"So, how are things between you and your lover?" asked Lucius.
"Please don't laugh at me... It was a wrong thing to have come looking for him"
"Are you saying that now you want to marry me? If you want that, I can comply to your wishes"
"I don't want that either, don't forget that the reason I don't wanna marry you is because you are a slut man"
"I haven't done anything with any woman since your disappearance"
"Dude... You were having intercourse with a girl in my palace the day you went to meet me"
"That was because I was angry"
"Well, let's not talk about it... So when are we going to go back home?"
"Didn't you want adventures in the human world?"
"This world is boring"
"Haha, in about a month and a half we will go back"
"Lucius... Why do you like to have many women?"
"Hahaha are you interested in me?"
"It's just a question"
"Haha well, my mother left my father and I all alone in our pack... My mother was my father's mate so he only loved her... But she still left us behind, so I thought that having a lot of women even if one of them left me I won't feel sad because I will have another one to take her place"
"Do you know why she left?"
"No, I was only five years old when she left, and my father doesn't like to talk about her"
"Have you ever found a mate?"
"Not yet"
"So that's why you are like this... when you find her you'll know"
"I don't want to find her, even if I love her with all my life she will leave me alone at the end... So let's get marry instead hahaha"
"Lucius... "
"What's wrong Alexander? Why are you so down? " Catalina, Alexander's mother asked.
"Mom, I don't know what I have done wrong, I just don't know"
"What happened?"
Alexander told his mother everything that has happened until now and Catalina just sighed.
"You are as stupid as your father was, being lead by a poisonous woman" Catalina muttered.
"What do you mean mom? Father? Do you mean that father was in the same situation as me?"
"Your father has been the only man that I have loved with all my being... But he was just too stupid... There was a girl, that girl was his cousin, your father and I were living a good and happy life but that girl came and began to live in our home... She said she was raped and her mother didn't want her in her home, so she stayed there with us, little by little she began to lead your father with her words, so we had a lot of problems until one morning I saw him sleeping in her room, he betrayed me, so I did the only thing my heart said at that moment... I escaped from home and came to this city"
"So, my father did that and you escaped... Is he alive?"
"He should be... what? Do you want to meet him?"
"No, I don't want to" Alexander wanted to meet him but he couldn't say that to his mother.
"So, don't be as your father, you will lose everything"
"But mom, Sophia is not a poisonous woman and she is my childhood friend, I can't leave her alone"
"Those were your father's words, she was his cousin, she wasn't a poisonous woman, he couldn't leave her alone and in the end they became a couple"
"... "
"Let's do this, tell Sophia that she can come live in this house, it's big after all"
"Thank you mom, I love you"
"Sophia, I have good news for you" Alexander said when he got to his apartment.
"Good news?"
"Yes, my mom said that you can go live with her in her house"
"What?" Sophia didn't want to leave.
"Yes, so pick your things that I will take you there"
"Are you... Are you leaving me? Am I a bother to you?"
"What? No, absolutely not... It's just that I have too much problems with Elizabeth because of this situation, I won't leave you alone but you can't live with me"
"So I am a bother to you" Sophia began to cry.
Alexander was already fed up with her but he didn't want to admit it.
"Sophia don't cry"
"But you are leaving me... Just because a woman that you recently know is upset... She even have another man and you are leaving alone your childhood friend"
"Sophia shut up!!"
"Alexander..." Alexander has never screamed at her.
"Sorry, just pick your things and let's go"
"... "
"Sigh... What is that man doing right now? Is he good? Has he married that woman? Does he have more children?" Catalina was talking to herself in her room.
"Master, are you thinking about your ex husband?"
"Yes, my son is his son after all"
"Master, let me help you forget about him"