd figured out her little secret yet.
"That went so much better than I expected. You're lucky you're the favorite," Jennifer poked at her sister. "Liza does tend to steal people's heart though. That one dimple probably saved you from Mother's wrath for the time being," she continued whispering to her sister.
Hope glance at her daughter's sweet face and smiled. Eliza Jane really did have such a magnetic personality. Hope thought the little girl had never met a stranger. No matter where they were, she wave to everyone and complimented them as they walked by. Hope was very proud of her. At only three years old, she was speaking eloquently and starting to point out letters with their sounds. It wouldn't be long before she'd start pre-school and be learning how to read and write.
"Hopefully, her lucky dimple works on dad too." Hope chuckled to her sister before asking, "Do you think they'll understand and forgive me? I took so much time from them with their granddaughter, will they ever trust me again?"
Jennifer stopped walking and took her sister by both hands. She looked her straight in the eyes as she spoke so Hope wouldn't forget her words, "You did what you had to do to ensure the safety of you child. They will understand this and they will forgive you. Be honest with them now. That's what's important. You're a great mom and Eliza loves you. And like I said, you've always been the favorite," Jennifer winked at her sister and continued into the house, listening to Eliza Jane and Mrs. Dawson tease each other back and forth.
As they walked into the Dawson Home, Earl was sitting on the couch in the living room playing video games and eating Cheetos straight from the bag. Mrs. Dawson plopped Eliza Jane down right next to him and stated, "Earl meet Miss Eliza Jane, your niece!"
Earl dropped the controller and looked at Eliza Jane then at Hope, who smile and waved nervously, then back at Eliza Jane and received the answer he was looking for. They were almost identical. This was Hope's daughter.
"Cool, welcome to the fams EJ. Want a Cheeto?" Earl held the bag out for the little girl to help herself.
"Maybe not on the white couch," Hope interrupted trying to avoid the impending doom she predicted in the near future but her mother slapped her wrist to quiet her.
"Nonsense, Martha can get out any stain. Miss Eliza Jane can do as she wishes at Mimi and Papaw's house!" Mrs. Dawson looked at Hope pointedly. Hope laughed and raised her hands in surrender. This was all going so much better than she planned. She had no doubt that they would accept her and her child eventually, but she was still expecting a ton of questions she wasn't comfortable answering in front of her daughter. Hope was grateful for her family's grace. She knew she really didn't deserve it.
Mrs. Dawson suddenly slapped Earl on the back of the head, lightly but firmly. Earl looked up in annoyance.
"Go fetch your sister's things from her car! Where are your manners? You haven't even said hello to her yet!"
"I was saying hey to my niece! But yes ma'am I'll go be big sister's pack mule."
"Shall I attach the feed bad?" Mrs. Dawson held up the bag of Cheetos, causing them all the double over with laughter.
"I'll go help you little brother. Lest the mule find me ungrateful and sabotage my bras." Hope grabbed her belly and followed her brother outside. "Do you mind watching Liza for a minute," she yelled over her shoulder.
"Of course not," came the simultaneous reply of the two women doting of her little girl.
Outside, the pack mule was already pulling suitcases and boxes out the trunk of her car.
"Oh, you don't have to take them all out, Earl. We will be moving into a house closer to the elementary in a few days. We're just staying here while they finish remodeling." Hope exclaimed before her brother did too much unnecessary work.
"Well, look at that. You're not the only one who leaves out little bits of information. Mother made it seem like you were moving back in. What would you like me to bring in?"
"Oh, you're already making jokes, huh? You can just bring in the blue and purple suitcase. I'll fetch our bathroom bag and that should be good. I thought you'd all be angrier about this."
"I'm shocked and my feelings are hurt a bit. But I know you have your reasons for doing things and I can't wait to here them later."
"Fair enough," Hope groaned.
They quickly brought her things up to her old room. Hope was pleased to see that it was just as she'd left it. Her favorite books were in the niche by her window seat. Her purple sparkly comforter was neatly tucked under her bed. Her beta and debate trophy's sat next to her choir trophy's and ribbons on a wall shelf right above her dresser. Her dance rewards were in a smaller shelf of their own underneath. She'd always been proud of her accomplishments and liked showing them off like this. She opened her closet and saw all the clothes she'd left four years ago still hanging in their places.
"Wow, mom did know that I just left for college and I didn't die, right? She could've redecorated," she laughed.
"Hey, do you want to put EJ's things in a different room? Mom and dad probably still have our old toddler beds. We could set one up if you'd like," Earl offered.
"No need, all the guest rooms are on the top floor and I don't want to be that far away from her. Besides, she usually climbs in my bed anyway."
"Okay, but you know mom is going to set up a room for her anyway, right?"
They both laughed as they thought of all the spoiling little Eliza Jane was going to be receiving from her Mimi now.
"Hope, why did you tell Jennie about EJ but no one else. Didn't you trust us?"
Hope could see the hurt and betrayal lining Earls eyes and she wanted to heal the wound she'd caused.
"It was an accident. She came by the dorm when she was touring different collages. She found out from my old roommate where I'd moved to after I had "EJ" so I didn't have a choice but to tell her. I wanted to tell all of you but I didn't want word to get out about her birth. I didn't want for her father to come looking for her. I was terrified that something horrible would happen if he found out. A few months after Jennie found out, I was diagnosed with Postpartum Depression. I'm fine now but it wasn't until I started treatment that I realized my fears and anxiety were completely uncalled for. I know I could have trusted you but I didn't and I'm so sorry for that."
"Then why didn't you tell us after? We could've helped you. Dad would've thrown this guy into jail and stripped him of any rights if he was a threat to you or EJ."
"I wanted to but by then it was almost two since I had her and I was working a part time school and having to keep up with the scholarships so I could continue going to school full-time. I didn't know if I could handle you all being mad at me at the time. A year later, and I realize how wrong I was and I feel so guilty. Also, you should know that her father isn't a terrible guy. He never hurt me or threatened me. His girlfriend did. I refuse to go into details about that though. Just because I'm not ready to admit how stupid I was to myself yet. I know it's been a really long time but that burn still stings."
"I understand, you'll tell me when you're ready."
"Thanks Squirrel," Hope smiled as she called her brother by his pet name that she knew he hated.
As they hugged, they heard the door open and close. Father must be home, the both though and glanced at each other as panic started to seep in. They rushed down the stairs and reached the bottom step when they heard their father's voice coming from the kitchen boom, "I DON'T HAVE A GRANDDAUGHTER. WHERE IS HOPE?"