Magical Notes


A slight tap on my shoulder pulled me out of my thoughts and I finally opened my eyes to see him standing next to me. I could see fury written all over his face as he stared down at me. He looked like a dragon who was ready to spit fire and turn everything before him into ashes.

"If you are done staring at my face, will you bother yourself to answer my question, young lady?" The professor cleared his throat and spoke up.

I didn't know what to feel except for being ashamed. What was with me and being called out before everyone? It didn't require me to move my eyes around the room to tell that everyone was staring at me including him.

"I am sorry. I couldn't quite hear the question, Sir." I muttered meekly as I shifted my eyes down to my notebook which was lying open on the arm rest.

To me, the blank pages seemed to be more interesting than the hysterical gazes which everyone was throwing in my direction.

"Of course, you didn't. If you'd have been paying attention to the class instead of sleeping, you might have heard it." He spoke up as he crossed his hands across his chest. His eyes were still boring holes into the crown of my head as he glared daggers at me.

"I am sorry." The only thing which I could do was to apologise for my absent mindedness. I thought that he might go back to the front of the room and continue the class after hearing my apology, but I was so wrong.

"So, can you tell me in which year the first Civil War broke out in America?" He took a little pity on me and repeated his question. It seemed like he was rather enjoying my humiliation.

Mumbling the question under my breath, I tried to dig for it's answer out of my brain. It barely took me a couple of seconds to come up with it.


Not wanting to take the humiliation any longer, I spoke up in a firm tone. I would have kept my mouth shut if it was some other situation, but I refused to take it any longer.

"Hmm!" He gave me a brief reply before walking back to the front and carried on with his lecture.

I was more than elated to see his grumpy self walking away from me. Shaking my head, I decided to keep my focus on my notebook. It was better to pretend that you are listening to your class instead of getting lost in your thoughts.

My eyes were still glued to the blank pages as I picked my sketching pencil up which was lying in the center of my notebook.

With nothing going on my mind, I started to doodle across the page. I wanted to sketch something, but it would have been too obvious to the grumpy professor. I had to accept that he sure had a pair of sharp eyes even though he was old.

'Life sucks big time!!!'

Writing down those words I began to draw a vine of thorns around them while keeping my strokes short. It was a good thing that the person sitting next to me was too lost in jotting her notes down to pay any attention to what I was doing.

Just when I was about to continue with my doodling, I felt something brushing against my leg. Stopping in my tracks, I shifted in my seat a little to see what it was. I couldn't help myself from frowning when I saw a paper ball resting next to my feet.

I shifted my eyes briefly to the front to confirm that the professor was having his back facing towards me. He was busy explaining the picture which was projected on the screen.

I bent down to my side a little and picked up the crumpled paper. A frown marred my forehead as I unfolded it and laid it open on my notebook.

'You better stay away from my man.'

The blank ink splattered across the page was enough to show the irked state of the sender. And the words alone were enough for me to know who the anonymous sender was.

Beside Dana, there was no one else whose man had been hanging out with me. But I couldn't comprehend what was wrong with her, or what was going through her mind. I didn't intend to steal her man. I wasn't interested in Aden like that in the first place.

'She has lost her mind.' I thought to myself before shoving the piece of paper inside my jeans' pocket. I decided to take care of it and her later on.

I was about to go back to my doodling when I felt something rolling down my lap. I shifted my gaze to my lap only for my eyes to land on another ball of crumpled paper.

"What the hell is wrong with Dana? She's going to get me into trouble again." I mumbled under my breath before picking up the paper ball.

My eyes moved to the front for a fleeting second as I unfolded it. I was ready to curse the woman once again but what welcomed my eyes, shook me a little. I wasn't really expecting it.

'What were you daydreaming about?


My eyes moved to the front row and I saw him looking over his shoulder. Our eyes met for the briefest of seconds as he passed me a smile before shifting his attention back to the class.

This man kept surprising me with his feats again and again. I would have replied to him in the same way if it wasn't for him sitting at the front. I folded the paper neatly into a small square before shoving it inside my other pocket as I decided to reply to his note face to face.

It would be much better to have an actual conversation than passing around magical notes and risk being caught. I had already had enough humiliation for a day, and I didn't want to face anymore of it.