The beginning of the end

"It's official... You are definitely not a wizard... My Goddess!!! I didn't think it would be so difficult for you to understand a simple card"

"My love, please don't say it like that... You are making me feel stupid"

"No, baby, that's not what I meant... I mean, you ARE a genius, but this is simply not for you"

"Yeah... but I told you that I don't have that kind of powers"

"Yes, but your mother is one of the strongest witches... now that I think about it, maybe Lucius doesn't have those powers too"

"Nah, he is a wizard... the other day I saw him playing a trick on Francis"

"Hahaha poor Francis, but that only means he will be a really good lycan king"


"You don't hate him anymore, right?"

"Well, he is not looking at you with a loving expression anymore, so there's no reason to hate him"

"Sigh... What am I going to do with you"


Meanwhile on earth.

"Mister King of werewolves and the beautiful Princess, what is the honor of your visit today?"

"I have only come to tell you that your sister is dead" the king said.

"Oh really? then what? Is my niece going to lead the coven?"

"No... every which of that coven is dead"

"What did you say?!!"

"Every which of the coven you left to experiment with black magic is dead"

"Who killed them?!!"

"Catalina Snow"

"Why would Catalina kill them?"

"Your niece captured her son to have babies with him and Catalina found out so she just killed them as revenge"

"Just for that?"


"That bitch!!!!"

"Do you want revenge?"

"What are you thinking about?"

"I know you have all the implements to open the portal, let's go to the non-human world and kill them all for us to take those lands"

"And what does it have to do with my revenge?"

"Catalina went there"


"Her son was dying because your sister put a spell on him, so she took him there to be saved"

"Ok, I will help you, you have to call the vampires too"

"They are not going to respond"


"Catalina killed almost everyone there, and you know, they weren't a lot to begin with, the last few just want to live in seclusion"

"Ok then, I will take all my black witches and you take all your werewolves, let's begin a war"


"Father, Catalina wasn't the one who killed the vampires and she didn't kill those witches just because they kidnapped her son, well it was because of that, but it was because they took him hostage and wanted to rape him and many other awful things"

"My little princess, you are my only descendant, I will make you give birth to the son of the lycan prince before I kill him, it is said that lycan Kings give birth to two males before having a girl, your son will be the next king and we will reign over the non-human and the human world... So to accomplish that we need to say little lies"

"But father... I am already in love with the son of your beta... Why are you doing this to me?"

"That boy is good, you can marry him after having the lycan child"

"Am I only an object to get to your goals?"

"My darling, you are my baby girl... But business is business and this is important"

"... You are the worst"

"If you continue being like this, objecting everything that I say, I will have to put you on a cage until the day of the war"


"My prince Lucius, what are you doing here? why are you not in Umbra accompanying your parents and the second prince?"

"Jasmine... No... I still can't get over Elizabeth... I can't see them kissing and touching each other in every corner... You know, they are extremely shameless... My little brother even doesn't care about his father in law anymore... He is like a caged animal wanting to be free"

"Hehe... My Prince, you are the same don't you?"

"Well, yes, I mean, we are brothers after all, and we are lycans, but he is shameless even for someone like me"

"Hahaha... my prince, have you found your mate?"

"Not yet... I haven't even look for her... After their ascension, I will go to look after her, I hope you do the same for your mate"

"Yes, I will, but I will have to go attend the Queen these days, after all, I am also half-witch"

"Oh yes, your father was a wizard"

"Yes, you remembered that"

"Yes, well, I think you will be of great help for my mother with the things for the ascension"

"Thank you for your trust, my prince"

"Jasmine, you are my best friend after all... I trust you with my life"

"And I would give my life for you"