Elegance and Altercations

Aunty Meimei carefully retrieved the newest and rarest cloth, a simple yet stunning pink fabric destined for Little Miss Yang. What set this cloth apart was its origin—it hailed from the distant west coast and had demanded over three arduous months to secure. Aunty Meimei's keen eye didn't miss the intriguing detail that beneath the pink fabric lay others, equally rare, as if they were gathered in a secret assemblage. Gently collecting these precious textiles, she went to the store's front.


Watching her sister handling the exquisitely rare fabrics, Aunty Meimei's sister brimmed with curiosity. Who would be the fortunate lady to grace herself with such unique materials? While there were no official promises to hold these clothes for a particular customer, curiosity got the better of her, and she trailed her sister to find out.


"Jie Jie, who are those for?" Aunty Meimei's sister inquired, using the term for 'older sister' out of familiarity.


Aunty Meimei's smile remained unfazed, and she continued her conversation with Little Miss Yang. As she reached her destination, she unveiled a trio of cloth bundles—baby pink, peach, and an ethereal shade so light it could almost be confused for white under the sun's radiant glow.


"Little Miss Yang, these are the finest and rarest clothes our store possesses," Aunty Meimei declared with a flourish, displaying the trio to highlight their complementary harmony. Shuchun's eyes sparkled with excitement; these fabrics and colors aligned precisely with her wishes. Still, she was a careful shopper and wanted to be sure. She wouldn't commit to a purchase unless she was confident she could craft the perfect summer outfit.


"Aunty Meimei, I'm captivated by the colors, and the fabric's texture is just as I prefer. Yet, the pivotal question lingers: Do I hold enough affection for them to warrant the purchase?" Shuchun candidly pondered aloud.


Nona couldn't help but suppress a smirk, familiar with her Young Miss's penchant for voicing her thoughts without hesitation. As amusement danced in her eyes, Nona bit her lip to stifle any laughter, mindful of etiquette.


"Little Miss Yang, you do toy with my heart. Observe this exquisite fabric. Allow me to entice you with matching threads further. Share your desired colors and envisioned design, and I shall procure the finest threads to bring your vision to life," Aunty Meimei offered, her commitment evident. Shuchun's talent in fashion and embroidery was widely known, making her a valued and respected customer.


"Ah, Aunty Meimei, you've taken me amiss," Shuchun gently corrected, her amusement evident as she gestured to herself. Aunty Meimei's puzzled expression prompted her explanation. "I was simply conversing with myself," Shuchun admitted playfully, chuckling alongside Nona and Aunty Meimei. "My musings were for my ears, not meant to dismiss your recommendation or the splendid cloth. I was considering the direction of my next sewing venture." Gazing at the clothes with renewed determination, Shuchun readied herself to confirm her decision to Aunty Meimei. However, their interaction was abruptly interrupted as a new arrival, with her maid in tow, swiftly claimed two rare clothes.


"Excuse me," Lee Liling's voice cut through the air, laced with an attitude of entitlement. "I want to purchase these clothes and arrange their delivery to my residence." Her obedient and swift maid handed over the coveted fabrics to Aunty Meilin, the younger sibling of Aunty Meimei.


"Miss Lee Liling," Aunty Meilin's response held an unwavering air of authority, her tone composed, "I regret to inform you that these specific clothes have already been set aside for Little Miss Yang." Her demeanor remained unruffled, an unspoken understanding of dealing with Liling's haughty outbursts evident. It wasn't the first time Liling had disrupted the shop's tranquility with her high-handed demands, thrusting her status beyond its appropriate bounds. With a graceful gesture, the fabrics seamlessly transitioned into Nona's awaiting hands under Aunty Meilin's expert guidance.


"You—a mere representative of merchants," Liling's words dripped with disdain as her finger pointed sharply at Aunty Meilin, "do you genuinely comprehend the significance of my father's position? A mere snap of my fingers could dictate the destiny of this establishment."


"Miss Lee Liling," Aunty Meimei's measured voice interjected, firm in its delivery, "it appears that your memory might have faltered when it comes to your unsettled account from the previous month's delivery." Her steadfast demeanor was underlined with a touch of reproach, a silent reminder of financial responsibilities hovering unspoken between them.


Lee Liling's presence sparked a spectrum of reactions among the other young ladies present:


"Look, it's Lee Liling causing a commotion again," exclaimed young Lady 1, her voice laced with a sense of weariness.


"Wasn't she barred from entering this establishment before?" questioned Young Lady 2, skepticism coloring her tone.


"She personifies snobbery, arrogance, and an insufferable sense of entitlement," Young Lady 3's words carried a tinge of exasperation, her eyes rolling collectively.


"Can she not grasp the reality that she's nothing more than a merchant's offspring?" scoffed young lady 4, disbelief echoing in her words.


"She's more accurately the offspring of a concubine," Young Lady 1 supplied, a knowing edge to her voice.


"Wait, so she's not even the primary daughter?" Young lady 4's disbelief was palpable.


"She's not even a concubine's descendant. A mere maid's lineage," Young Lady 3 asserted with an air of superiority as if stating a well-known fact.


Liling's cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson, a potent blend of anger, embarrassment, and humiliation burning within her. As she turned to address the peaceful assembly of young ladies exchanging whispers, her fiery emotions were on full display.


Her maid, however, refused to let the incident go unnoticed. She addressed the group with stern authority, "I strongly suggest you cease your groundless gossip. This individual is Lee's Little Miss. Her father will ensure your actions don't go unanswered."


"We're merely speaking the truth," Young Lady 2 retorted, her tone resolute.


"She's right," a chorus of agreement reverberated among the young ladies, a collective steadfastness in their convictions.




Shuchun's fingers traced the threads in her trance as if she were crafting the patterns in her mind. Her brows furrowed as she weighed her choices. After a contemplative pause, her decision was solidified – she resolved to possess the rare pink cloths and the ethereal blue silk. The rich tapestry of Aunty Meimei's displays had ignited an inspiration, a creative urge that seemed to demand these treasures as her own.


"Aunty Meimei, could you kindly arrange to have all these exquisite clothes, along with the threads I've selected, sent to my residence?" Shuchun's request was accompanied by the graceful transfer of threads to Nona, a symbolic gesture of intent.


"Certainly, Little Miss Yang. Rest assured, the items will grace your doorstep before the veil of night descends," Aunty Meimei's voice held warmth and professionalism, a soothing assurance that all would be executed as desired.


Shuchun's gaze swept over the assembly of young ladies, a silent acknowledgment shared amongst them. A subtle nod to Nona communicated her readiness to depart the haven of fabrics and thread, signaling the transition to the next item on her errand list.


"May I inquire, Aunty Meimei, about the sum required for these coveted clothes and threads?" Nona's tone was respectful, her satchel poised in preparation for counting silver coins.


Before Meimei could respond, Liling's disruptive intrusion rents the atmosphere. "You can't sell those to her!" Liling's voice, laced with entitlement, pierced the air. Her accusatory finger pointed towards Shuchun, a gesture of possessiveness fueled by unchecked privilege by her family, who always gave in to her demands as she was the only daughter among her siblings. The spectacle she created drew the collective attention of the store's occupants.


"Miss Lee, your unsettled tab remains at 50 silvers. Little Miss Yang's chosen ensemble of clothes and threads amounts to 20 silvers. Should you wish to claim these wares, resolving your outstanding financial commitments is imperative. Considering the delays, an additional late payment charge of 10 silvers shall apply. Hence, a total sum of 80 silvers is requisite to secure your desired acquisitions." A meaningful gesture towards the cloths, threads, and the exposed pages of the account book accompanied Aunty Meimei's words. Her outstretched hand extended a clear and unspoken message: "Fulfill the financial obligation, and ownership shall be conferred."


Liling and her maid exchanged incredulous glances, their assertion momentarily silenced by the irrefutable facts.


"You're overtly endeavoring to deceive us," Liling's maid leveled her accusation, her finger extending to cast aspersions upon Aunty Meimei's integrity.


"If my intent were fraudulent, might you consider elevating this dispute to a legal forum?" Aunty Meimei's response was accompanied by an imperious incline towards the account book, an implicit invitation for a genuine examination of the records.


"Let us depart, Lingling. We shall undoubtedly locate fabrics elsewhere, where our patronage will be valued," Liling retorted, her chin held high as she pivoted and exited the store, accompanied by her equally indignant maid.


"Little Miss Yang, I lament the necessity for you to bear witness to this untimely disruption," Aunty Meimei expressed a genuine regret, her eyes reflecting the frustration caused by such scenes.


"Please, Aunty Meimei, do not burden yourself with the actions of those whose conduct you cannot control," Shuchun's voice was gentle, her smile a beacon of understanding. As her gaze shifted, it found its counterpart in Aunty Meilin – a silent affirmation of gratitude shared between them. With a courteous inclination, she concluded her presence within the store. With a respectful bow and a handful of silver coins, Nona followed in Shuchun's wake. Aunty Meimei accepted the payment, acknowledging Nona's show of respect. Meilin also bowed, the account book cradled in her arms as she exited the establishment.


"Meilin, I implore you to journey to Mister Lee's abode and deliver to him the prerequisites for settling his daughter's lingering accounts. In the event of non-compliance, apprise him that we shall pursue the course of legal action," Aunty Meimei's instructions were offered with a resolute tone, underscored by passing the account book into Aunty Meilin's custody. Meilin nodded in affirmation and embarked on her mission, the account book serving as a weighty reminder of the situation.




"Shuchun, why didn't you address Miss Lee?" Nona's voice carried a curious undertone as they progressed toward the next destination—the Art store.


"Nona, it's crucial to discern when to engage in conflicts and when to step away from battles that hold no merit," Shuchun's words resonated with wisdom as she approached the vivid displays of paints and brushes.


"I comprehend," Nona responded, her nod conveying understanding. However, some of Nona couldn't help but ponder whether her Young Missus sometimes erred on the side of gentleness, perhaps a tad too hesitant to assert herself. 'She truly mirrors Madam Shan,' Nona mused internally. Delicately attaching a note to the store's wall, she signaled the Yang guards that they had fulfilled their visit.


"How much time until we must return?" Shuchun inquired, her attention absorbed by the kaleidoscopic assortment of paintbrushes and inks.


"We still have an hour or two," Nona estimated, her gaze lifting to gauge the sun's position.


"Very well, after this, let's find sustenance and make our way home," Shuchun resolved, transferring the collection of paintbrushes, ink, and paper into Nona's capable hands. "Kindly see that these reach Uncle Chan for delivery." She gestured toward Uncle Chan, currently engrossed in conversation with other patrons. Shuchun stationed herself outside, awaiting Nona's completion of the transaction.


With funds exchanged and goods relinquished, Nona directed Uncle Chan's attention to their final request: "When time permits, please arrange the delivery of these items to General Yang's residence." A respectful nod and bow punctuated Nona's departure from the store.


"What lies ahead in our itinerary?" Nona inquired, diverting her focus to their imminent plans.


"A meal is in order," Shuchun declared, her tone laced with amusement as a symphony of stomach growls emanated from both her and Nona. The shared laughter served as a bridge, dispersing the brief awkwardness. "Our shopping expedition has officially ignited a rebellion within our stomachs."


"Indeed, a hearty meal is the remedy," Nona agreed, assuming the lead. "Let's not keep our famished stomachs waiting any longer." Shuchun followed in step, and amidst the bustling crowd, the vigilant Yang guards shadowed their Young Miss, steadfast in their protective watch.