Perverted Stalker


I walked away from the man with hastened steps, without glancing back at the baffled man for even once. I needed to get away from him before he could figure out the truth about my identity. He was able to get to the fact that I wasn't a human being. But it would be better for either of us that he couldn't find the rest of it.

'What could go so wrong, Amara?'

I heard the question echoing in my head as I walked towards the empty classroom where I had left the rest of my belongings.

'Everything will go wrong if he finds out about my origin. Everything will go wrong once he discovers that the girl he has so easily labeled as an angel, is actually a demon.'

I answered my own question while walking, almost jogging, to the classroom. I couldn't care less at the moment what he might think of me after the way I had treated him when he was just asking me questions.

But I couldn't hold it in me when he referred to me as an angel. Every single shred of my being couldn't tolerate being compared to someone which I was not even in the slightest bit. I was born of darkness and the only thing which I could be compared to was darkness itself.

Moreover, he and I were not supposed to mingle just like the Sun and the Moon. Only one of them could get the chance to shine for the world while the other continued to stay in its cave, away from the eyes of the people. He was the Sun, bright and glorious, and I was just the Moon, filled with craters of faults and sins, not even having its own light.

Lost in my thoughts, I made my way to the desk where my bag and a few other notes were splayed out. After having a seat on the wooden bench like seat, I placed the notebook before me before I began to flip through the pages. Right when I was about to reach the middle, my eyes landed on a sketch which was the sole reason for my worry just earlier.

I stared at the dark and light shades of a lead pencil which were intertwining in certain areas to give a preview of transition from darker to a lighter shade. I let my eyes roam over the sketch and heaved out a long, frustrated groan. I wasn't frustrated at him, but my own self.

The sketch I was working on earlier while trying to work on the tangled ball of my thoughts, somehow turned out to be his. It looked more like a monochrome snapshot of him instead of some sketch. It was indeed true that practicing makes a man, or a demon in my case, perfect. Picking up a hobby and working on it through countless years had made me a pro.

But that wasn't the main point here. The sketch was the only reason I was so irked earlier. I wanted to get the notebook back solely because of it. I didn't want to risk him seeing it or anyone else.

'It was better than sounding so desperate before him.'

A nag came up in my mind which could only come from my subconscious. I rolled my eyes as I decided to turn a blind eye, or an ear specifically to it. For me, coming off as a desperate person was much better than being caught as a perverted stalker, the kind who would stare at you from the distance and draw your sketches.

My fingers reached up the top of the page and curled around its edges as they began to tear the page. I needed to get rid of it as quickly as I could. And what better way there was then burning it to ashes and make the grayish black powder disappear into thin air. All I needed to do was find a quiet and empty hallway and I would be good to go.

But at times, your mind tries to go against itself and you can only sit around idle and let the two opposing halves have their own battle and come to a conclusion, a single statement which your body will follow without any resistance.

It was one of those moments for me. I stared at the half torn page with its crumpled edges and heaved out another long tired sigh.

What was wrong with me?

Or more specifically, what was he doing to me?

That was the million bucks question as of then. And I only had two options to tackle it.

The first one was to run away from the place. I could go far away from this college and get another life in another corner of the world.

The second option was to let things proceed at their own pace and wait for a revelation to happen. And while waiting for it, I could do some digging on my own and hope that the devilish providence would guide me through it.

The first option seemed much easier than the second one, but too bad for me that my demon self had never learnt to be a scared-y cat. And running away from a place just because of a stupid boy, I could never live it down. Moreover, a certain old man who was sitting in some other corner of the world would bury me alive if he found out about it.

"So, options two it is, Amara." I mumbled to myself as the corners of my lips curled up in a sinister smile.

My dainty fingers which were curled around the top of the page, began to loosen up their grip. They moved to the front of the page and began to smoothen the creases which had marred his appealing eyes. It was a good thing that I managed to stop myself in between, because I knew it for a fact that I would have regretted ruining such a good sketch.

"Let's see whether or not you are ready to face this 'angel'." I muttered under my breath as I stared at the monochrome reflection of his.