New plan

The witches took Alexander right in front of Elizabeth's eyes.

She was there pressed to the ground with tears in her eyes screaming his name but to no avail, Alexander had a high fever, he used too much power, and his body, that was still that of a human because he hasn't ascended, cannot hold it and was damaged.

An hour after the witches left Elizabeth could finally stand up, she ran towards the forest, she needed to find Alexander, he put himself in danger in order to save her but she couldn't do anything, she was too weak, extremely weak, she hated herself, she hated to be too naive, she hated to not have enough power even though she was a royal vampire, she hated that night in which she showed her true face, if she hadn't been so selfish non of this things would have happened.

She ran and ran for a long long time until she found herself lost inside a dark forest.

"I'm lost... haha I am extremely useless" muttered Elizabeth laughing at herself.

"Do you need help?"


The vampires were prepared to only take Elizabeth away and leave Alexander behind to not get in trouble with Catalina, after all a single lycan is nothing compared with Catalina's power.

But when they got to the place the saw the witches descending from the sky, they saw them walked inside the house and taken Alexander out.

"What the hell happened?!"

"Young master, what should we do now? If we go inside and take the girl, Catalina will think that we also took her son"

"You're right... You, the one with the speed gift, go to the mansion and tell my father the news, tell him that I'm waiting for a new plan"

"Yes, young master"

The man went away at high speed and got at the mansion in less than an hour.

"Master, something happened"

"What happened now?"

"Things are like this... "

The man recounted everything that happened and told his master what his young master has said.

"This are good news hahaha"


"Go and tell my son that he must make a deal with the girl..." The man said his plan to his subordinate "Go at your fastest speed"

"Yes master"


A few hours later the subordinate got to his young master.

"Young master, the master said to make a deal with the girl, the deal must be... "


"Do you need help?"

"Who are you?"

"Ohh you are more beautiful than what I thought! Don't you recognize the people of your race?"

"A vampire"

"Yes, I'm a descendant of the old Duke, so that make us family"

"What do you want?"

"Uhh such a bad mood, but well I understand, I would also be in a bad mood if my lover would have been taken away by a witchy bitchy hahaha"

"... "

"I'm here to make a deal with you"

"Are you a demon to make deals?"

"Being sarcastic won't help you, you know right"

"... "

"Well, the deal is the following... I know where is the witches's lair is and I know Catalina... If you follow me on your own I will call Catalina and tell her where her son is, she has more than enough power to save him, but if you don't follow me then I will never say a thing"

"... Do you also want to eat me?"

"Yes, I want to eat you, but not in the same way the witches want hahaha"

"... Disgusting"

The man took Elizabeth's chin and said "So, do we have a deal or not?"

"... I'll go with you but first call Catalina"

"... Okay"


Catalina and her followers got to Alexander's place in the forest but they didn't find anything.

"Didn't you say that the would he here?" asked Lucius.

"They were here, I feel it... " Catalina said and suddenly her phone rang.

"Hello Ms. Catalina, how are you?"

"What do you want bloodsucker?"

"Well, I found this girl inside a dark forest... She is lost but don't worry I'll take care of her, she will come with me under one condition, to tell you where your son was taken"

"What do you mean?"

"That lycan is there? If he's there then let's make a deal... I'll tell you everything that has happened including the place and the people who took your son if you don't tell that man anything... After this girl is the vampire that wants to take away your son, so it's good for you if she disappears"

"... Deal, tell me" For Catalina the most important thing are her two sons but one is okay in front of her whilst the other is in danger so she doesn't care what could happen to the girl, and she wouldn't care about a bloodsucker that wants to take her son away from her.