
"Hello ladies and gentleman welcome to our first live show of Gun Grail tournaments. We gather all players representative of each countries to join our first tournament of Gun Grail, I hope you all injoy this show." A commenter showed his excited face (๐॔˃̶ᗜ˂̶๐॓) with a booming smile.

"And now we will introduce you'll the maker of this game. He came fram small island Japan his name Mr Takumi Tazuya," the camera man switched the view were the person coming from back door stage and he start waiving his hand. Takumi Tazuya who look like average man where you can see everywhere if you don't pay attention your surroundings. He has glasses, has a beard, waivy hair it look like he didn't brush his hair, but atlist he wear a narmal clothes.

"Hello Mr Tazuya san, I'm McGregor commeter for this show and welcome to our broadcasts live show Seeking 2see" said McGregor commenter. They both shake hands and bow each other.

"Ahh thank you for your having me here in your live show Mr McGregor my name is Takumi Tazuya. Wow you guys look like excited about my game I made and look at this table it felt like we are just in home" Tazuya commented when he saw the foods and.beverages. They both take a sit in big couch like they are in living room in their house. Also table in front of them with bottles of water, two cups. juices, some snacks and fruits.

"Hahaha of course today is a special because of your famous game yo made Gun Grail. Who would not feel excited about tgis if.not being famous in just a years," Mr McGregor laugh "anyway Tazuya san I'm just going to ask you a couple questions for the audience and for all the players who play this game."

"ahh sure sure please ask me anything aslong as I can," Takumi agreed to McGregor who is smiling everytime.

"Thank you Mr Tazuya, here is the first question easy and simple. What make you inspired to make this game? Mr Tazuya." McGregor started the first question amd.of course of our maker game Takumi Tazuya answered rightawat.

"Well it's like this the wolrd is so peaceful even tho some of the country having war but is not that major and I feel like our world the world is getting boring even tho we have so many games we made but it's still not enough to fulfil our boredom. Also we missed something that within our silf and that's being a man. What is that mean? a war, a world war." Takumi Tazuya said who showed a wisdom to all wacthed him. The people who heard him was agreed to him and was disagreed.

"Ohh that a nice comment there Mr Tazuya. Yeah yeah that's right the wolrd was so peaceful so you created this game just for that. But this Gun Grail is just like the same the other shooting game like fps vhr, cod vhr, moba pubg and other shooting games. What is so special of the Gun Grail that has no other made of?"

"What's so special of this game, that is reality. What I'm talking about or means, I'll ask you a question, when you got injured how would you felt, pain right. This game is base on a real-life injures, if you got hit in your arm your arm will disable right away, if your legs both got shot or missing you can't walk and you also will lose a blood if you didn't stop the bleeding. How would you know that you are bleeding or not the screen will showed to you in front of it. But, also we have counter for that as I it's base on real-life you eather burn your skin to stop the bleeding or find the bandage item but also you can use your clothes to temporary stop the bleed within 2 min in games time. When 2 min is over, if you didn't find a fire to burn the bleeding injury or bandage (included stitches) item the bleed will continue. By the way I'll also mentions the game time here. it has a day and night times, within 1 hrs in real life, the game time will have 2 days and 2 nights, 15min for one day and 15min for one night." Tazuya explained, he gave every detail about his game rules.

"Ohh I see so it's base in real life games gehehehe this is exciting, but Mr Tazuya are there a HP that player will know they are losing blood. Also if they got the bandages are they be able regenerate there HP?" McGregor asked also has curiosity about this bandages.

"Nop, as I said is base on real-life but of course not everything is base on real life that is Blood injection item it can able repair the missing part of limbs except if they were cat in half body. But when it come to bandage, as I said it only stop the blood and yes we Hp bar that can truck your life. When the blood stoped the bleed, what ever left in HP bar that would be the leftover of your HP. Oh yeah we have something other than HP that is Stamina and hunger. As I said stamina was base on real life to so.I won't explain this include hunger. Where can you find foods and other item? look around in each house or building there you might item; item also limited in each house you myt find alot or few. Also we have flair gun. remember always point your flair gun up in the sky that way the airplanes supplyer will know your coordinate if not they would not drop your supplies also watch out for the enemy while you waiting for your drop supplies, anything els Mr McGregor" He look to McGregor who was listening his explanation.

"Oh yes I have one more, are their something shrinking circle that way player would not stay long at the game play times." McGregor asked last question.

"Yes, yes we have there is 4 stage the circle will shrunk in 10 min so player have 5 min to run to the safe zone if they don't run to the safe zone they will rapidly lose a HP. Since this the last question I'm just gonna explain the maps, and climates. About the maps, it has 5 kind withen the map that is dessert, jungles, mountains, forests, and town or city include building that has from 1, 2 to 10 floors is good for sniper, you can also can able climb that would be able to climb. it mean this game have unlimited what ever actions you do in game just like in real life. But the guns and ammo will not be included inside the battle ground. When you first register in the Gun Grail the first item you will get is pistol. Where can you buy a guns, there is a market city safe zone lobby it's enough to fit all millions players. This City have a relaxation, mini mission, mini quests and other so that way you can get a money. In the map has a random climate and I don't know whne is came out. But also we have 4 seasons in the maps every weeks the seasons will change in the game, that's where climate came in. it's good right." Takumi Tazuya smiled to the cameras and concluded the game.

"well well thank you Mr Tazuya for uaving has explain your game to us and I hope the player will injoy the game that you made for them, give around applause for Mr Takumi Tazuya and his game Gun Grail." Mr McGregor stood up and start clapping and also the audience. afterwards they shake hand their hands, Tazuya left the stage.

"So you guys what do you think, huh, sweet right but anyway our Gin Grail tournament will start within 30 min. See you guys in the tournament bye bye." and after the t.v. show the ads started about the the Gun Grail trailers.

People around the world was busy there jobs or other thing els. But no one missed this show in Seeking 2see channels eather in t.v., phones, computer and Tv building or buid board. Everyone's was on hype and excited cause it look like around the world was know this game after becoming more famous. People also making the money inside the games eather live or something else, who knows. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ (please support me guyz)