Market Morning's Prelude

The day commenced in bustling Yang's residence, much like any other. The sky bloomed with vibrant rainbow hues as the sun ascended from the East. Roosters proclaimed the arrival of a new day with their resounding cries, their calls reverberating through courtyards and narrow alleys. Even before dawn, servants bustled about their duties with swift efficiency.


At the front of the Yang's residence, a servant meticulously swept the entrance gate, clearing leaves that had fallen at night. A gentle breeze seized the leaves, carrying them away from the estate on an ethereal journey. Along the path, the estate's various courtyards unfolded—a beautiful plum tree adorned the East courtyard with its makeshift swing. At the same time, an artificial pond boasted a weeping willow tree whose branches trailed gracefully over the water's surface, conjuring a tranquil atmosphere. Meanwhile, in another corner of the residence, a different servant carried a bucket of steaming water to the East courtyard.


A magnificent plum tree stood tall, adorned with a makeshift swing that swayed gently in the breeze. Nearby, an artificial pond harbored a weeping willow tree whose graceful branches trailed over the water, infusing the air with serenity. As the wind playfully picked up, the leaves that had fallen the previous night took to the air again, dancing briefly before descending gracefully. A smile curved on the lips of the first servant as they observed the leaves twirl and spin in the embrace of the wind.


With the bucket of water, the second servant entered the courtyard, where the water's warmth dissipated, finding the perfect temperature. As the leaves embarked on their airborne dance, carried by the wind's playful caress, they embarked on a journey toward the bustling market square.


The leaves commenced a voyage guided by the wind's whimsical choreography. Some leaves soared high, while others glided gently downward, weaving a symphony of swift and unhurried movement. As fishermen returned from their morning outing to the market, the leaves brushed against them, a delicate reminder of nature's gentle touch. Their haul, teeming with fresh catches from the waters, boasted an array of sizes and varieties, each shimmering with the promise of nourishing meals.


In the meantime, merchants were en route to unveil their shops, their anticipation palpable as they arranged their wares for the day's transactions. Modest stalls gradually stirred life, an amalgamation of diverse businesses. The air was infused with the enticing aroma of freshly prepared food emanating from street vendors who proudly showcased their culinary delights. The scent provided a tantalizing preview of the mouthwatering treats that awaited the town's locals.


The market square pulsated with vitality, invigorated by the day's new beginning. The morning sun warmed the tableau, creating a vibrant backdrop for the town's daily affairs. The ambiance buzzed with the energy of expectation and the ethos of trade. The market served as a dynamic canvas painted by the interplay of merchants, clientele, and the enchanting ballet of the wind-swept leaves. 


In a tranquil courtyard adorned with the elegantly written plaque 'Plum Blossom,' the echo of urgent calls pierced the air. "Missus, wake up! You'll miss the morning market opening!" A servant rushed into a room without knocking, a basket cradling lukewarm water and a medium-sized face towel in her hands.


On a bed adorned with delicate silk sheets lay a young lady named Shuchun. She stretched and yawned, her gaze locking onto the servant with a playful glint in her eyes. "Nona, what time is it? Why is there a need for such a loud uproar? You could awaken the entire household." Her voice sounded muffled when rubbing her sleepy eyes, displaying a less-than-ladylike demeanor that contrasted her graceful appearance as her long black-brown hair flowed every so lightly as if it was alive and danced with a mind of its own.


"Relax, Nona. It won't matter much if we're late to the market." The young lady's voice was calm as she rose and walked over to the table gracefully, splashing her face with water, drying it with the soft towel, and gazing up at her reflection in the bronze mirror. Then, back down at the water, two beautiful dark brown eyes gazed back through the reflection.


'When did I get these moles?' She thought to herself. The more her hand traveled up her face from her chin to her hair, there was a trail of moles she had never seen, as if they were new stars she discovered in the night sky, shining brighter than the others on her pale white skin. 'Is this what they call getting old, and my skin is aging?' She gasped lightly at the thought of her aging skin, only to slap her forehead with her hand and giggle.


"Missus," Nona sighed, noticing her Young Missus's weird behavior. It wasn't new to her, as her Young Missus would do something unladylike every morning. She proceeded to assist the young lady in dressing.


She started with the first layer of creamy white garments, followed by the outer yellow layer adorned with pink and green embroidery depicting the Chrysanthemum flower. This symbolism mirrored the young lady's determination, beauty, and innocence.


Nona fixed a half-updo hairstyle, securing a simple yet beautifully crafted wooden hairpin. It brought an elegant yet unpretentious touch, a testament to her preference for understated elegance. This ensemble perfectly encapsulated her essence.


"Like any other day, Nona, it's perfect! "She exclaimed with enthusiasm. "Now, let's be on our way." The young lady stepped out of her room, maneuvering with haste and caution, mindful of her clumsy tendencies.


"Hold on, Missus. I must retrieve the funds from Madam Shan and fetch the basket for us!" Nona's voice trailed after her Young Missus, her hurried footsteps echoing.


"I'll see you at the front gates then," The young lady happily made her way to the front gates as she parted ways with Nona.


While rushing to the kitchen, Nona procured the basket and headed to Madam Shan to collect her Young Missus's monthly allowance. Knocking gently before entering the North courtyard, Nona made her way to the middle house. Upon entering, she offered a deep bow before looking up to receive the silvers from another servant. Ten silvers reached fifty after factoring in their hard-earned savings—forty more silvers to her Young Missus's name. She prepared to leave, executing another bow to signify her departure.


Note: 100 Copper Coin = 1 Silver Tael, 100 Silver Tael = 1 Gold Tael

Side Note: 1 Silver Paper = 100 Silver or 1 Gold Tael, 1 Gold Paper = 100 Gold Tael


"Nona," Madam Shan's voice called as she handed over the money.


"Y- yes, Madam Shan?" Nona's nerves tinged her voice, an anxious undercurrent weaving through her words. Avoiding eye contact, she fixed her gaze on the floor, her head stubbornly lowered.


Madam Shan's concern echoed through her words. "Look after our Shuchun, won't you? She's so prone to accidents, and misfortune seems to have a way of finding her." She sighed softly, her gaze lingering on Nona as if conveying the weight of her worries.


"Madam Shan, you needn't worry. I'll watch over the young Miss as if she were my own," Nona lifts her head to assure her Mistress of the house, offering a confident smile before bowing deeply once more and taking her leave.


Madam Shan's gaze lingered on Nona's departure. "Madam Shan, should we assign someone to keep an eye on them?" a shadow guard asked behind the bamboo screen door.


"Not necessary. Nona is always by Shuchun's side. If it were anyone else, I'd consider it. But Nona is one of the most accomplished pupils from your Cheng Hu Academy. She's more than capable of handling any situation," Madam Shan stated calmly, gliding gracefully toward the door. As her eyes rested on Nona and Shuchun walking out of the gates, laughter in their wake, the shadow guard nodded and vanished into thin air.




"Nona, what took you so long?" Shuchun's voice carried curiosity and amusement as she watched Nona's panting form. Nona offered a sheepish grin while Shuchun's chuckle was like a gentle harmony in the bustling atmosphere.


"Mi-Missus... Please don't laugh. Ma-Madam Shan was talking to me..." Nona managed between gasps for air, her attempt at speech punctuated by Shuchun's contagious laughter, which danced cheerfully ahead.


"Missus, do wait for me!" Nona's words were laced with a breathless plea as she scrambled to catch up, Shuchun's skipping strides outpacing her own.


The market lay a considerable distance from their residence, requiring a 20 to 40-minute walk spanning the town. Yang's residence was on one side, while the Xiong clan occupied the other. The market rested closer to them, resulting from Chang's riverfront abode. Fishermen by trade, the Chang facilitated the fish market, while the Xiongs established a marketplace uniting both clans, fostering increased trade opportunities.


Amidst their journey, "M-missus," Nona began, only to be cut off by Shuchun's intervention.


"Nona, when we step beyond our household, please refer to me as Shuchun." Shuchun's hands gestured for pause, her expression earnest. "We've been companions since childhood; I view you as my sister, not a servant." Shuchun's tone held firm resolve, and her arms crossed as she awaited Nona's response.


Nona's thoughts wandered to her favorite Sweet Braised Pork dish at the Her Restaurant, causing a subtle drool she hastily wiped. She raised her hands in surrender, a smile tugging at her lips, "Alright, Shuchun, you win." Their laughter echoed harmoniously. "You know all too well how food tempts me," Nona admitted, laughter mingling among their group.


"After the market, a feast awaits," Shuchun pledged. Nona nodded, though history reminded her that Shuchun's intentions might scatter like the wind. The thought elicited a secret smile—a testament to her charming yet forgetful Young Missus. Stuck thinking about the good old days, Nona heard Shuchun a little far from where she was standing not too long ago.


"Hurry, Nona, the crowd thickens!" Shuchun's urgency rang out, propelling her into a run toward the bustling market.


Amidst the crowd's ceaseless ebb and flow, the market sprawled out like a living canvas, the air alive with a tapestry of vibrant colors and tantalizing aromas. Stalls stood like beacons, each beckoning with its unique array of wares. Shuchun's sandals clicked rhythmically against the cobblestone path, blending with the symphony of haggling voices and trinkets clinking. Nona followed, her gaze sweeping over the scene, taking in the fragrant mix of spices, the ripe fruit piled in wooden crates, and the glint of precious metals in the sunlight.


Nona's steps brought her closer to a spice stall, where rows of jars displayed vivid saffron, turmeric, and paprika hues. A gust of warm air carried the aroma of exotic spices, enveloping her in a fragrant embrace that stirred memories of her childhood visits to the market with Shuchun.


" Nona, do you remember when we'd sneak bites of candied ginger?" Shuchun's voice carried the warmth of nostalgia, her fingers lightly brushing over the spice jars with a fond smile.


"I do, Missus. Those were the days, weren't they?" A knowing glance accompanied Nona's response, their shared history painting the scene warmly.


Shuchun's gaze flitted to a jewelry stall adorned with delicate silver chains and gemstone pendants that winked with reflected sunlight. "Nona, see those intricate pieces?" Shuchun's voice brimmed with excitement, her fingers almost yearning to touch them. "They're like the necklace I at the Mid-Autumn Festival."


Nona responded with a smile that crinkled her eyes, a silent testament to their years together. Her gaze held a touch of warmth to the surroundings with recognition as she studied the delicate designs. "Indeed, Missus. The craftsmanship is exquisite."


As they navigated the labyrinth of stalls, Shuchun's fingers grazed over bolts of silk, their smooth textures inviting her touch. Nearby, a vendor peddled wooden carvings, each figure a testament to the artisan's skill. The air resonated with the rhythmic melody of a street performer's guzheng, its haunting notes weaving through the crowd, transporting listeners to a world of ancient songs.


The market's energy intensified as the sun climbed higher in the sky. Vendors energetically beckoned passersby, extolling the virtues of their goods. The air grew thick with the aroma of street food sizzling on hot grills, mingling with children's laughter clutching candied apples and skewers of roasted meat. 


Delicate paper lanterns adorned a stall, their intricate designs casting captivating patterns on the ground as if painting a cobblestone path with shadows of beauty. Shuchun's gaze lingered on them, her fingers almost reaching out to trace their curves. Nona's gaze followed suit, her fingers itching to trace the delicate curves.


Nona nodded, her gaze dancing between the lanterns and Shuchun's animated expression. " Missus. They'd illuminate the night with a touch of magic."


Amid the vibrant tapestry of colors and sounds, Shuchun and Nona wove their own story. Their laughter blended into the lively soundscape around them. Shuchun's mirthful peals of laughter intertwined with the symphony of haggling voices and trinkets clinking.


Nona's voice cut through the bustling market. "Shuchun, please be cautious," she said, her eyes the color of warm chestnut darting around, scanning the ever-moving sea of faces. Nona's admonishment sounded amidst the swirl of people. Amidst the crush, Nona drifted apart, swallowed by the tide of individuals. She glimpsed Shuchun turning, the latter's playful tongue poking through her lips as if in jest. The accidental collision shattered the mirth as Shuchun jolted in surprise. 


"I apologize for the mishap. It was inadvertent, I assure you. I wasn't paying heed," Shuchun's words flowed in a deep, slightly hoarse voice of panic, head bowed in respect. But the figure she addressed had already retreated, their presence transient as the breeze.


"It's alright. Just ensure your well-being. Take care. Until next time," came the reply, a tone tinged with understanding. 'What a cheerful voice…" the person thought.


Before Shuchun could raise her gaze, the person vanished. She didn't even glimpse their faces or know their name, but Nona's eyes didn't miss it. It was one of General Xiong's younger sons.


'His voice though…' She thought to herself as she was in a daze, recalling his voice echoing in her head and sending chills down her back. 'Was this fear? No.' Feeling more confused at her feelings, trying to decipher her thoughts and her chaotic heart as it was beating fast. The voice of the person sounded so familiar to her.


"Shuchun!" Nona's voice carried a mix of worry and urgency as she closed the distance. "Are you alright?" She surveyed Shuchun, her concern palpable. Finding her unresponsive, Nona touched her lightly, checking for injuries or signs of distress. No immediate response prompted Nona to stand before Shuchun, determined to capture her attention. "Do you know who you bumped into?"


'Oh no, look at her wandering gaze. Where is she looking? No, who is she looking for?' Nona thought 


Shuchun's gaze lingered on the spot where the person had disappeared, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts. "No, but... that voice," she whispered, a faraway look in her eyes tinged with a hint of wonder.


"That was one of General Xiong's younger sons." Shuchun's mind was filled with thoughts of Xiong and Son. Nona's voice dropped to a hushed whisper. "Beware, Shuchun. They say General Xiong's sons are known for their cold cruelty." Nona's warning was soft but stern, a reminder of caution.


Shuchun blinked, snapping back to the present. "Nona, let's keep moving. We can gather fruits, check out the artworks, and maybe find some cloth for summer attire." Her words carried an unwavering resolve, brushing aside any lingering concerns.




However, hidden within the shadows, the individual whom Shuchun had inadvertently bumped into observed them from a distance. 'So, her name is Shuchun...'


"Young Master Youngrui?" The guard's voice bore a note of surprise as he followed Youngrui's beckoning gesture.


"Ascertain the identity of that young lady. All I have is her name—Shuchun. Uncover her family lineage and background details within the hour," Youngrui commanded with authority.


"Yes, Young Master," the guard, momentarily taken aback, swiftly responded. This was a rare instance of his Young Master displaying interest in a young woman. Memories of discussions about marriage floated to the guard's mind—talks of securing a bride even though his Young Master was merely 16, on the brink of turning 17 in three months. Obligations to continue the lineage loomed large, nudging them toward such considerations. He bowed in acknowledgment before departing, halted briefly by a final word from Youngrui.


"Cong, ensure your safety; let no one fathom our presence in the city," Youngrui's tone carried concern, his gaze fixed on the guard.


"Rest assured, Young Master. I shall exercise utmost caution." Even as Cong concluded his vow, he dissolved into thin air, vanishing from sight.


'Today appears to be my fortunate day. Who might you be, Shuchun?' Youngrui mused, a touch of curiosity coloring his thoughts.